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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Does anyone else thinks that the Ninja looks all plasticy, kinda like an action figure?
  2. It should work like this: Senses Pitch: This is tilting the controller towards or away from you (think of an aeroplane climbing or diving) Senses Roll: Tilting the controller left or right (as if it were a plane that was turning) Sense Yaw: When the controller is twisted left or right. And for those who are saying otherwise, Sixaxis is PR crap. There are only 3 axis of tilt, positive or negative are not seperate axes.
  3. God that PR bollocks makes me want to jab something hard and sharp into someone else's eye.
  4. Doesn't work for me but hopefully it does for the Japanese. Very short advert, as if it's sponsoring something like the DS ads in the UK.
  5. Yay for mature titles. Cmon I thought we were over this. :shrug:
  6. Yeah I just found that... nice trick boys! (and girls?)
  7. Nice pic Smiter. Thats sexy looking packaging.
  8. Yeah there are instruments (sp? gah!). In the early levels you use bits of plants that form natural whistles. It calls the horse and also the falcon thing.
  9. Psygnosis are not small time. They made WipEout and several other mighty games for the SNES if i remember. The description is vague so i will have to wait and see.
  10. This man is an asshole. I don't understand how Sony think they can con people into thinking that BluRay is a format that works.
  11. I'm with DCK on this one. I don't care that they mirrored it at all! But it is interesting that they decided to mirror the whole game rather than just Links character. I'm guessing this will be due to the effect that it would have on in game cut screens. For instance, the scene when he fights the boss boar ride on the stone bridge, he would be slashing to the wrong side. Problems like that would be occuring all over the game and I'm pretty sure there are going to be tons of these littlle cuts in there. It's very Zelda.
  12. Nice one Dilli. You seem really disappointed by the graphics of the Wii. And you seem to be picking on certain games as a way of generalising the power/ability/potential of the Wii and ignoring many of the fully developed high end games. This therefore gives you a very biased and skewed opinion of the system. For instance it's like me saying this: The original Halo looks amazing but the single player is shite. Bad level design and lack of any imagination for most of the gameplay. It's crap! But look at the games that came out on the N64: GoldenEye was absolutely awesome single and multiplayer. And Zelda is considered one of the best games of all time by many. Therefore as the level design on Halo is crap and the gameplay of a few of the other Xbox games are crap then that means the system is lame and is going to lose!
  13. Hmm... that is to stop burning hot shell casing flying into your face though. Could this happen if Owen tries to play left handed?
  14. Sorry... just getting really hassled by lots of people putting the system down so much. It's got probably the best launch line up ever, it's a great little console with lots of potential, it will be cheap and here soon. Nintendo are also gradually gaining back the 3rd party support. For me, I think Nintendo fans haven't had it this good since the SNES days, yet still people are bringing up all the "broken promises" and comparing it to a system that has been out a year with higher specs. And occasionally we still get whimpers about it not being HD. I just want ppl to be happy!
  15. Most of the bad guys in the Metroid games are exoskeleton based, like insects. This mean that they only flex in their joint, which is very convenient from an animation point of view. But when it comes to animating something like the first boss in MP I think there were further steps to be taken. Hear me out when I say that I don't think that it's bad animation, it's just the part of the games that if made better would improve the experience in my eyes. This is quite a problem unilaterally though. Inferring muscle flex, anticipation and better feelings of weight/mass is a real must for me in the coming generation. There have been so many games with such horribly animated human figures (lots of PS2 games, the godfather to name one). Some of it also comes down to the lazy use of motion capture on models which don't suit it. Things like these and horrific texture morphing across shoulders and waistes just make me see them as bags of polys. Now Halflife2 animation...
  16. Give them a break. This is untested water for them in the console market. The PS3 isn't going to have loads of (if any?) online games at launch either as no devkits have been handed out. Comments like this go into the same category as those ppl who say "why can't Nintendo do great graphics AND innovative gameplay?" Stop demanding so much, your getting it pretty good anyway. Don't think that the Wii is being sold as a penis-size-compensation product. Don't really think Nintendo are marketing the console by it "impressing your mates".
  17. Pokemon is online right? There have only been two promises broken by Nintendo. That's child's play compared to what the other two got up to. At least you can rely on the fact that the Wii will work without endangering you!
  18. Can we maybe change the title so this become the Wii Channels thread? I like the fact that the philosophy of the machine is trying to be part of a normal home environment. It's just useful/fun for everyday life. It's going to be the console for normal people. It's more appealing than mainstream.
  19. It's reassuring that we won't ever have to worry about Retro environment art/design. Only thing I would say that there are not amazing at is probably their organics. That goes for modelling and animation.
  20. Guys panic not. Nintendo have stated that the Wii controller will work with ANY television.
  21. That diagram may be useless as I was pretty sure that the pointing device works with the sensor bar. Also it could be done with the gyros.
  22. Didn't Castlevania 64 look fairly like this? It also reminds me of RainbowSix 64 as well.
  23. The only reason I would want a GTA game on the Wii is that it would shift units. I would buy it and I wouldn't want anyone else to. I don't see gameplay "freedom" as being free to go around rape, pillage, steal and mame. That's disturbed. I would have a lot more respect for the game if you could do good things as well as bad. Would be cool to have a mission where you get put in the slammer and you have to do community service to get the cops off your back. Maybe you have to play a section in jail where you have to survive without getting stabbed or becoming someones bitch. It just has no balance.
  24. I can see them. Graphics remind me of games like Tenchu 2. Yes that bad, maybe with bit more AA but still pretty awful. From the vids, the gameplay looked fairly dull too. Pffft... looks sub-par even for gamecube let alone Wii. Disappointing Koei.
  25. The title of this thread is also misleading. There is no evidence for Raven Blade actually being remade. Also as someone stated earlier, it looks like a very bland hack'n'slash. In the words of Peter Jones: "I'm out"
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