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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5666690/Trail/searchtext%3EGUITAR+HERO+4.htm?storeId=10001&referredURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.argos.co.uk%2Fstatic%2FProduct%2FpartNumber%2F5666690%2FTrail%2Fsearchtext%253EGUITAR%2BHERO%2B4.htm&jspStoreDir=argos&referrer=COJUN&cmpid=COJUN My local Argos still had a poster in the window advertising it too. I got mine last Thursday. If that doesn't work try Tesco in store, i heard they had the same deal on.
  2. World Tour + Guitar for £50 at Argos. Other than that the deals aren't too great, expect to pay at least £35. I have World Tour and think it's pretty good to be honest. The Guitar is the best they've made (once you disable the touch pad) and the song selection is quite fun (if a bit easy until the last gig).
  3. Pretty much the Heroes formula these days. Ignore all other episodes, come up with a cool idea, implement it, move on. Rinse, repeat. Still, it's a good bit of mindless entertainment
  4. On disk they can push it as a big Christmas title for 2009. It also means they don't have to worry about getting copies of Halo 3 back in to people's hands 2 years after release. I was quite suprised as well, but when i thought about it it started to seem like a sensible move.
  5. Sounds like me :p I spend too much time watching what's behind the group
  6. It could be in part down to just how oversaturated the 360's release calender has been this Christmas. Quick count lands me at 9 console exclusives in 2 months. With the release radar for the 360 drying up and PS3 still having SOCOM and Resistance to come i'd expect the situation will reverse in the coming weeks. Likewise, we'll probably see PS3 hardware sales rise too.
  7. For Total War you want to bias towards a good CPU and a lot of RAM. The previous games have been more intensive on these components than the graphics card. The C2D E8200 is pretty good bang for buck and RAM is pretty cheap these days and easy to install (£40-ish for 4GB of half decent RAM). Pick your graphics card by looking at how much of your budget you have left after that.
  8. Haha, just realised how out of date the numbers i was looking at are! Ok, ignore that post. I really need to look at the dates on these things
  9. It sucks really dude, but it's the unfortunate way software is going Everything has to be secure to stop 'bad' people and it always ends up screwing over good customers
  10. I thought the 360 was only a couple of million units behind the Wii? The Wii is selling faster, but there still isn't a huge gap, the distance between the 360 and PS3 is about 5 times the distance between the Wii and 360. I would hardly call Microsoft's second console a failure, especially given they are actually turning a profit on it now...
  11. He did do something wrong, he failed to keep his own account secure. That is Valve's point of view, and once which you agree to when you take out an account. It's unfortunate, but it's something they had to do to keep their platform secure. If exceptions were made then people who were actually doing wrong would easily slip through the net.
  12. How quiet is this thread?!?! I take it hardly anyone bought this game then?
  13. McPhee

    Fable 2

    Awesome :awesome:
  14. Agreed. I'm not loving the multi-player really, it badly needs sorting out. It's laggy, the matchmaking is crap and the chainsaw is the bane of all existance. I think i'm just gonna stick to co-op and Horde on this from now on, much more fun!
  15. Agreed. I'd have one if they were £200-£250. I tried to pick up a 40GB at that price but local shops weren't playing ball. Five, tops. Sony won't hang about with replacing it. I'm pretty sure the "10 years" was based on the PS1 and PS2 and how they continued to sell in to the next generation anyhow. The PS3 likely won't live on quite as well as those consoles did, once Sony replace it it's sales will shrivle and die like the Xbox/GameCube.
  16. Um, there's barely any change. The 360 still has twice the userbase of the PS3. PS3 sales are picking up in the US and 360 sales are picking up in Japan, Sony's console isn't likely to catch up for another couple of years at best. I'm not saying the PS3 experience hasn't improved, or that it isn't in a better market position than it was. Sony have made less mistakes this year but they are still WAY behind. 2009 could well be their year to make a real dent in the market, the PS3 needs to drop in price first though.
  17. Well, not quite. The transfers are still higher quality than DVD so there would be a difference between the two. BD isn't just a high resolution DVD, just about every aspect of picture and sound quality has been improved. The special features are also much improved over those on DVD, they're more interactive and can be accessed at any time during the movie (allowing you to turn stuff like director commentary on or off without leaving the film). Still, i'd say it's not worth buying. The players are still a little too expensive to warrant the purchase without a HDTV. I guess it depends how much you love your film, plenty of people buy £400 DVD players (and even more expensive) because they want to see their films at the best quality they can.
  18. They aren't the best of companies, but big groups going bust like this is really bad for our economy. That, and if they do go bust then Best Buy will have a monopoly on the high street within 5 years (they're moving over here next year).
  19. I love this game! Completed the first campaign, but sadly i didn't make it! When the Chopper arrived a huge swarm of Zombies came at us, along with a tank! I was never going to make it from the radio room all the way to the helipad on 1hp, so i screamed at my team mates to leave me, volunteering to hold the enemy off! I hopped on the chain gun and started mowing down Infected, covering my friends' backs as they ran. It wasn't long before i was on my back, bleeding out and blasting as many zombies as i could! Two people survived. The tank got the other guy
  20. Nope, it's in the T&Cs that once you're banned you are banned. The security of your account is your responsibility, not Valve's. It sucks a bit, but that's what you sign up for when you take out a Steam account.
  21. This is gonna cause problems. Retailers are already having to cut margins right down to entice people to buy stuff, they can't go much lower. If other manufacturers follow suit then we can say bye bye to rather a lot of companies (Dixons Groups for a start, probably Comet too).
  22. Ever play the first DiRT? It's definitely not a sim, it's an arcade racer. It's one of my favourite racing games of all time! (i can't stand racing sims).
  23. More to the point, why by an Elite? The PS3 has an 80GB HDD so the competing Xbox is the one with the 120GB rather than the 60GB? To be honest you could source all that kit a lot cheaper than the best PS3 bundle around at the moment. Ignoring console bundles; Xbox 360 Pro: £170 Wireless Adaptor with 12 months Live: £70 (Currys HD-DVD Drive: Difficult to find, but £30 in PC World and Argos or £20 with 4 HD-DVDs in Gamestation, just a case of tracking them down. Total: £260-£270 I ignored console bundles because 360 and PS3 deals are pretty comparable at the moment. You can easily get either one with a new release and an older game for RRP without shopping around too hard. I've seen plenty deals for both that are better than that too. Anyhow, the argument is moot. The 360 has so many different add-ons because it's all about paying for what you need. Don't want to install games to the hard drive? Buy a good Arcade bundle and a cheap 20GB HDD (been as low as £15 lately). Don't need wireless? Don't buy it. Live? Same again. Even if you want it all it's still a fairly decent price. The real selling point of a system is the games though, you buy the one that has the titles that appeal to you, not whichever one is "cheaper".
  24. Quick note, UT3 is on the 360 as well It's not a bad list, a few i'd like to play and with Blu-Ray as well i'm considering a PS3 myself. For games only i couldn't justify £300 for it, there's only Little Big Planet, Uncharted, the 2 Resistance games, Warhawk and possibly Ratchet that i'd definitely buy. The controllers are horrible as well, it's always been a turn off for me where the Playstaton is concerned...
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