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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    Some stuff from that review:
  2. Sad news, he was great on SMart. I remember Scrachy and co. too
  3. Just tried it, its pretty good. It comes up with 'Wii beta' on the side I noticed, so hopefully they'll add the option to put it full screen in the future.
  4. Cool, I was just thinking about this last night and wondering what had happened to bringing the iPlayer to the Wii. I havnt tried it yet though. So does this update the internet channels flash ? Or does thi only effect the iplayer?
  5. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    Multiplayer impressions IGN IGN Roundtable
  6. Me too, I've never pre ordered a game before since I've never had a problem walking into a store on a games release day and picking it up. But all the broken release dates and noise of limited stock are making me a little nervous.
  7. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    Retailers warn of GTA IV shortages Source: http://www.gtagaming.com/
  8. Helmsly

    GTA IV

  9. BTW EDGE gave this a 6/10
  10. I think offline mode sounds like its lacking...something. Maybe because the past few months I've been reading and watching so much about Smash brothers Brawl, Its kind of a shock to see the same company bring out a game with so little in the ways of extras other then a few secret characters...something that’s not really new to the series. However after reading the Iwata asks thing, I think online mode is going to be brilliant. I'm really surprised Brawl didn’t get the same sort of options for its WiFi mode. I have to say though, if this didn’t have online play at all I probably wouldn’t buy it until later in the year second hand.
  11. So who does everyone think the secret character from Mario Galaxy will be (they hinted to it in the Iwata asks)?
  12. Famitsu: Mario Kart Wii 10, 9, 9, 9 - (37/40)
  13. Helmsly

    GTA IV

  14. Looks like there's just 1 VC release this week: Yoshi's cookie for the NES
  15. From the Iwata asks:
  16. Sounds very promising
  17. Well this is unexpected: Iwata Asks: Mario Kart Wii http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/mariokart/vol1_page1.jsp
  18. The latest Kojima report podcast is up. Last week they said they had somthing big to reveal this week. I've not listened to it yet so I have no idea what they reveal.
  19. 1up also have a hands on preview: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3167223
  20. Hey thats good, some tracks on Mario Kart DS were not playable online, so its good to know you can play all tracks online. Shot of the Wheel
  21. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    This is a short video of the sort of animation you'll see in GTAIV from the Euphoria engine: http://www.naturalmotion.com/files/dynamic_balance_euphoria_studio.avi
  22. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    Gtagaming just got sent an exclusive screenshot:
  23. Helmsly

    GTA IV

  24. Watching it via a terrible internet stream.
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