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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. Add an apu accent and say "Thank you and come again"
  2. Are those the .avi files your downloading if so could you pm me the place where your 'you know are getting them from' please. On another note I want to see the new perverted jitsu
  3. ZeldaFreak


    The only complaint that I have when your using the nature techniques they have to be bloody perfect or they don't register it. But apart from that its a damn fine game. Isn't this game based on ancient japanese mythology
  4. Yeah well. Its all about the story in this game, had the same gameplay for all this time if the box ain't broke no need to fix it.
  5. Personally if the head of nintedno UK said this I would be more willing to believe this - however they could charge a premium for these games. Sell them and be able to fund other projects for them so in one word yes come on ninty. However when will we see these games only time will tell
  6. Yeah I saw it last copy on the shelf in a gamestation. God I have been playing Okami all this weekend - what a game. Best game I probably have played on games consoles in years. I have God Hand waiting to be played as well as this friday FF12 On topic: More games have had realease date changes such as dragon ball z -moved to 23/03/07 Also looks like more games I will have to buy damn. :laughing:
  7. No, but sonic hasn't made alot of decent titles from sonic team - and sega in general, getting better now after the merger with sammy but still.
  8. Elebits uses wiiConnect24 not wifi multiplayer totally different dude.
  9. Would sony agree to it nah, as they would have some say because of the license on the game is for ps1, plus too big to download, etc.
  10. Yes they have you need a friend code for the game - its a complete seperate friend code. Standard have been set. I'm not complaing or anything but maybe one number for anything.
  11. Elebits uses WiiConnect24 not online play against another human though And source of that it definately won't
  12. BTW in ONM they have stated that each game, will use friend codes on the wii
  13. Yes they are, because they want to protect you from everybody
  14. Why may I ask would you not want to play with other players and all that shizzle
  15. Chandra Nair is the ecitor of ONM it says so right at the start. And they say in ONM that every Wii Online game coming forward will have their online component like pokemon battle revolution. If anyone can disproove this post a source to where it states this
  16. Reggie said that they could possibly release GBA games on wii in other territories that were only released in Japan ala Mother 3
  17. Probbly when demabds subsidees, or if they release a special edition console pack, ie. Forever Blue with a a Blue Wii. Or a special version like pokemon center edition wii But probably only japan for the later stuff
  18. Nah there not zombies, at halloween in mexico people dress up as skeletons zombies etc. Translated directly from spanish it is "The festival of the dead" So its probably something like that.
  19. Or how about this add a parentel feature in their disable voice chatting to friends only or something like that
  20. isn't this game coming to wii and psp though
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