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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Do none of you have any control? :p Have a wank 5 minutes before? I'd just advise just enjoy it. Yes it may be over fairly quickly (for some blokes ) but if she knows you're doing it for the first time then she'll understand. Also you can do it a few times. And you can do other things besides intercourse. Getting good will take some practice so don't worry too much at first. Also don't forget the key to greatness...
  2. I know, like some how they're better for owning one console. LOL. As for trophies I'm really not bothered at all. Hope there's some interesting things to do to get them. Thats why I like achievements, I like feeling like something has actually been achieved.
  3. Yay, sounds good. Lol, it's laughable. I kinda realised when I was about 12 that no one really gives a shit which console is better. If you like a console, buy it. If you don't like it sod off and don't.
  4. Thats what I heard. Killzone is looking good, Hopefully the game ends up being good. Question: Is the DS3 really that much of an upgrade from the 6 axis? Having recently complained about the 6 axis I'm wondering if I'd get on more with a DS3.
  5. I know they have fair usage but surely 1GB is a bit tight?
  6. Yeah it's automatically set to renew and there appears to be no way to turn it off without phoning them up. I assumed if you cancelled the card it would just stop your live. I used a 12 month thing off Ebay and the renew date is no longer on there.
  7. What the fuck?! So if you stop paying they don't just cancel your subscription?! Thats bollocks. It pisses me off that there isn't just a 'Cancel' option on the console.
  8. Thats bollocks, how can they advertise it as unlimited with a download limit on it?
  9. Crackdown with Spiderman thrown in would be good.
  10. That looks quality. Really hope this is good!
  11. I find the analogue sticks to be utterly awful. It doesn't make games unplayable but the Xbox controller is much much better. There's no better pad for things like Street Fighter 4 but for stuff like Call of Duty there's no contest IMO.
  12. What, Resistance or the PS3 pad? If you mean the PS3 pad then I beg to differ.
  13. God I hate Resistance. I think it's mostly down the the PS3s truly god awful controller. I just can't aim properly. Ended up out of ammo and dead within 10 minutes.
  14. Halo 3 CoD4 PGR4 Burnout Paradise
  15. Werewolf sections? W.T.F. :-|
  16. Innovation is a bollocks term to use really. Sony did a hell of a lot for gaming with the Playstation and Playstation 2, but what was really innovative? Apple has shaped the way people listen to music with the iPod. but how innovative was it really? A lot of it is just putting together a number of ideas in a way that works brilliantly. Does that count as innovation?
  17. Agree with that, wasn't a massive fan at first but it's really grown on me. Got the album off iTunes today, just getting to the end of my first listen, really liking it a lot. I've always liked Coldplay but never really found many songs I just had to listen to, but this I'm really liking so far.
  18. Check out his games on his profile. There's just 1000, after 1000, after 1000, with a few 200's thrown in. : peace:
  19. I'm happy to wait a good few years yet before having to go out and buy new consoles again. I mean PS3 is only really getting going after a slow start, there's still plenty that can be achieved with the Wii, and Xbox 360 has only just started to get over the hardware problems.
  20. That's embarrassing. Proof at last that Star Wars is evil. I'm not buying this.
  21. Should be better than the slightly rubbish gamer pictures that are available at the moment.
  22. Thats quite poor. My copy of Resistance is getting dispatched first class on Monday morning.
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