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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Not me, I just keep getting Scatterbug after Scatterbug after Scatterbug etc.
  2. Fortunately for me CEX & GAME are only 2 minutes apart. I always use price matching as you get a much better deal. @Debug Mode there was a red aura around you on my PSS. What does that mean?
  3. I for once went with the popular choice, Charmander. It was the starter that had the coolest Mega-evolution.
  4. He's a bit preoccupied
  5. Managed to catch it just before I went to bed last night. Caught him on route 5 at night.
  6. Try up on the Dpad + B + X.
  7. X has arrived. Won't play it until later in the evening though.
  8. "Pic of the day. The shield that can deflect things with a little "clunk!" is still around. There's a slight reaction to the impact this time, so brace yourself."
  9. So they managed to cut off 40hrs without removing any content? Surprising to say the least. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/10/09/bravely-default-sequel-completion-time-lowered-70-30-hours/
  10. One Piece Chapter 724 (Yeah, I caught up)
  11. My sis decided to pre-order Y yesterday and it was dispatched today. On Serebii's current status, I think he left his house and went on a man-hunt for all of Royal Mail's foot soldiers within a 20 mile radius. He means business.
  12. -Dem0-

    Unfortunately I ran into some spoilers yesterday so I had no choice but to start reading the One Piece Manga again to reduce the risk of me encountering any more spoilers.

    Anyway I went from 708 to 720 since yesterday.


    You was right man, this stuff is GOOD! I think I'm going to take a break here and try and build up once more. I really like marathoning fast-paced, mid-arc chapters together. Everything flows so smoothly.

    I don't know what to do when it comes to being spoiled, I make sure that I don't visit any forums/websites/discussions/reviews etc so I make all the precautions, but even then I'm spoiled.


    Oh and by the way Rebecca looks like Nami only with really long hair. I'm guessing that she's a blond though.

  13. Well I just got a text message from ShopTo. X has been dispatched. Nice.
  14. Hey I'm not complaining about the price here, in fact I normally don't. I think £40 is just fine considering the experience that I'm going to get out of it. In short I was alluding to the fact that different people have different budgets for many different reasons, so when someone says it's too expensive for themselves what else could they do about it? Besides posting his opinion here may serve a purpose too. If someone manages to come across a slightly better price in the run up to release they might remember f00had's post and link him towards the deal.
  15. Aha! So has mine!
  16. Yup. Pre-ordered X with Shopto.
  17. I think f00, along with everyone else is entitled to their own opinion and if he thinks it's too expensive, then it's too expensive.
  18. Still no update on my pre-order, but who knows, maybe it can all happen tomorrow.
  19. How is The Hut on pre-orders anyway?
  20. ...I haven't read One Piece since early May and as for Naruto I stopped at Chapter 623. The only thing I look forward to now are the colour spreads, but they've been few and far between. I've got a question about the latest One Piece colour spread though.
  21. Ah right, well I totally missed this bit of news
  22. New piece of artwork houses some spoilers on the different worlds in the game.
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