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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Quite the range of review scores. Still some of the previews I've seen are the mirror opposites of reviews.
  2. "Pic of the day. We have absolutely nothing to announce today regarding Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Really!" Xerneas will be joining the Poke Ball roster then.
  3. Fire Water Grass Electric Dragon Ground/Rock/Steel/Fight The first five are normally present, but this really depends on the actual Pokemon that makes the team.
  4. Only ever caught one shiny mon. It was a shiny Male Tranquil but I thought the other colour was just the female version. Anywho, long story short I released it.
  5. I would never use stuff like that to store my games. I just can't. On a side note here's a little Miiverse post from Aonuma (mainly for those without a Wii U).
  6. This is probably the reason: So then it should be up early morning I think.
  7. Lost World has just arrived. Think I'll save this one until after my train-filled day.
  8. I miss my Eelektross. Do you guys have any other Electric type recommendations?
  9. You people and your wonder trades...
  10. Pretty much this. I'm lucky to still have a few siblings/friends available to play with though. We can at least expect a more robust and stable online infrastructure with the next Smash Bros., and I'm pretty sure that this is where some of Namco Bandai's expertise can come into play.
  11. ^ Tried and tested formula.
  12. to be released in Japan on 7th of November. Includes a downloadable copy of the game. Priced at 19,800 yen.
  13. "Pic of the day. A panoramic view of Skyloft, a location that we've seen since the first announcement of the game. You fight landing on the various platforms."
  14. The only Xclusive I have is Mega Charizard X Are you interested in a Bagon?
  15. For some unknown reason I never added you back. It is done.
  16. One more great game for 2014.
  17. I'll take this one then. I'm pretty sure we've already exchanged FC's. Name is Mohamed.
  18. If it's not too much trouble I would also like a Fennekin please.
  19. Since they're not bundling the physical game, they may as well start including an AC adapter with those Xls. That console looks great though.
  20. I have no qualms when it comes to how people play their own video games. Now... As far as battles go, I'm not ready to have them yet. I've only just finished the 3rd Gym.
  21. "Pic of the day. Surpass the speed of sound! Become a star!" I think some people will be waiting to see how these games actually interact with each other before committing to both. Although I'm getting both regardless.
  22. Oooo, sounds good. I'll do it too! Just caught a male & female Gible on Route 10.
  23. *Changes pre-order*
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