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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Going strong, 4 games left. I don't think I'm going to lose another game this season. Only 2 games are against active players and they're both at home so I should have the advantage. Looking at your fixtures Herojan, if you win all your games and Aqui1a beat Co-op at home, you should go ahead of him. Your only challenge looks to be Aqui1a for the last game but you're at home for that. Also if you beat him and I win all of mine, I'll go ahead of him I think. So do that
  2. Hope you guys have fun!
  3. There can be only One.
  4. Stick me in.
  5. I still play the N64 version to this day.
  6. <3


    How are we not already friends :o

  7. Yeah, as I've also said I have no ill-feeling towards you and I like how opinionated you are and everything. Sometimes I do just feel like you do it to people and it really throws them off because it's nothing to do with what they meant.


    Nothing against you or anything but can you please stop jumping on people whenever they mention the word 'woman'? I understand you're highly opinionated on the subject but please really just let some things pass?


    Does that really read the same to you as 'shut your big woman mouth'? I really didn't mean anything more than simply 'please let some things slide sometimes' because happenstance was just assuming you were a woman based on your name (a woman's name). I don't think your response was justified in that instance. When I said 'I understand that you're highly opinionated' I really did mean just that but maybe it would've been clearer if I'd said 'I respect that you're opinionated'? Because I do respect you for it.

  8. 'Happenstance - Nothing complex, I was just mentioning that whatever my gender is, it isn't relevant to this debate, but me saying that was enough to annoy peeps.'


    Just so you know (I'm not going to reply on the thread). That alone didn't annoy me, it was just the 20th (exaggeration noted) time I'd seen you post something along those lines. It seems like, to me, that you excavate the most irrelevant part of a person's post (sometimes) if there is even the slightest hint of something vaguely offensive. Even when you must know that the person posting isn't out to offend. You've said yourself that you don't want to stop people posting offensive things (because it's an impossible task), but it really seems to me that that's exactly what you're trying to do.


    This long post isn't meant to be argumentative at all and is in no way intended to be antagonistic or negative. I just disagree with some things that you do (or I feel you do more than necessary).

  9. Ignore that you've just accused me of doing something I didn't then. I'm not trying to start anything with you and I like you but if you're going to accuse me of saying things that I didn't I have a right to get offended - was that your plan all along? I've read all of this thread thanks. I didn't see anywhere where I told you to 'shut your big woman mouth' though. Why is your goal in this thread to point out racism and generally uncool shit? Is that just your goal in this thread or on these forums? Can't you just respect the intelligence of others and accept that we can judge for ourselves whether something is racist or offensive? This thread is to discuss the riots and in my opinion you're just derailing it. It's fine if you want to call someone out on being racist but maybe you should post something directed at that person and not all of us? Maybe you could PM that person or give them a visitor message instead of derailing threads? I can see for myself if something is racist, I do not need someone else to tell me I should be offended. *waits for post saying 'oh no, that's not what I was doing' - I'm sure it probably wasn't but that's how it has come across.
  10. You know what, fuck off. I didn't do anything of the sort. You're not even a woman. I'm telling you to shut up now. Stop getting offended on behalf of EVERYONE. No one here is out to offend. If you're going to make comments on everything you think will offend SOMEONE ELSE then you're going to make these forums a very serious and boring place.
  11. https://www.bustedtees.com/ I posted again to promote the website because there are some really good ones on there... then forgot the link lol
  12. I ignored the obvious racism in Dwarf's post. In my opinion the best response is to completely ignore it. If someone is that racist then a few posts on an internet forum isn't going to change them. He also apologised for it later. How about instead of getting on everyone's case about not debunking him, why don't you have a go at him yourself instead of chastising us?
  13. My new favourite t-shirt arrived today: (still not me)
  14. I'll sort a train out when I get home tonight, should be fine. I've got Tuesday off too so I'll be able to have an early night if I need it :p thanks for the lift! Will pm my number too. --- just looked at the train prices and the cheapest is £35 which I just wouldn't be able to afford (along with everything else). So as it stands I will not be able to attend. Sorry to dick out like this
  15. Pretty much, except Fedex and Aqui1a. There's only () 4 inactive teams in the lower league.
  16. Nope, not active but not my problem :p
  17. I'm hopefully getting at least one 2for1 ticket from my brother on Saturday, 2 if he's feeling generous.
  18. 14 chances to 0, 5-0. I'm happy with that result
  19. lol nice one. You should include names next to captions and pictures because I'm too lazy to work out who did what (except Sméagol's picture which is once again, amazing).
  20. It is night. Stop talking.
  21. haha the best part is you did it to yourself ;)

  22. Oh good point Ell. Maybe the police shouldn't use it then.............................................................................
  23. It really irritates me that the part some of my friends keep singing is the bit that rips of 'my darling clementine'. So the best part of 'her' song is the bit that isn't hers.
  24. So this vote came up on facebook: It's a bit one sided as you'd expect. Just made me laugh how far across the bar goes. As many as 12,604 people voted for the rioters though =\ I hope the police use this information haha
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