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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I guess he was surprised that John had told Mary all about the commander but had never confided in him, rather than actually not knowing anything about the commander. I'd re-watch that part but it's effort :p
  2. I may be mistaken but it didn't really make sense to me that Holmes had no idea who John's commander was at the wedding but in the flashback it showed he had been researching him already =\
  3. Oh yeah I also forgot. That came around quick
  4. Vote: No Lynch I actually love Penguins
  5. Yeah but that doesn't mean we can't have another :p
  6. Kind of glad I didn't win it when I've been so inactive in this one!
  7. Let's go with 1 btw, who wouldn't want it out in the open that they're good? :p
  8. Understandable but unavoidable. I wouldn't be surprised if I was now lynched but in my defence I didn't go over my latest PM when I looked through my targets as it was the one I thought was still fresh in my mind as it was last night's event but obviously I didn't read it properly at the time. It's down to you and mr-paul now to decide whether you believe me or not or hopefully you can see that Sméagol is more likely to be mafia.
  9. You must've been protected by someone else then I guess? No, my mistake. I couldn't target you because I sent my action too late =\
  10. Right, finished work early and came straight on. Here are my targets for the game: My ability is to force my target to target me and I discover what their ability is. N1 - Attempted to target Mr. Rush/Jonnas but he was roleblocked (RNG) N2 - Made Mr. Wrong/Jimbob target me (successful) N3 - Mr. Rush/Jonnas again (knew he was a protector by now) N4 - Mr. Grumpy/Diageo but he was roleblocked N5 - Mr. Grumpy/Diageo (successful) N6 - Mr. Tickle/Sméagol (successful) N7 - No target, I didn't want to hit the killer. N8 - Tried getting protection from Mr. Grumpy/Diageo but he was protected so I couldn't target him.
  11. I'll do it after work tomorrow. You can lynch me if I don't. I finish work at 9 so I'll post at 10 at the latest (may need a reminder mention if someone is online though lol). I'd do it now but I just got in from work and I am not trawling through PMs right now :p
  12. I did that exact same thing. I got stuck on how to get over the water and figured I needed the Pegasus boots (as I'd literally just been told about them) so I went off looking for them only to realise how to actually get there once I returned!
  13. I've been firmly in the Nintendo camp until the Gamecube. I got an Xbox like half way through the generation or something but was still mostly playing on the Gamecube. I got a Wii on launch and a year or two later I got a 360 and I shifted way more towards the xbox. During this whole time I'd still been more active on the PC but just with one game so I always considered myself still more of a console gamer as that's where I got the most variety. For the current generation I only have a Wii U (and 3DS) but now I play most of my games on the PC. I'll get a PS4 rather than an Xbox One but that won't be until the price comes down. I definitely consider myself a PC gamer now.
  14. The only visible application is ReZourceman's, you might need to try again? http://www.xperteleven.com/?lid=120161 there's the invite link
  15. I'm going to be lazy and copy and paste it exactly from last season so it's using @Esequiel's team as an example. He started a new team last season so I tailored it for him but as you don't have a team yet it'll at least give you a good idea of what your starting point will be and how you should proceed. Xpert Quick Beginner's Guide I just wanted to make sure the new guys know about how important it is to keep good form for your players and get high development values. Without high development values, your players will not increase in skill. Player Development The first thing you should look at for your players is age against skill. The average is 18-4 (to become 19-5, 20-6 etc as a baseline). If you have players below this average, they are probably not worth keeping on to train (but arguably once they get to 9/10 skill they're decent enough to keep around if it keeps your team balanced). Focus should always be on youth. Players also have special qualities which are explained HERE - take note of Divas as simply giving them their favourite shirt number will remove any negative effects they would otherwise have. Development Values - Players increase their base skill at the end of each season in the change report. The size of the increase/decrease is determined by development values (DV) - which you can keep track of if you hover over the player name in your team list. A DV of 10 or higher will give your player an increase in skill but to get a visible raise (ie, to get one skill bar higher) you would be aiming for 14/15 at the very least. DVs are worked out by your player's average form and match experience over the season. If you play stronger teams and lose, you can still get good DV for your players if you can keep their form up as your player's match experience will be better when you play high skilled teams (DV is an accountable figure but match experience is hidden and probably not worth thinking too much about). Younger players will raise easier than older players who may not raise even on 16/17 DV. Form Your player's form has an influence on how well that player will play in a match. A player on 10 form will usually play TO his skill level during the game. A player on higher than 10 form will usually play above their own skill level during a game. You can see how well your players did during the game afterwards when you look at your 'last line-up'.
  16. Sorry I've not been active the last few phases but Christmas/New Year's is very busy for me at work (55 hours last week, 60+ this week and next week is no different). I've just not had the time or patience to involve myself in the game. Sméagol I've been confirmed good (twice even!) so voting for me seems really desperate. I'd be surprised if you weren't the last mafia especially with your 'I deliberately sent no target' defence. Vote: Mr. Tickle
  17. I think 8-8-7-7 is the best choice... we could probably have another vote in the off season. That's if we can still do 30 teams anyway.
  18. I can't approve you until the season is over and that's not until the 15th of January. There will be plenty of time for you to sort out any transfers before the new season as we still have an off-season friendly cup to get through
  19. Puke it up man! Twice the flavour and none of the calories!
  20. I definitely don't share the disappointment, I thought it was great! Not sure about...
  21. Wasn't me, bro :p Looked back for you, are you on about here? Serebii replied to you before and he has it right (if this is where you're stuck anyway).
  22. Also because you want to have original content and not scavenge off the backs of others, right? :p I do like your designs though
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