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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I think that trailer looked really nice, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this.
  2. A bunch of new screen-shots can be found here.
  3. Yeah this game along with Mario Tennis Open will be hella fun, what happened to your internet connection?
  4. What will the game use at least 16gb of memory for?
  5. The headset is now £14.99, it was originally £24.99. http://www.play.com/Games/DS/4-/24266395/Officially-Licensed-3DS-Stereo-Chat-Headset/Product.html?_%24ja=tsid:11518|cat:24266395|prd:24266395
  6. So this integration between the WiiU & 3DS is going to be a BIG thing indeed. what do you think this 'Central axis' could be? I can't wait for the days when we start hearing tiny tidbits of news and visit various websites and forums. I'm hoping for another SmashDojo!
  7. Maybe they got their back-sides handed to them by the CPU? I'd like to know why as well. hmmm.
  8. Indeed it was, I've already sent it to everyone on my friend list!
  9. You're right about keeping it 'interesting' Ike, I kept the 3DS downloads on the homescreen, although there's not much there it allows me to zoom in and enjoy the bigger icons. @darksnowman was you aware that you was moving a 'gift'? or do you know what's inside? it did make me laugh though!
  10. Last I heard, Autumn 2012.
  11. No problem, to answer your questions. I think I got it from someone on my friend list who lives in the states.
  12. *GAAAAAAAAAAAAASP* HELL NO! Falco is cool and awesome and cool and awesome and I mastered him in the two previous Smash titles, in my eye's he's now a staple! Just look at this guy! Some pretty good choices there! especially Lady Lyndis & Waluigi, Waluigi's assist trophy gave me an ass-kickin' at times, if he's in then it will add to the craziness that Wario brought to the table.
  13. Was there ever any doubt? FE ROCKS!, but it's not just Fire Emblem, look at the other 3DS software aswell, and as Aaron mentioned it sold more than all the other titles in the top 20 combined. smashing!
  14. Instead of DeDeDe (don't really like him) I'd much prefer other Kirby characters like Knuckle Joe & Magolor. Staple characters aside I think people in general want to see more different characters with weird & wonderful movesets, so cutting and replacing characters, in the end depends on the size of the roster they want to go with.
  15. I don't think King De De De will make a return, I agree with you hamish. Wolf returning? don't think so, but what about a straight replacement with another Starfox character like Krystal? I'd like to see little Mac, or maybe even knuckle Joe. From Fire Emblem; instead of having two Lords how about Krom with a Mage? or a Knight? What do people think about Sora from KH and Amaterasu from Okami? I still want snake to be in the game, but this time he could have another MGS character accompanying him in the form of Raiden. On the point of Lucario, I don't think he'll be coming back, nor do I think Mewtwo will return, I think we might see another Pokemon in a similar vein as Mewtwo/Lucario, I don't mean type or moveset wise but in physique.
  16. I think that would be a really good idea, a lot of gamers found out what Fire Emblem & Earthbound was thanks to Smash Bros. This then made those gamers see where these characters originated from, played those games and now they want to see more Fire Emblem & Earthbound titles. Considering how popular the franchise is, we could very well see more 3rd party characters being included. perhaps characters that have been forgotten recently would benefit the most by being included in the roster. Imagine the reception that Megaman would get from being an unlock-able character in the next Smash! that may in turn lead to a much greater demand for Capcom to start delivering some MM goodness!
  17. Give Pokemon Trainer more Pokemon to choose from, I don't know like maybe 6? like a proper Pokemon party, but that would be too advantageous. They need to keep snake in the next smash though, he's a beast.
  18. "Nintendo Zone is a free location based, interactive service that allows you to access exciting content including upcoming trailers of games in 2D and 3D, product information, 2D and 3D screenshots, Nintendo 3DS game demos and free video clips." Haven't tried it yet, but I will on my way to uni tomorrow. Don't know what kinda stuff is on the Zone, but it's a shame nonetheless, is Ireland not part of the EU Nintendo? or are there some other factors that I just don't know. @Dcubed There's over 400 stores across the UK I think, what would be creepy is if we live near the same one!
  19. I won't be surprised, but the next Smash Bros. will probably be released around mid 2015, so I won't give a damn about cave story.
  20. I've got two Nintendo zone hotspots close to my home. first it's Phones4u thats about 4 minutes away, then Pizza express thats around 15 minutes away. pretty cool.
  21. YAY! Frank West, he was my favourite character in TvsC! Full scans.
  22. I would say 360, The games are pretty much the same across both platforms, bar a few exclusives. The games I want to play on the PS3 are the MGS games. seeing as the HD Collection came to 360 & Metal Gear Rising is coming to 360 then I'm fine, plus the PS controllers are horrendous! except for the D-pad.
  23. Patching is most definitely important, btw how's your homescreen looking Ike? I've cut the Downloadables into 5 Folders. GB/GBC. NES. Advance GBA. SEGA GG. Demo's & Trailers. Liking the eShop a bit better too, definitely beats having everything in one line.
  24. It happens, I think we'll be getting it (Wario Land 2) in the coming months. It's worse for NA, they still haven't got Wario Land!
  25. "My parents threw me the greatest party ever, next time your all invited!" ...I tried.
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