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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. If we're calling slots now then I want in!
  2. I think the lost Wind Waker dungeons are confirmed by Nintendo to be true aren't they? I'm quite sure it's not just a myth. As for LoZ 3D... I'd like to see a dungeon based on this:
  3. Night 2 Rodeo Rex was a walking mass of muscles. He was a large man who rode a Harley Davidson and the people of Santa Mondega loved him. Every now and then the fair would come to town and without fail, Rodeo Rex would show up at the boxing tent to take on the poor amateur they had in the ring for the customers to try their luck against. Rex had never lost a fight in his life. So it was a great shock for the Santa Mondega Police Department when they discovered his body in the gutter, riddled with bullets. He was a bloodied mess and barely recognisable. Jonnas is no longer in the game. He was Rodeo Rex and could roleblock people with his metal hand. He was good. 15 Players: @mr\-paul @Nintendohnut @ReZourceman @Rummy @Supergrunch @Tales @Yvonne @Zell EEVILMURRAY (previously Zell) Jonnas DAY THREE BEGINS NOW
  4. After a disagreement in Jonnas' mafia, The Peeps and Dannyboy decided to take it outside.
  5. Close between Moogle and Ville but I'm declaring @Ville the winner
  6. I have absolutely no idea what's going on.
  7. Shouldn't that be 75%? If you're using real maths, yes.
  8. I'm not especially worried about being killed. I just fucking hate spiders. They are actually monsters and should be destroyed.
  9. No punishment for Jayseven as my day ending post wasn't exactly the clearest and his post was more meta-game related than game related :p DAY IS OVER NIGHT IS NOW
  10. Australia would be a fine place to live if it didn't have so many killer bugs Sounds like a great opportunity for you though congrats and good luck!
  11. Posting from my phone. Day is over, no majority reached. Night 2 starts now. The next lunar eclipse is in 5 nights.
  12. Phantom Hourglass was a fine game but it was overkill having Spirit Tracks continue the format. It was too much of the same and the train didn't work as well as the ocean.
  13. I thought it was done by the hopes and dreams of millions of young fanboys and girls
  14. That must be it :p

  15. 12:30-ish tomorrow... but I'll be at work so I may end it tonight if nothing is going on :p Votes: No Lynch (2): heroicjanitor, Aqui1a heroicjanitor (5): Tales, ReZourceman, Cube, Diageo, Jimbob ReZourceman (1): Nintendohnut Rummy (1): mr-paul Tales (1): Jonnas Cube (1): Yvonne Majority is 9
  16. I get told who the mafia are. I'm keeping it to myself though.
  17. Maybe Supergrunch could target two people or could do different things depending on whether we're in a break or a court session. So he could've got that info on Yvonne at another time and still targeted Zell at night. That would mean no one was redirected. I don't really think Yvonne or Zell are mafia at this point. Zell is a bit shifty at the moment but that's the price to pay for being a roleblocker. My suspicions of him don't go further than his power. His targets don't seem all that important so far and if he goes rogue, we'll know about it.
  18. I don't care what graphics they go for, I just want to see a damn good game. I love the cel-shaded and 'realistic' styles about equally really. Whichever direction Nintendo take with the graphics, they always suit the actual gameplay perfectly.
  19. You have Yvonne down as voting for himself :p
  20. I was following up Diageo's comment a while back, and it didn't really tell me anything new... It could be that Supergrunch lied though it does seem strange that he would. I think it's more likely that Yvonne was redirected that night.
  21. Votes No Lynch (2): heroicjanitor, Aqui1a heroicjanitor (5): Tales, ReZourceman, Cube, Diageo, Jimbob ReZourceman (1): Nintendohnut Rummy (1): mr-paul Tales (1): Jonnas Majority is 9
  22. hmm Zell was viewing the thread before but has gone without responding to any other questions aimed at him. Not proof of anything - he may have just been unable to post... but worth noting.
  23. I don't think anyone is 'going on about it'. Some people are just on the other side of the argument/discussion.
  24. Might just be me being unclear then. I'm only saying Yvonne is more suspicious than anyone who actually did reach their target. Anyone who was stopped by a protector would be equally as suspicious as Yvonne but unfortunately we don't know anyone that was. The longer it takes for someone to come out and say they were stopped then the more likely it seems to me that the person is mafia.
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