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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. From http://gonintendo.com/?p=6083 Must not disassemble! Must not disassemble! Nun chuck is alive!
  2. That looks like it'll be a lot of fun. If that gets a release here I'd be interested in buying it. Was the DS game any good?
  3. Not sure how reputable GameKult is but they say this game will have: 70 missions Approximatively 10 hours to finish all the missions, and obviously more to obtain all the medals, hidden items, and other bonuses. No other playable characters. Only Sonic. They shifted from an extremely active gameplay scheme to an oversimplified one because they found the original too tiring. Also according to him, deep gameplays and big adventures don't suit the Wii philosophy. Over 30 mini-games, playable up to four players. Possibility to have online downloadable content. Link: http://www.gamekult.com/articles/A0000051320/
  4. In the Iwata Interveiw on the Wii Channels, they mentioned that they can up to 48 Wii Channels which you could download and have added to the Wii. What type of Channels do you think they could add or would like them to add to the Wii? Other then a porn channel.
  5. If I get a Wii at launch I'd like to download a couple of VC games if the service is up and running and then mess about in the menus and photo channels and things.
  6. I'm not sure if its been posted somewhere else but there are now 2 more parts: Volume 3: Wii Channels parts 1 & 2 http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/wii/?site=v3_01.html&l=enGB
  7. Well I hope Lon Lon Milk returns. Someone was selling replica bottles of this stuff on ebay a while ago Since this is set before Wind waker, I wonder if WW's Links grandma will be in it as a young woman.
  8. I enjoyed the PPV overall. Not to sure I enjoyed Seeing McMahons bloody face stuffed into Big shows ass though...
  9. Has there been any word on the Cube version of Zelda being released in the UK/EU or has it been canceled?
  10. It should do, Sega are useing the same paysite for both American and EU players so it should be fine. Here's a picture of some of the extra clothes you can buy. Gotta love the rappy suit:
  11. I think the gameplay for this will be a lot of fun, however they really should imporve those graphics.
  12. Crazy talk. The GTA games probably have more replay value out there then any other game series. I think the only types of games people put more time into would be a good MMORPG. If this is a GTA game I wonder if it'll be GTA 4 or some sort of spin off or remake.
  13. Yeah why not I already played Shenmue 1 with the English VO, and played Shenmue 2 on the Dreamcast. lol I already know the acting is bad I just wanna play it!
  14. I want Shenmue 2 to be on the Xbox 360's backwards compatable list. I already have it on my dreamcast but I'd like to play it with the English voice overs.
  15. Are you suggesting they don't want to pay a few pounds for a picture disc but will have no problem paying £180 for a games console just to do exactly the same thing? This is just a nice extra for us to piss about with our photo's,. I wonder if they will let us map faces from photo's onto characters we use in FPS games just like they where going to with perfect dark on the N64.
  16. They could just use the Cubes Z button to replace Select. I can't think of many Snes or NES games that did anything with Select other then Zelda link to the past.
  17. Wii play video's (not Wii sports) Looks a lot of fun: http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/853/853786/vids_1.html
  18. Nice minute long Video at IGN "Awesome Gameplay Montage": http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vids_1.html Also a video of the Wii IGN edioter fishing with the Wii more video thre.
  19. Can anyone tell me if you can use the Gamecube pad to control VC games?
  20. Thank you! I hate the way everyone gets so insecure just because some people don't believe everything Nintendo do is is oh so wonderful and brilliant.
  21. Shots of the Dev kit incase anyone wants to see: http://www.engadget.com/2006/09/15/wii-developer-kit-shot-in-the-wild-many-luigi-green-with-envy/
  22. Hey thats perfect. Thats just what I wanted the VC games to cost. Here's a link with that Info incase anyone wants it: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=67671
  23. Helmsly

    No DVD

    I don't think having DVD play back is as important as it was 5 or 6 years ago back when the PS2 launched. I mean they are so stupidly cheap now. However Nintendo should never of even mentioned the DVD playback thing in the first place.
  24. I have the money but its too much for what you get. I don't see Wii sports as a full "free game" in the same light as getting Mario world with the snes. Wii sports looks like a cheap demo that would retail at £15 at best. Also Zelda is the only thing I would buy for it and I'd rather wait for the Gamecube version (which will probably be better anyway)
  25. I’d defiantly recommend it! Jungle beat is easily the most fun game I’ve played in a very long time. don’t worry about the controls; it really becomes like seconds nature to control DK after about 30 seconds of playing. About DK Barrel blast - I’m disappointed its been moved to the Wii. You could already play it on the wii because of the backwards compatible thing now its Wii only. Its another kick in the face for cube owners.
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