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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Was always going to be retail for me. Although in general I'd agree. I've heard nothing but positives from this so far across many websites/forums/social media etc.
  2. Some more great reactions in here: I know a lot of people love Mega Man, but I didn't know they loved him THIS much.
  3. Pikmin Ship, Blue Falcon, Master Sword, ? Block, Blue Pikmin Hat & a Metroid.
  4. That would be nice. Female villager as an alternate costume?
  5. Just look at that smile... But we all now what's hiding behind that happy demeanor!
  6. What about the knee? :p Teach em a lesson, Captain! #KneedOutOfSmash
  7. They can't even retract properly. This is just so stupid. You can still accomplish those goals without used game DRM. It's just so stupid. Something so basic is so hard for them. Actually I shouldn't be surprised. This is coming from the company (via Mattrick) that said backwards compatibility is backwards...
  8. Pokemon Trainer will most likely stay. Maybe based on the new starters perhaps? I for one can't stand that floating fart
  9. Saw it on Twitter and summed it up well. Xbox 180.
  10. Which is why I'm expecting Mewtwo's Return
  11. These D/C's .... *sigh* OK, that's it. 3rd Disconnection in about 50 minutes. Sorry @Ike, @Rummy & @Ville. This wasn't how it was meant to go.
  12. About to switch the 3DS on now. Will open the gates in a 5-10 minutes.
  13. Go to the counter in the top-left hand corner in the room. Choose to go home from there.
  14. I caught a wild Ronnie! :awesome: Yeah, sorry there. We waited around 10-15 minutes for one more but nobody showed so me, welsh & paul left for the island. Just finished now.
  15. Koizumi: http://www.n-europe.com/news/koizumi-teases-a-new-announcement
  16. There was never any doubt really. They probably just took it out from the demos so that it didn't interrupt people's first experience of the game. I still think it's easier to recover on the home consoles though. Bigger tracks, more racers (Wii & Wii U) etc.
  17. Finally got an Axe!!! I bought it from the new Garden Shop that just opened.
  18. Probably an hour on both times. Yes, I would really like some peaches too!
  19. Discuss it all here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37349
  20. I'm opening my gates at 6:00pm and probably once more at 8:00pm if anyone's interested. Will be going to the island. My native fruit are apple, although if you're lucky you may find some oranges. Oh yeah, it's raining too.
  21. Thanks! I swear, I learn something new about Animal Crossing everyday!
  22. At least it will give many people the chance to try it out. Like myself!
  23. Welp, got booted @RedShell. Lost some of the lovely fish too
  24. This guys reaction was great.
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