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Everything posted by edza

  1. Added ya back dude, cya online.

  2. Added @kav82 @\-Dem0\- @ReZourceman @Dav.dek @Cube @Aneres11 @darksnowman My code is 2921-9074-7598
  3. If I could thank that post, I would
  4. Some of them were put behind bars alright; the most famous being this lovely character... The Irish bishops are actively campaigning to make sure that the reports that are out right now are the only ones that will appear even though there are calls for investigations into every parish by many notable commentators here. The "little people" don't matter at all to the vatican hierarchy and never have. All that is important to them is the indoctrination of Africa and non-developed nations across the world as it's easy to believe a beardy guy in the sky is going to treat you to eternal happiness if your current life is full of hopelessness. There's a time and a place for "magic, unicorns and the supernatural" and that's in videogames, not in real life.
  5. I'm from Ireland and religion always used to be "just catholic" here. I went to a primary school where everyone did their communion and religion class was presented as facts. I went to a convent for secondary school and while the majority of teachers were not nuns, it was run by a religious order of some kind. That's the main problem here. Something like 92% of schools in this country are still run by religious orders (both primary and secondary) and the reason for this goes back to the establishment of the state in the 1920s. The vatican had a serious hold on the powers that be here and "instructed" catholicism to be inserted into the constitution. Such was the hold on the country, that priests and bishops had seniority over the police (Gardaí) and even politicians. It was for this reason that they got away with so much and why the 8% of the clergy in Ireland fiddled children and were just moved to another parish to rape and molest other children. Hardly any of this was ever reported to the police and when it was, the victims were made out to be scum who were just attacking the holy church. Some were made to sign documents to ensure they never spoke about the abuses they encountered and this was facilitated by the bishops on orders from the vatican. Even up to 2008, the vatican was instructing bishops and clergy to not report anything to the police in case it may damage the church, citing "canon" law as being superior to our states own. Things are changing though. With the several reports on the abuses being published in the last few years, the true horror of what happened has come to light. There are many more to come and the vatican is doing all it can to make sure there are no further ones into a lot of other parishes but they can't stop that now. Our education minister is openly atheist and has stated that his main aim is to wrestle control of our schools back from the religious orders. Our Taoiseach (Prime Minister) was the first world leader to attack the vatican in a stirring speech in July in which he highlighted the 'dysfunction, disconnection, elitism and narcissism that dominate the culture of the vatican to this day.' He pointed out the culture of covering up the abuses and treatment of victims that sickened even him, a devout practising catholic. From the last census, people of "no religion" are now the second most populous type in Ireland (to be confirmed in March 2012) compared to the catholic number. This is going to vastly change when mostly old people who identified themselves as catholic die out over the next few years. My own view would be that all religions should be taught in schools to enable an understanding of other cultures. It would also make kids think when they see how much religions have in common and where they originated. Mithras, for example, being a Persian god in 600 BCE who was known by his 12 apostles as the son of god, born on December 25th, died and was resurrected three days later...guess who stole that idea 600 years later...or rather 900 years later when the Roman Emperor Constantine put the christian bible together from all the different stories and legends. Religion does fascinate me but for different reasons than those that have "faith". I'm more interested in the neurological and sociological reasons why cavemen or bronze age shepherds thought there were other worldly influences on their lives. Our brains are hard wired to pattern match and when we don't know how or why something happens, what I call the Polyfilla Effect comes into play. "I don't know how this works so therefore, god did it - that fills the gaps". I'll leave you with a quote from the pope himself when he was a cardinal; a perfect example of what religion is really about. “The Christian believer is a simple person: Bishops should protect the faith of their little people against the power of intellectuals” - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
  6. Just saw the flooding in the Philippines - hope none of your extended family or friends were affected Mokong! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16235672
  7. I was at the one in Dublin I think in 2009. Came away all hopeful for humanity. Everyone should watch these vids as they really do show the human race for what it can be, bleedin awesome. ....and when you're finished with them, watch Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman and even Brian Cox (who is as close to Sagan as we have right now).
  8. He would have loved this... http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/25-dumbest-reactions-to-godisnotgreat
  9. I've read most of his books, watched most of his debates and drank a lot of his favourite whiskey. He's in my top three favourite authorities on life (Carl Sagan and Robert Pirsig being the others) and will be missed. He was much more of a mans man compared to the likes of Dawkins and his wit will always be legendary. His distaste for the belief in magic in all it's forms mirrored my own and even though his wordplay was poetic in shape and sophisticated in form, his points were always understood with clarity. No doubt some religious, who disliked him pointing out absurd things in their beliefs, will probably say a prayer for him tonight....while trying hard to ignore the fact that there are actual unicorns in the bible.
  10. Ours is in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. I'm not going though for a few different reasons: 1) I see enough of these people during the week 2) I'm unlikely to get the pink pass for the night anyways with the kids succumbing to chickenpox. 3) I got my serious drinking session in a short while ago at an industry awards ceremony where I got my tux out. Hope everyone has a good time at theirs and also, happy chrimbo all!
  11. Nice couch Mokong! Although in fairness, I was a bit...
  12. Here's my code: 2921-9074-7598 I'll go through the thread and add everyone tonight. Cheers
  13. edza

    F1 2011

    So did anyone get it? Got 81% in ONM and there's one youtube review that's pretty glowing but that's about it. Am very tempted as I'm a big F1 fan but...lack of reviews is worrying. Also, if fek all peeps get it, I caould be waiting ages to race someone online.
  14. Missed that bit, cheers!. So that's next wednesday eh...damn. I'm flying that day; hope I can get free wifi at the airport.
  15. I saw an ad on tv last night showing the 3-d video feature - anyone know when this is being released in the big update? Also, where's our ambassador GBA games?
  16. Congrats dude, smashin spirit-raising story! I did the proposal thing at 30,000 feet over the atlantic a few years ago and it's a nervous time indeed but I'd say you're glad the plan is all out in the open now. Also smashin news on the land...."it's good to have land"
  17. Rest of the room is just a couch and a coffee table right now. Got the idea of the backlit frame from the DIY forum on avforums.com and build it on the cheap here with a load of 2x4s, mdf panels, xmas rope lights and some velvet covering. Think it only cost me about 80 quid apart from the screen and projector and was pretty easy to put together.
  18. ...and on the third day, the thread was resurrected...by a forum noob. My room of fun, solace and noise. Back lighting:
  19. Too busy in work to get it at lunch so it looks like I might end up getting it Monday. Looking forward to hearing your opinions lads, those that have it.
  20. How so Kev?
  21. Hi, got one reserved in Game in Tallaght - they apparently have a load of them there. You're in Waterford though yeah? They have them in the Limerick store as well but that's a distance to be travelling to get a copy I suppose. edit: ...and yeah, I'll be watching the match first...forgot the late kick-off time..
  22. So anyone got it yet? Gonna bite the bullet and get it at lunch. Won't be playing it 'til after nine though
  23. Just been in Game and took the display box for it to the counter only to be told "ah, actually this is out tomorrow" There was a brief pause before he remembered....fekker...
  24. I despise rage quitters, especially when they were host. Mind you, if they don't distinguish from modem drops then this is a bit worrying. Don't know if I'll be getting this tomorrow but I will eventually. Given the initial two weeks of server issues for every CoD game on Wii so far, I might stay away until I know there's no problems. My gaming time is somewhat limited anyway though so it's this or F1 2011 on 3DS I have to make a decision on.
  25. I'm liking them too - they do seem to be a lot bigger than the ones in BO with lots of them with good long distance shooting opportunities, something I was pretty good at with a heavy machine gun, steady aim and hardened pro perks
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