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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. youtube is pretty awesome site to see how games turn out without putting up with crap gameplay (Hi MGS4 and FFXIII) Or their wikia page which the moment the game comes out the news on all the little details of the game will be put up within seconds.
  2. Gundam Style!
  3. I felt cross eyed playing the game, I can why people can enjoy it, but to me I felt the gameplay was a mess, half the time I was just scribbling and hoping for the best. They can stick to it, but they need to polish it up a lot.
  4. I don't get the hate for Metroid: Other M story...I mean, compared to most other games that are story driven this one is at least better written. Squares writing staff and Kojima could take a couple of lessons from this game. EDIT: Oh and WiiU, controller = first person, tv = 3rd person. Problem solved.
  5. Can they make the game playable this time? And make interesting characters, rather than 2 dimensional animu characters they had in the first one. Thanks S-E!
  6. didn't stop capcom though.
  7. if it comes on the WiiU then expect it to be just upscaled, but yeah it's the only hope I have for the series now. Side note: if it comes to the WiiU I think just the idea I can take it with me to my room the controller and play on the screen would be the main attraction for this game
  8. Ugh...I can't believe I am going to write this, but for the past couple of days when it was quiet at work I started thinking about all the interviews that Capcom have been talking aout MH, now obviously they know this game can sell outside Japan, yet, one thing I always see them talk about is how the game only works well for us with online, MH3G sadly isn't online...BUT! It only occurred to me that Monster Hunter Portable 3rd was ported to the PS3. Now...with them saying they can't say anything until the end of the year, does that mean that WiiU is getting a port? With a port that can instantly mean we get the game with online. And Nintendo being Nintendo with keeping everything hush hush with the WiiU now so yes, I am going to wait until 31st of Dec. It's a desperate thought for me...and sad... SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME CAPCOM!!! The thing is I really want 3G more than I want 4. Me want sub-species >_>
  9. Joke obviously (For now >_> )
  10. The shit I read that they type, I wouldn't be surprised if they said some stupid shit like that >_>
  11. 31st of Dec Seriously, there has to be something done, I mean even reviving Op Rainfall to give Capcom so much shit, after mml3 being ended, blaming the fans for the closing it, and now not even giving us a game which is just an upgrade with prob more than 50% done translated, half the work is done, plus now digital download being possible, they can just release it there rather than giving a solid copy. Op Rainfall would not only get the US support but europes support with the issue (Especially in Germany biggest fanbase of MH outside of japan)
  12. and you guys wonder why it's so quiet here
  13. Nintendo were like this with the DS, GBA, GBC, GB. And this is why Nintendo do well in the handheld market, when the whole handheld business since it started the whole mindset to people was 'it's for spinoff games' hence why so many 3rd party companies made big budget home system games but very little budget game for the handheld. Nintendo bring out handheld games with the fine dedication that one would see with them on the home system, with that people understand that if you are buying a handheld your going to get your monies worth and not a system just full of spinoffs. Just look at their history, Zelda:LA, Metroid 2, Wario Land, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Mario Kart DS and 7, Mother 3, Mario & Luigi, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem etc etc True Nintendo port games to another system it's well known they do it when the system any of their systems launches, but once a year or 2 has gone past, then do we see incredible games come out, just like Luigi's Mansion 2 and Paper Mario, looking at it, they really want to outshine the Gamecube version, but to do that they need time.
  14. Pfft gameplay is simple and easy to understand, I think you have forgotten the most important part...THE MUSIC!!! Seriosuly one of the best tracks from any game and it's an eshop game! I bought the game for the music alone...that music, damn I can't get enough.
  15. I don't know what I just watched but...I think...I'm in love.
  16. Double post: Game seems to be very well received with even Dragon Quest X easily outselling all other S-E MMO in Japan which is fantastic news to hear. People have really been saying the game is just like VIII but just more smoother, fun to play with friends and the game itself is just FREAKING HUGE!!!! Thinking about a launch over here, I can really see Nintendo doing something for the game over here, I think they really know that there is a dedicated fanbase that will eat this up and happily pay $10-$20 a month as long as content keeps coming, to this day I still play DQIX more than any other DQ game out there, one file already out performs every. The idea of hopefully being able to play this game on the WiiU controller in bed rather than sitting in front of the tv will make the hours fly by Out of curiosity N-E members, who is interested in getting this game if it come out over here? EDIT: Oh yeah and one more thing...
  17. Imagine, an upscale port of Wind Waker, with the 2 extra dungeons made and with sword motion controls.
  18. Why? There are many other characters that deserve to be in the game unlike Sonic, 1st party and 3rd party wise.
  19. "You know what really grinds my gears Capcom? You Capcom...FUCK YOU!"
  20. Agreed...all third party mascot characters all fighting one another...Japan only! Iwata and Miyamoto: *Laughs*
  21. If they want to add third party characters in a game I think it should be a one off. So it allows other characters from 3rd party titles to come in and join the game. So this game rather than Snake and Sonic it could be Megaman and Pacman
  22. We obviously need to get Mr Grazza here to play Monster Hunter 3, now that shit was a BIG reason as to why I now love online play!
  23. Sorry, but I could look at every game and twist it to make one game sound good and the other one bad. I like the idea of DQX it's my first MMO and I can't wait since it looks to be the most user friendly out of all MMO out there. Plus not to mention already having about 15 people I know who are also looking forward to playing this and I really can't wait to play with my friends. Considering the whopping 100 hours I spent on multiplayer in DQIX News just in it's a ONE OFF! while people continue to play this game they are already most likely underway making Dragon Quest XI for the 3DS which will most likely be single player base again. Yuji Horii has been making games for such a long time and bringing awesome sales and games out for this world, he has always liked playing MMO, he played FFXI a lot, I think he has a damn right to make an MMO from his own series if he wants to. Oh and here is a lets play for a much smoother look of the game playing
  24. FFXI and FFXIV do it as well. Only when they come out right away, a couple of years from now I think they will not put it down.
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