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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. it's just a different blend or whatever. somewhere between white and red (though not a mix)
  2. not that I know of. I'd like to see them try sub factions. In the case of marines, Blood Angels would get their beserker marines and dark angels would have Deathwing (super elite) Terminators. Chaos could have different units for the 4 chaos gods. stuff like that. I'm not sure what Eldar would get but the guard have hundreds of thousands of worlds, most of which have their own tactics and such. I'm sure they could do a few of those.
  3. OOOOhhh you gonna be round this neck of the woods 'wolf? If you need a guided tour/ local awesome-o lemme know
  4. ah that's interesting. fun trivia: white wine is made from red grapes. the red comes from the skins, not the juice.
  5. oh, well colour me satisfied on both accounts. I'd take dry forest, preferably. Splintering, brittle trees and clouds of dry dirt, please.
  6. so far we've got 4: Orks, Marines, Eldar and Tyranids. Presumably, Chaos and The Guard will make an appearance too.
  7. it's not even catchy. It just sounds gash. oh well. Interpol can wash my ears out.
  8. dude, seriously. that's fucking shit. That's not even a good musical song, and I fucking hate musicals. Utter tripe.
  9. I am a little, in that it's a habit I've picked up from my parents.
  10. well you're not, no. When i started that post I expected it to follow Jay. makes more sense that way.
  11. I read that as outer crotch first time. carry on.
  12. That's the thing. Everyone moaning here is just saying 'omg why do ppl get plastered till they fall over!?' because they're hanging around with 16 year olds. I'm 21 and I don't hang out with people who do that because it's fucking retarded and people grow out of it. By our age, we actually like drinking for the pleasure of a good drink, not to go on a self destructive binge. so yeah. you're overreacting and preaching like morons without the maturity to understand what a responsible night on drink looks like. In short, arguments from that perspective lack substance and should be ignored.
  13. this thread is clearly split between adults and disgruntled teenage non drinkers. One day, you'll get it.
  14. What Ashley said. Red meat and red wine ftw, incidentally. White meat and fish for white wine or Champagne.
  15. I can't go without busting some moves. Skilled or nay, it's hella fun.
  16. not that i know of. Maybe there's a hosting option to move to another game though. not tried it.
  17. Sounds good man. shame there's no party system in this but i reckon we can work it out.
  18. ohhhh... need to watch those episodes more regularly...or indeed twice.
  19. not so much, no. But my hair is awesome. One of my good points =)
  20. o rly? Monday afternoon about 4:30
  21. No jungles, hombre. This is the savannah.
  22. Me too. Isn't this the first of 3 though? The scenes from the films were set in a nuclear winter, and at night. I imagine that's the kind of condition we'll see the world at the end. Also, Reese's memories were from the end of the war.
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