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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Villa have approached Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and talks are ongoing. Also Jack Wilshere is set to have another operation, in Switzerland, "his ongoing rehabilitation has seen a long-standing slight issue with his patella tendon in his left knee flare up. This procedure is not expected to significantly affect Jack's comeback ahead of next season." Podolski Also Liverpool have approached Brendan Rodgers, but he turned them down.
  2. GamesMaster: Mario Tennis Open – 87% Highest review score yet.
  3. In Ubisoft's press release:
  4. Next up is Celice. Here's some more info:
  5. Crud. Totally forgot about that, only because I haven't seen any of them except 1 or 2. they should be available for purchase, as you said at a reasonable price.
  6. I agree with you, that would be excellent!
  7. I think Martinez is a very good young manager, personally I'd rather he stay at Wigan and continue his & the club's development. If they continue to play the way they've been playing in the last 1/4 of the season and add some more names I think they can look up next year. btw Liverpool have others on their shortlist, Roberto was just the first one they approach.
  8. Looks like we've only got 4 more Shaun the Sheep episodes to go. Yesterday's short was fantastic! (was retro indeed). Haven't heard anything on future episodes though. It would be even better if we were able to download them and keep them as they're free, I've already missed around 5 episodes and there's no way to watch em' again.
  9. Gametrailers liked the game, I think their review was pretty good aswell. you guys n' gals should watch it they gave it an 8.1: Actually I'm really looking forward to this once again. Online Multiplayer can't wait!
  10. Thought the Rayman Origins Demo was a bit lack-luster in terms of '3D', the sound quality isn't that good as well. apart from that it's the same great game it feels quite comfortable to play on a hand-held but I think I prefer it on a home console.
  11. @madeinbeats & @f00had, I've got both your FC's, add me back too!
  12. I thought that trailer was fantastic! nice action, great art style and I'm liking the manga transitions it goes well with the Cel-Shaded style of the game IMO. also during some of the gameplay it looked pretty smooth too! first impressions... really good. I'm definitely going to be tracking this game now! Art Screens
  13. Nice! I think you'll really enjoy the game. However you could've bought this from Amazon/TheHut for £23.
  14. Actually it's being released next month, July 20th. Found something sweet just now aswell! http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/05/kingdom_hearts_3d_gets_mark_of_mastery_special_edition EDIT: Too bad.
  15. May 19 is Multiplayer Battle Day.
  16. Short Fan made F-Zero trailer... He called it 'F-Zero 3DX.
  17. Lol, you tell them Serebii! I'm looking forward to this & the pokedex pro. I can see myself spending quite some time on this.
  18. Some more characters confirmed: Sakura Wars: Erica and Gemini Mugen Frontier Super Robot Wars: Nanbu Kaguya and Haken Dynamite Deka: Bruno Darkstalkers: Morrigan Street Fighter: Chun-Li Valkyrie no Bouken: Valkyrie For some more details, you can find the link HERE.
  19. Famitsu gave it 34/40 Mario Tennis Open (3DS) – 9/8/8/9
  20. Haven't heard anything about this, do you have a preorder @S\.C\.G?
  21. Eurogamer http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-05-15-fifa-13-preview-a-final-flourish EA have yet to confirm anything. If there is to be a WiiU version, then I'll be looking forward to seeing how it plays.
  22. Simply put, that's a great price.
  23. The stand comes packaged with every game.
  24. Nlife: Really? I had no idea you could cheat in Island loop and GBA Bowsers castle, at least they've been fixed.
  25. People still want to cheat but those who don't update can't play online. Thanks for the heads-up!
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