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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. arrgh! fuck Pugs! fuck them in the eye!
  2. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    re: soundtracks. I've always considered the in game soundtracks as important to GTA as the city itself. To ignore it is to abandon an essential element of the game. besides, it sounds like they've gone batshit with them this time- jazz is in, classical etc, and expect a truly eclectic mix from the rock and pop sections. If they can top Vice City though...man that had *great* music.
  3. Predator is the 2nd gayest film I've ever seen. Only top gun beats it. it's amazing
  4. v nice. thought you all should read this. It's just a really nice thing somebody did in wow. made me smile anyway. also: in a bit of a turnaround, got 2 fragments tonight so it's off to the caverns of time for me next- get Medihv to let me in to his bachelor pad of doom.
  5. Matthew Dear, people. excellent stuff. Really excellent. links tomorrow.
  6. that's all well and good but you'll never learn guitar doing it.
  8. SCORE! (10lol) Oh and sick rogue. Gladiators slicer ftw.
  9. result! I got a guild group to invite me after killing Murmur in shadow lab so i just waltzed in, grabbed the fragment and left. now for Arcatraz (lol easy) and Steam Vaults (no idea where abouts that is.) oh and Kara attunement is staying- it's Hyjal and BT that are dropping it.
  10. I cannot get a group to start my kara key fragment to save my life. Even the guild i'm is are being tightwads and won't help.
  11. I've done harder stuff. namely pills and MDMA (the good bit of pills on it's own) but that wasn't some kind of international drug dealer conspiracy leading on from my use of weed. I was just bored and curious in good company to go exploring. It was great, done it since (still great) but I can do without either. Life isn't a D.A.R.E propaganda video...
  12. ash fair enough. not been keeping track. should do, obviously
  13. gah. Just cleared level 6 with the first dice room. I was shocked at how much of a massive shit kicker SOS turns that room in to. Red spots send you in to massive fights with ice demons, those electric bastards and, in one presumably freak occurance, the previous boss! tried the survival mode with Dante today. got to 18, Berial, but i didn't have enough health to take him down. Alas.
  14. Thing is with Weed, is that it's all well and good in small doses every now and again. In that way, it's like getting drunk, but I know people who do it every day and they're just a bit fucked off the stuff. It does mong you out far more than people are likely to admit when they take it alot. Still, I'm in the former, so I'm alright luls aplenty many a time for me.
  15. this is a modern day sonic game and will be really, really shit. Lets' be honest, even the old ones were balls compared to Mario. right. When this gets another EDGE 3, don't say I didn't warn you.
  16. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    see, that bit looks ok. I agree on the numeral design idea. Just have that on the side and it'd look baddass.
  17. Woop. just finished my pvp grind and got 2 dual wield epics to spec fury with on my warrior. the dps i'm putting out is now obscene, frankly.
  18. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    that's comically bad. it's clear the designer had no idea whatsoever about how he was going to use the GTA art so they just painted the box art on the side it's a bit tragic really.
  19. Fuckin ace Gaggle- I love Diplomacy. Just bought a copy of Catan to add to our collection of board games me and my mates play but Diplomacy is our main game. lol brain twin.
  20. how much was that, shorty? i have a 250gb from the same company. Probably need a new one soon tho.
  21. dude- you're on a games forum. Musically recessive nerds by proven stereotype.
  22. no. never
  24. soulja boy
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