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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. You know what I mean :P The first game was it's own story with a few events carrying in to the second game (The assassination attempt at the end, Geralt's memory loss). The Witcher 2 is more like 'The Witcher 2: Part 1', a lot of loose ends aren't tied up and they'll flow in to The Witcher 3.
  2. Completed it tonight. Enjoyed the ending, but this is definitely part 1 of a story.
  3. Xbox 360 trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-the-witcher/714516 It's not a straight port either; I really hope they do well with this and that they get to work on The Witcher 3 soon. Their engine seems to be powerful enough that they could get at least another game out of it without any modification/enhancement so development time shouldn't be all that long (late 2012?).
  4. You can run 1600MHz RAM at 1333MHz. It'll result in lower latencies than similarly priced 1333MHz RAM too, so it's a pretty good deal
  5. If you want to overclock make sure you have a P67 motherboard and an i5 2500k. If not then get a H67 or H61 motherboard and the i5 2400 or 2500. I went for a H67 and an i5 2400 when I built mine, couldn't justify the (at the time £60 premium to get stuff that would overclock. Other than that you're good to go
  6. Specialized Rockhopper 2011 Received it on Monday. I used to cycle to work and hit the trails on Cannock Chase on my days off, but I stopped when my bike got totalled by a lorry a couple of years back. Since then I've grown fat and lazy (well, not really fat, but I'm certainly carrying more weight than I used to). I tried the gym. My god is it boring. Ordered this instead; so much more fun! Got a Magnum Plus Mini lock on it's way too. Just got to sort lights, gloves and some padded shorts (these are amazing).
  7. Saw it last night. It was alright.
  8. If it's gaming you're planning on doing then I'd seriously consider upgrading that graphics card. To put it in perspective, the only graphics cards from the latest generation that are slower are integrated in to the motherboard. Every single dedicated card out there in the ATi 6*** series and NVidia 5** series is quicker. All bar the very bottom models of last generation are faster too. If you keep an eye on AVForums you might be able to bag a good deal on an ATi 4850. I sold mine a few months back for £35. That card is far faster than your 9600 and is actually capable of playing modern games, allowing you to make use of the other hardware you're spending good money on.
  9. McPhee


    If it doesn't run on the NC10 id be amazed. There's SNES games that make Terraria look pretty. A quick Google for 'Terraria NC10' suggests it can too (though I did t actually click a y of the results to check).
  10. The glass being Gorilla Glass doesn't mean it feels nice, it just means it's tough. The glass felt rough somehow, rather than the silky smooth feel that's normal. Build quality was far better than the Galaxy Tab. To be honest I'm surprised you namedrop Samsung as being high quality, I've never handled a Samsung product that has given me that impression. HTC, Motorola and Nokia, sure. Samsung and Sony Erricson (in the past few years) not so much.
  11. I had a play with the EeePad. Wasn't overly impressed. The entire UI lagged, from home screen to browser and the EeePad itself just didn't feel as nice in the hand as the iPad (sharper corners, cheaper glass used for the screen). Still felt a lot better than any other Android tablet I've handled though.
  12. McPhee


    Exploring is the main hook. You get a huge map (most of which is below the surface) to go adventuring in. Mining nets you the resources to craft the equipment to let you do more without getting your arse handed to you. Thankfully, it's not a grind. Mining happens as part of exploring, as you dig tunnels below the surface. Some times you're looking for specific materials, but even then it's all part of the adventure/exploration. Basically, the game goes like this; 1. Wake up in a strange world. 2. Cut down trees, build shelter. 3. Craft basic equipment out of wood. 4. Start exploring/mining near your shelter. 5. Craft some better equipment from the resources you've gathered. 6. Explore further. Get more resources, different resources. Meet new enemies. 7. Craft better equipment. And so on it goes until you've done all there is to do. The single player is good enough to hold the attention for a few days. The multiplayer is wicked though. Same as the single player, but you ain't alone. Adventuring together -> adventuring alone. -------------- Obsidian is damn unfair stuff :p We had some annoying little shit in multiplayer earlier, he was destroying all the buildings, mines, etc. We walled him in with Obsidian. He lacked the gear to cut his way out. He quit after a few minutes of griefing/message spam.
  13. Aye, it does. There's blatantly going to be a console port soon-ish (possibly even this year, depending on how long the actual porting takes). The UI and controls are pretty much there as it is. Unlike most people, I'm loving the combat in this game. Just got to keep moving and make use of the signs. It's very fluid and fast (or it would be if the frame rate would stop tanking!). Done the prologue so far, which took a good couple of hours.
  14. McPhee


    This game is just ridiculously awesome. Love it. The multiplayer is the dog's nads Got myself full Molten today! Still get pwnd by the bosses in Single Player though.
  15. Finally got TW2 today! But... they've taken the activation servers offline to upload the patch... FUCKING LAMERS. "Buy from gog.com, it'll be DRM free!". Lying bastards. EDIT: Server is back up. Downloading 28692KB at 3KBps. Oh the unrelenting joy. Why do I pay for games again?
  16. Already tried reinstalling Punkbuster. No dice. It ain't the Steam version either. I usually wind up reinstalling the game and downloading the mahoosive patches all over again through the painfully slow upsets system. This time I just gave up and hopped on the 360 version instead. Anyone getting The Witcher 2? One of my mates got it already. I have game envy
  17. I'm on my 2nd Xbox 360. My first is still going strong though, sold it to my brother. Had an Acer laptop break on me four times in the same year though (all four times exactly the same fault). Suffice to say, I've not had an Acer product break on me since :p The Xbox 360 subscription isn't that bad really, though it is getting more difficult to justify it as PSN is fast approaching feature-parity. I think Microsoft realise this, it would explain why they've been doing so many Dashboard offers on Live subscriptions (£25 for a year for existing subscribers, £5 for three months for new users etc.). There's been rumours about new features recently, including the return of dedicated servers for console games.
  18. I actually liked Shadowrun and think it could have done alright if the Dev hadn't gone bust 2 weeks before release. It never got patched, so quite quickly people stopped playing because of balance issues, glitches and cheating. Then again, Quake Wars wasn't that bad either after it had been out a few months. It was something of a bargain. Maybe Brink will improve too?
  19. Have Splash Damage ever actually delivered on promise? I seem to remember the ET: Quake Wars release lead-up being a lot like this too. It looked promising, it wound up disappointing and then found itself in the bargain bin for under a tenner just weeks later. Quake Wars is now one of the cheapest Xbox games around.
  20. Don't kid yourself, Duke Nukem will be disappointing too.
  21. The Steam Special Edition is the standard game, Absolute Power is the expansion pack. I'd guess Absolute Power is the one to start. Punkbuster is so incredibly lame. Wanted to play some BC2 online, but it won't let me in any servers. I probably could fix it but I genuinely cannot be arsed any more, it breaks itself quite regularly. Chances of DICE doing the right thing and dropping it in favour of VAC for BF3? Yeah, I know, keep dreaming.
  22. Meh. That was a waste of a minute and a half.
  23. Read a few reviews, watched a few videos; I'm gonna pass. It just doesn't look or sound like it's any good. The ideas were there but the execution is just... off. I really hope The Witcher 2 is good. Between Brink and 'Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword' I'm feeling a tad disappointed with PC gaming right now.
  24. I don't really 'get' the Google Music thing. I mean... why? No, I kinda get why, but isn't it... a bit crap compared to a proper all-you-can-eat subscription service? It's preferable to keeping everything on your hard drive; more secure and you'll have less data redundancy (identical copies of tracks between machines), but it just doesn't seem revolutionary to me. Then again, I've been using subscription services for all my music needs since the beginning of 2010. The idea of being tied down to 20,000 tracks instead of millions is a tad backwards. To someone who only uses their local library of tracks I guess Google Music (or the same service offered by Amazon, or by Carphone Warehouse) could be quite cool. £9/month for Zune, £9.99/month for Spotify or £???/month for Google Music (once it's out of private beta)? I know what I'd rather have.
  25. Visually it's stunning, and the relationships between the characters are pretty well done, but overall I found it a bit 'Meh'. It's just not really my thing. I watch it because it's entertaining and visually stunning, it's never going to have me hooked like a lot of other American shows have in the past few years (BSG, 24, Supernatural, Band of Brothers. The Wire and The Sopranos are on my 'must-see' list). It's kinda like Desperate Housewives, only not quite so vomit-inducing.
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