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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Taxi Driver is an astonishingly powerful character portrait of a movie. everyone should watch it.
  2. the great figures of the civil rights movement are among those i have a huge deal of respect for, along with those who fought arparthied in south africa. they lived in societies that saw them as lesser things, the whole social system was against them and they had the courage and the will to make the world a better place. you don't find many people who are capable or willing to make the kind of sacrifices they did for what they beleive in.
  3. anyone up for some gaming later tonight? everyone has halo but anyone got DOA:U? that game is well weapon and i need people to play with.
  4. surprised they didnt mention mario. he's a bit village people.
  5. i know many have mentioned it but see fear and loathing in las vegas as soon as humanly possible. saw it this weekend and it rules.
  6. the legality is very important though as it establishes proper legal rights for gay couples that have been sorely lacking. I think it's an important step forwards this. kudos on the partridge title btw.
  7. mmm, considering the awesomeness that is the spiderman casting in previous films I'm going to say they've probably got a decent choice. maybe he's more like the ultimate version of Venom?
  8. I got this for my x box the other day and it is so incredibly awesome. it is not as good as the pc version as it has the odd technical problem and such but valve have pulled off one of the best conversions ever imo. graphics are still excellent, havok physics are all present and correct and the full campaign is there- unlike doom 3 which was trimmed down. mmmm. half life. so, anyone else got it?
  9. in the ww1 trenches they all used spades- specially sharpened on the edges to be used like an axe. probably the same idea in ww2. but yeah, the advert was quite clever. not as good as other campaign ads though- drink driving etc.
  10. does anyone else find this game a bit...pointless? its shiny, yes. no doubt it looks like the hounds pounds but ut2004 has a massive engine. they don't actually need this version. threy could just remix 2004 however they want and make it dirt cheap.
  11. with arrow keys i put stuff like reload on the key block above. end for reload, stuff like that. still sucks though. hl2 on the x box is way nicer to play.
  12. not everyone is into anime, but if you like it then you can't go wrong with Akira. i know its cliché to name drop it but its a very good film. it has a great cyber punk dystopian settings and deals with all kinds of insanly deep shit. watch this with an ice pack ready. trying to get the end may result in over heating your brain. worth the effort though.
  13. i very, very nearly walked out into the path of a bus once. would have killed me for sure.
  14. its simple but pretty nice all the same. alot better than alot of the complicated sigs you see around. 7. mine is still work in progress. needs sharpening up and an outline. unfortunatly my photoshop c2 traial ran out and i can;t use a cd key to re activate it across this network.
  15. Dan_Dare


    mornin' laddie.
  16. I totally appreciate the fact that the series was supposed to go in a darker direction for the sequel but....god, it was done in such a terrible, terrible way. early press stuff indicated that the prince had been driven mad by the Dhakata and that felt like an awesome idea- to replace the romantic hero with a tourtured man fighting for his life is a great idea. however, the only thing they managed was to replace everything good about SoT with this...grotesque cock metal farce of a character who's seemingly only trait of 'madness' was calling the fetish woman a bitch. that's why i hated the game. the story was still good, and the gameplay was freakin awesome. I just cannot tolerate the presentation.
  17. hahha. i like this post.
  18. you gotta hand it to the man, the logic is almost flawless there. i only say almost because of Pn03. yuck.
  19. yeah, its his voice in the trailer from superman....III, i think.
  20. ..... You what!?....
  21. that guy reminds me of cillian murphy in batman. im looking forward to this one though. should be pretty sweet to see superman do his thang in glorious cgi. that sounds shallow but he's a hero that deserves a really sweet looking special effects set
  22. more likely story: should be thrown in a pit of death and pissed on.
  23. Mr Odwin FTW. although im a coke man for fizzy drinks, you get mab props for the king that is a double decker + even more mad props for buying one at thev same time as cookies.
  24. I feel violated.
  25. MI was so much better than 2. it's actually, you know, a spy film. 2 was just a john woo film in disguise (quite litterally. the face mask thing was just the biggest load of balls in that film)
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