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Everything posted by edza

  1. I've no doubt it could be better if it was built from the ground up for Wii but given it's a speedy port, I'm surprised this level made it. I saw a preview of this on the more powerful consoles and was well impressed but they seem to have parred it down so that the frame rate keeps up.
  2. Cheers dude, will just have to wait 'til then so. EDIT: Liking the look of this level - looks like a mix of my previous fave CoD levels. ...and more 1-p....nice
  3. Some 1-P footage....looks better than BO already with none of the frame rate issues noticed thus far. So anyone know for certain when it's out here? (Irl)
  4. Cheers for the heads-up, great tune tho.
  5. Cheers dude, it was a toss-up between him and Richard Feynman but Carls voice just pipped it
  6. I have arrived. After years of using this site, I'm finally registered. Met some of the admins here at the "Toys4BigBoys" thing in Ireland just before the Wii was released and was active on a few older Ninty forums in the past. Been a Ninty fanboy since I got my first SNES and have a collection of Ninty consoles that I've never wanted to part with. Currently playing StarFox 3DS. So how'r'ya all, nice to see you!
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