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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. First impressions are that I'm not disappointed. DK feels very weighty, the 3D effect is well judged, the amount of superfluous explosions, etc. going on is enticingly great, and it feels a lot like the wonderful Donkey Kong Jungle Climber (DS) to me, so that's a massive bonus. Finished the 1st 3 stages and already I can see that this is going to be one hard-arsed game to 100%. The return of Rambi is so cool.
  2. Got my Free download code on hold ... now I join the waiting game with everybody else, dum, dumm, dumm ti duummm.
  3. I know we are to boycott EA, but this has been reduced to 24.98 at The HUT. That's the first discount I've seen for this game. Find here; http://www.thehut.com/games-wii-u/mass-effect-3-special-edition-wii-u/10617720.html
  4. Well, ordered it, but they add 20% VAT on top of the 29.99, making it 34.98. When did that start? Edit: Looks like after it went through, it then changed the price back to 29.99 and said the 5 pound VAT is included in the purchase price now??? WTF.
  5. Want to order this from GAME, but via a digital download code. They only have the cartridge ones and I can't preorder a code. Wonder if they'll have the codes for this and future games? and if so, when? I thought it would be easy to preorder codes and then they deliver it to your inbox at midnight.
  6. Why would they be making games for the Wii U. I thought they said the console was 'crap' and Nintendo are walking dead. Morons. Good luck selling anything on the Wii U now. If WiiU becomes the best selling console this generation, wow have they shot themselves in the foot.
  7. Haven't tried the Royal Ludroth yet (water based I suppose?) Yeah the coatings are good, but seem to have little effect on the bigger guys, they work great on a Great Jaggi (exhaust coat will really take it out of him and he'll just stand there panting for a minute, and then is the time to get up close and personal. You can swipe attack with the arrows too). I'm very unpredictable in my play times too, plus my internet connection's not too great (slow upload speed), but I'll be on tomorrow and Thursday from about 1:00 pm (your time) for about 2 hours max. Weird times right. Over the weekend I'll shout my times out when I know.
  8. Yeah, that Barroth is a beast. Tried this yesterday with the bow, and had the same problem, not enough time, will try him again with my new shiny sword. I will take down the big new monsters with the sword whilst upgrading my bow to catch up in power terms with other weapons, then watch me go.
  9. Just beat the Qurupeco, but had to change my weapon to do so. Been solely focused on the bow up until recently, but realised that even though my skills are good, not getting hit, hitting my target speedily and accurately with powered up shots, I was always running out of time. Then, checking the Attack Strength of the bow to find out it is a relatively weak weapon. So, I picked up a Great Sword, upgraded twice and the Attack power is now 5 times that of the bow. Went to Qurupeco and took him down no problems. It's just that the Sword is so slow and takes some getting used too. @Rummy Those books allow you to view statistics and Info. about the monsters, by pressing the '-' button and then bringing up the monster info sub heading. You can search this prior to a hunt to get the low down on the hunted. It would be so cool if you could use the Gamepad to take a photo of the monster mid-fight and add it to this list. Bit of Pokemon Snap style.
  10. 29.99 at The Hut as well. Good price for an awesome racer.
  11. Wow, this game can't get any cheaper can it. Now 12.99 at The Hut http://www.thehut.com/games-wii-u/darksiders-2-wii-u/10481347.html
  12. Whatever you do, don't follow the shit load of advice you get on the internet about smearing peanut butter/toothpaste/low abrasive cleaning product/enter some random household cleaning product or food here, on your CD/DVD etc. Tried this out on an old DVD and it makes it far worse in all ways, and beyond all repair. I did then buy a DVD cleaning device that you wind manually after adding an alcohol based cleaning liquid to the disc, and it worked a treat (except for the damaged beyond all repair DVD). Will try to find a link later. Here; http://www.amazon.co.uk/CAPITAA-EXP-01-28-2010-DISC-RESTORER/dp/B001C1LJII/ref=tag_stp_s2_edpp_url There is plenty of choice and some are better than others I should imagine.
  13. I pretty much agree. The problem is that the 'casual' gamer buying these FPS' left, right and centre only sees graphics. Just like buying a book because of its cover, if it looks good it must be good. Taking this problem further in that the 'casual' FPS gamer doesn't play any other games (apart from FIFA, maybe a 3rd person shooter) so they are blissfully ignorant of the significantly better gameplay in other 'hardcore' titles. It's the Michael Bayification of the Gaming World. Boom, bang-a, bang, boom, visual explosive shooting porn with little emphasis on the use of intellect, empathy, sympathy, intelligence to enact a solution to a problem. Problem, boom, man drops dead, what problem? Exactly what needs to change in such games, intelligent design for intelligent gamers and gaming. If Christopher Nolan can do it for movies why can't someone do it for gaming, but then again I happen to think Nintendo do do it on a regular basis. I just wish sometimes they'd do it in a more mature setting with life changing choices implemented into the fabric of a game.
  14. The best party game on WiiU ATM is NintendoLand, which will be added to when Game and Wario releases in July.
  15. Doesn't 'look' any different than a beautiful looking Tank!Tank!Tank!, with a smattering of Wonderful 101 thrown in for good measure, but I'm only basing my judgement off that one picture.
  16. No release date for Deus Ex. Couple of months back Squenix said that it was coming soon. Their definition of soon is vastly different from mine.
  17. The highlight for me was the Wonderful 101 Logo, damn gorgeous.
  18. Basically Pikmin 3 on July 26th.
  19. I'm hoping for a little info., maybe a release date of Deus Ex.
  20. If you catch all the Boo's within a level, a new extra level appears after the boss level select. This level is a time trial of catching a certain number of ghosts as fast as you can. There is a 'time trial' level within each and every mansion. Unfortunately, though, there are no online leaderboards, which would have been perfect for this.
  21. Same here, the price will have to drop below 20 quid before I even consider it.
  22. Funnily enough took him on myself yesterday. Ran out of time though, I was too busy dodging that other dragon's attacks. At one point I thought the Qurupeco was a gonna, it must have dropped to the ground 6 times in area 5, only to fly off to area 8, by the time I got there it looked as good as new and my arrows seemed to be having little effect. Oh well, next time it is. Awesome stuff though.
  23. I played the demo and have some issues with it myself. The 3DS version nailed the atmosphere, it was dark and nerve-racking around every corner. I remember the Ooze being surprising difficult to kill the first time encountered due to the power of the handgun. This, Wii U, version however, seems to totally lack the same sense of danger in two respects. The visuals in HD are too light and clear. Sure it looks crisp and Jill's arse is still perfectly rendered, but there is no impending feeling of horror due to some fault in their choice of lighting the level. I don't know if this is also related to having played through it before. The second issue was that the Ooze dropped too easy. Get to the room where you meet dead Rachael, in the 3DS version, and the 2 Ooze were difficult to kill and made you have to dodge because there was no time to kill them before they reached you. The Wii U version, however, I killed both Ooze befoire they even made it around to my side of the central table. This was on Normal difficulty. The demo, therefore, felt more like a run and gun version (Raid Mode) rather than the far superior Horror version of the 3DS.
  24. Wow, is this going for a 15 or 18 certificate. Phoenix looks like he's about to confound the defence with an obscenity. "I assert that the existence of this 'Bu(llshit lying scumbug's evidence is ...)...'"..cool
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