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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Seeing Arsene Wenger climb those stairs and lift that trophy...
  2. Nice. Makes sense for there to be female alternative costumes.
  3. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. Congratulations!
  4. @RedShell take a bow.
  5. N-E Review: http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/mario-kart-8 Nintendolife Review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu/mario_kart_8 GameXplain:
  6. We got a lot of content this chapter. It took me at least 10-15 minutes to read it. Dressrosa is so, so good.
  7. Luke Shaw is being hyped to the heavens (no surprises there). He's a bright young talent and is excellent going forward/ joining the attack, it's his defensive side that's lacking (but he's got plenty of time to work on it). In my opinion Ashley Cole should've been called up instead.
  8. How does that work out? You can only get one free game after registering Mario Kart 8.
  9. 32M for Diego Costa is a good price. Even better that Chelsea have signed him so quickly, well played. Come on, Arsenal! We need some of this early business too, but more importantly it needs to be top quality talent!
  10. I've been wondering about that myself recently. The update is supposed to come out this year, but that's all we know at the moment.
  11. It will only be real progress after we win the FA Cup.
  12. Supporting three new series right off the bat. Didn't go in blind, I've done my research before hand.
  13. Vincent Kompany's team mate said this: https://twitter.com/MicahRichards/status/445258919557201920
  14. https://vine.co/v/h0TFhzDXYEw
  15. Hell Yeah! Gen 3! I'm going for Ruby again!
  16. ^ So right! Can't remember the last time I laughed this much from a single chapter!
  17. Happy with that, never expected him or anyone from W101 to be a part of the character roster.
  18. https://twitter.com/TheBitBlock/status/463911285600419840
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