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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. I never played enough Virtua Tennis 2 so I'm looking forward to this.
  2. Are you using the composite cables? OMG I hate Gran Turismo.
  3. I would buy component cables but I don't want to mess about changing between 360 and PS2.
  4. Still no Worms news? It better not get released before I get my 360 back. That would be bloody typical. Is anyone picking up Virtua Tennis next month?
  5. *Thanks Asda for PS2 sale*
  6. Anyone know where I can get a PS2 RGB cable? It looks well blurry right now on my HDTV. Have to say though, I'm not a massive fan of GT4, and Soul Calibur III is presented really strangely after 1 and 2. Lumines is practically the same as Lumines Live, although I miss HD graphics (weird for a puzzle game). Going to play Okami later I think, although I may wait until after Zelda.
  7. Yeah I think it might be the next PS2 game I get once I get through my big stack of games to play.
  8. Meh, expected really. I enjoyed GameCube while it lasted, but really when you make a purple box to go up against the year old Playstation 2, what are you thinking really? GameCube was still worth it, with games like Monkey Ball, Pikmin, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Viewtiful Joe, the Resident Evil games etc. etc. I'm not bothered if PS2 had more to offer, I still don't know how anyone can say the GameCube was crap.
  9. This new Wii'll be region free as well no doubt...
  10. They wont. Sega are bollocks. It wont be Shenmue 3. It wont be NiGHTs, it wont be Jet Set Radio, it wont be Panzer Dragoon, it wont be Skies of Arcadia 2. Think of what you want it to be, I can gauruntee you it wont be that.
  11. Do it and I sell up and don't buy a new one. I'm not spending all this money only to have a newer version with etter stuff on 5 minutes later. Best be.....
  12. I bought a PS2 today. Tomorrow getting Okami, Soul Calibur III, Gran Turismo 4, and Lumines Plus. Also picked up a Pot Noodle..
  13. Yeah I was gonna ask as well.
  14. I sold it on too soon before I'd given it a real chance. I did enjoy it at first but I didn't play log enough to learn the game. Looking forward to this.
  15. Good point although I always feel the same when buying loads of games. I feel like I should be spending my money on something different. I still don't want spend £425 on a PS3 but this I couldn't turn down.
  16. Absolutely, Dead Rising is crippled by that save system. Hope to have a few co-op games when the 360s back if anyones up for it.
  17. Played some Crackdown and love it just the same as I loved the demo. I wanted to build up my guy and start trying to launch a car into the air but I'm going to have to wait until my 360 gets fixed :'( but I love it so far.
  18. It really does look amazing. I'm not sure whether to get it or not, might leave it a while and then get both God of War games.
  19. Only if you speak Japanese. Cheaper than Wii. Excellent price, but I still couldn't live without the hard drive.
  20. Sounds a bit like Dead Rising tbh.
  21. Good luck to anyone else trying to get one today, my dad said that they told him they'd more than likely sell out by about 11am. Glad I got him to go before work rather than waiting til he got home.
  22. I thought you really liked Viva Pinata? According to Gamespot Jeff Gurstmann (the guy you hate) he says Crackdown will always have the beta no matter when you buy it (obviously only while the beta is available but basically every copy will have it. I got Crackdown this morning as well, going to have a quick play through before packing up my 360 for repair. Shame because I was really enjoying Burnout Revenge last night. Hopefully wont be too long before I get it back.
  23. Well, will you play through FFXII right now? I'd say, if you have the time, get FFXII because from what I know about you, you seem to be into RPGs, if not save it until summer and enjoy blowing stuff up with me in Crackdown
  24. Shit Ratchet and Clank is what I was going to get, knew there was something I'd forgot.
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