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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Siliconera
  2. http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=177247 Australian site: EDIT: The system update is live, took about a minute to update.
  3. I'm sticking to my pre-order, it's going to be fun, and I like to a great variety of games.
  4. Anyone out there with a 3DS who doesn't have Uprising, found a good price from Amazon for £22.95. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002I0EMBI/ref=nosim/?tag=hotukdeals-21 Similarly The Hut also has it for the same price, but with it you also get the download code for 'Myths & Monsters'. http://www.thehut.com/games-3ds/kid-icarus-uprising-includes-free-game-and-3ds-stand/10300633.html?affil=awin&awc=2547_1337004437_e3afaec63f7371f77f677465d8a59861&utm_source=AWin-47868&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=AffiliateWin btw @welsh_gamer are you Rhys135?
  5. Indeed, it's really good to see the eShop doing well. hopefully next week will make it four good weeks in a row.
  6. Your avatar is all kinds of awesome... just had to say it.

  7. eShop Update May 17 2012. 3DS DS (Download Software) Bird Mania 3D (Teyon) It's the cheapest 3DS Download Software so far with a £1.80/€2 price tag. I thought that it was going to be a game to ignore, but as I had previously found out, that isn't the case. For those yet to have read Nlife's review here it is. http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/bird_mania_3d 3DS VC Kirby's Dream Land 2 (Game Boy, Nintendo). The sequel to Kirby's Dream Land is here for £3.60/€4 3DS Demo Rayman Origins. Hell yeah, played it on both the Wii & 360. I really enjoyed this game, can't wait to see how the 3DS versions plays out. Looks like a really good week. I might get em' all. BTW I Haven't heard or seen anything about the MK7 patch yet.
  8. I see where you coming from maidenbeats. In this day and age applications & social-networking are the basics when it comes to handheld devices, you can tell that the 3DS doesnt provide this well enough. The 3DS is different, in a good way (imo). I say let your phone, tablet & laptop do those other generic things and just look at the 3DS in a different perspective. There are already some awesome games available to purchase both through retail & the eShop, and there are many more awesome games yet to come. The 3DS provides experiences that you may not find on other hand-held devices through its games.
  9. I was originally hoping that the multiplayer was the 'stand-out' part of the game, it looks as though that is the case. But really I'll wait for some more reviews/impressions etc.
  10. I meant in terms of close finishes. City & Utd had the same number of points.
  11. @khilafah if you want to get PES 2012 for 3DS, then GAME have it in stock for £19.99 (New & Preowned). if you had PES 2011 for the 3DS then this is pretty much the same game. Except the Menu has been improved, I think there are a few more modes, and of course now there's online play. PES 2011 was a solid football title, I had had it and enjoyed it (60hrs). I've had this for a few weeks now and I can say that its still a solid football game with online, I'd recommend it. http://www.game.co.uk/en/pro-evolution-soccer-2012-155442?pageSize=20&categoryIdentifier=29510&attributeName1=Price%20Range_EN_GB&attributeValue1=7
  12. And they said Anfield 89 couldn't be beat... as soon as Aguero scored the roof blew off the house. you could hear Martin Tyler's commentary from our next door neighbours. it was nuts. Was also great to see Arsenal take 3rd. Not so good for Bolton: I originally wanted Bolton & Wigan to stay up. btw, I was laughing at Barton's attempt at headbutting Kompany!
  13. Talk about being on the 'Brink'. it looks as though the multiplayer mode (especially online) is where all the fun is. I'll have to wait a bit more.
  14. thanks for the clarification. Looks like Japan has only 3 more weeks to claim their 'free' Marth DLC (ends 31st May). I don't know if this was mentioned before but how long will DLC be provided.
  15. Are the new artists you mentioned before drawing all character designs? Ephraim looks really close to his original SS art, minus the 'new' Armour. He's looking mighty icy. EDIT: was just checking the JP site, noticed 4 stars underneath his profile... what are these stars for? I checked the other DLC characters; Elincia had 3, Micaiah, Alm & Leaf 2, Roy & Marth with 1.
  16. Your welcome, I think you get the 'thanks' button after 50 posts.

    Just in case no one's said it, welcome to the forums! :)

  17. Source. Mario Tennis Website.
  18. They already looked hideous before...but DAMN, it appears as though they've become even more deformed.
  19. They'll replace it with more colours come E3.
  20. Good thing I searched for this thread. Anyway The website is here. - in the year 2031, mankind has created a 2000 meter "Space Elevator" in Tokyo Bay - Eighteen years prior, a great disaster known as "Lost Hole" caused destruction to the city - Tokyo is now developing into an even larger, more modern city - game starts with announcer Hina Fushimi conducting an interview with once great scientist Kyugo Shindo - the research facility the two are in suffers a sudden explosion - further explosions could lead to a 50 kilometer blast zone - Mikoto: A high school girl who appears before each of the five main characters. Mikoto appears slightly different to each character - Hina Fushimi: An idol female announcer who's out for the scoop on the mysterious terrorist known as Dokuro the Beast - Yuri Fukase: A top student who has a major secret a past incident - Soma Kamiya: A top detective with the police. His wife and children are taken hostage, and he's ordered to perform a terrorist act. - Kyugo Shindo: A once great physicist who defrauded people of investment money claiming that he was making a time machine - Ressentiment: A thirty-year-old's father stopped giving him his allowance, and his girlfriend of five years broke up with him. He refers to himself as a hero. - features a Quick Time Event system. some artwork. I really want to see this game come to the west.
  21. Makes sense, It's just that I normally like to play VC at night, usually in bed. it just adds to that 'Retro' feel. EDIT: Totally forgot that VVVVVV is out today, I'll be getting it, when? I don't know. I still want to get Kirby's Block Ball, Myths & Monsters & Metroid II. Anyway I just found a nice little treat... Nintendo. Instadownload. The eShop seems to be picking up some more speed. With VVVVVV today and Dream Land 2 & Bird Mania 3D next week. Another EDIT: Jools talks about different topics, meeting people, trips, Mutant Mudds 2, Bomb Monkey, ATV Wild Ride 3D, mentions (does not discuss) that he has some new ideas, working on unknown eShop titles, wanting to go multi-platform in order to raise further finance for future eShop titles. Sadly he thinks that Mutant Mudds will be released Mid-late June. But he's a really cool guy. I've quickly become a fan. Can't wait to see what he shows at E3.
  22. Pat Rice is going to leave AFC at the end of the season, he's been sensational, a real legend. Will be sorely missed.
  23. Just out of curiosity, do you often play VC at night? Nintendolife review for Game & Watch Gallery 2. Good to see a GBC game priced at £3.60. It's on my 'watch list'.
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