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Everything posted by Ted Nindo
Few weeks ago, I started playing OoT again, still has the same impact as when it came out. Ok, the graphics are dated but the game is still as enchanting and haunting as ever. It's just like reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie. Bringing it to 3D is a brilliant idea, now my kids will enjoy it too cause they like their hip console better than the bulky N64 controller or the outdated cube. Bring on the Zelda magic!
Ocarina all the way! Playing it feels like reading a good book or watching a good move, you just don't want it to end! The most complete Zelda ever! Second is Twilight Princess, it felt like a redone version of OoT... followed by Link to the Past which got me into the series. First time I saw those graphics I thought I played a cartoon! I just did'nt like Majora and can't play Phantom Hourglass all the way through. Somewhere in between: Windwaker and Minish Cap.
Skate it Wii!! Finallly got it today, I missed out on a few Tony Hawks but grew tired of the Hawk series anyway so I relly digged the idea of a skating game for Wii! Like said before: it's very hard! Not for the casual gamers, if you never skated before you'll probably end up swearing and giving up on the game. Just stick with it and it's really rewarding! pros: -music by Priest! -controls via board and wiimote is great! -real skaters are featured -real skatespots -lots of unlockables! cons: -HARD! -loading times take too long sometimes Overall: get it if you considers yourself a more Hardcore gamer or skater! This game is not for everyones taste that's for sure! -most
1) Metroid Prime: gripped me like the best movie could, played till finished in a few weeks 2) Resident Evil 4: lights out, Doritos at hand and let the horror freeze you... 3) Star wars Rogue Squadron: SW at its best, nuf said 4) Zelda WW: took a while to get into the graphs but top Zelda fun 5) F-Zero: fast?! hell yeah! 6) Pikmin 1/2: original and addictive, Nintendo!!! 7) Luigi's Mansion: my first cube game and still a winner 8) Resident Evil 0/1: clunky controls but great atmosphere 9) Super Mario Sunshine: awesome waterfun but 3D is too hard 10) DK Jungle Beat: Wii forerunner, inspired Galaxy for sure!
This game rules! Got me hooked just like the first Prime. The second was uninspired and predictable. I like the controls, the bosses, enemies, planets...MP3 is awesome!! Is it worthwile to scan everithing???
Virtual Console - All you need to know
Ted Nindo replied to Tellyn's topic in General Gaming Discussion
AAH! Just read the news that our useless starpoints can be traded for the precious Wii-points!!! Finally a good move on Ninty's part! Now I'll be able to complete my retro-collection!!! Question: are all older games to be controlled with a cube controller??? Wii love it! -
Fave SNES games: -Castlevania 4 -Contra Alien Wars -Mario Kart -Axelay -Super Metroid Man those were the Nintendo-days!
First ever game: Donkey Kong JR on Game and Watch First console bought: NES with Turtles, bought Mario Bros 3 as well then. Most played games from that era: all Marios, Megamans, Mario Karts (later) and Street FighterII...
1) Ocarina of Time 2) Link to the Past 3) Wind Waker I enjoyed Minish Cap and Majora's Mask too...
What is the worst Nintendo 64 game you ever played
Ted Nindo replied to british lad's topic in General Gaming Discussion
How about: -Aero Gauge -Lode Runner -Gex 64 -V-Rally 64 All of those utter crap! -
-Wii Console -3 extra nunchukkies -MP3 -Zelda -Red Steel ----Did'nt know you had to buy an extra peripheral to play DVD's but that surely won't be necessary since I have 3 players already..
Worst Ninty games: N64: Body Harvest, Carmageddon, Yoshi's Story, Bomberman Cube: Superman, Starfox adventures, most wrestling games I've bought most of these and after one week I sold them for cheap!
My thoughts on Metroid Prime 2...
Ted Nindo replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in General Gaming Discussion
My thoughts on MP:Echoes... The first Metroid Prime got me hooked from start to finish, the second never got my attention because of it's boring light/dark world travelling. The bosses were kinda like a rushjob and the overall enemies were'nt as exciting as in MP. I found myself stuck on alpha blogg because I did'nt get enough energy pellets to finish him off. The game is sitting on my shelf ever since and I'm not keen on playing it again ever. The first Metroid, I finished it three times without arguing, Echoes? Nah... I wish MP3 will be the overblowing experience I am hoping for! -
BK: one of the best N64 games!! I really dig the voice-rumblings from Mumbo Jumbo, Mole and Kazooie. The bosses were awesome especially the Gruntilda fights! Banjo Tooie was a lot more difficult but graphically superior to BK imo.
'Dick Laurent is dead' Lost Highway 'Think I'm a funny guy?' Casino 'No, it's not dangerous to confuse children with angels' Magnolia 'Can you dig it?' The Warriors 'I'm not picking up another turd, I'm a rockstar!' Ozzy (not really from a movie but a classic nevertheless...)
Has anyone played or bought this game? It has the same impact as Donkey Konga on me! I bought this for my daughters and we have a great time! The game features classic and new Nintendotunes to dance to. The looks are great and the characters typical Nintendo. It's just great to see how a controller is rebuilt into a dancemat with the same functions (L,R,A,B,Z, Start) You can even play it against one another with two mats connected, have to find out if that's cool though...
whats the best games on game cube???
Ted Nindo replied to Paper Remote's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Fave Cube games: -Metroid Prime -Resi 4 -Rogue Squadron -F-Zero GX -Donkey Kong Jungle beat -Pikmin Not so favorite games: -Zelda WW -Metroid Prime2 -Super mario sunshine those games were in my collection but for some reason I got rid of them quite quick, I was sort of dissappointed... -
This event took place in Gent (Belgium) and showed the whole game-industry's upcoming games and consoles. Xbox360 had the longest cues, I stood in line cause I was with two Xboxers and saw the greatest graphics ever, originality zero. I saw Kameo which had a total Nintendo feel to it, the roller ball was a straight ripoff from Samus rolling ball...sigh Now on to NINTENDO's stand: only few Cube games: Zelda of course: sweetest of the bunch, Viewtiful Joe2 and some spongebob and other licensecrap. Main focus was the DS: you could (if you were lucky) download some demos from Mariokart, Meteos, Zelda trailer...Didn't work on my DS though...too much traffic??! I visited the Mario dance machine too, lots of anxious moms were there cueing up, seems to be a great gadget for moms with daughters... Major hypes but truly letdowns: -the Warriors on PS2: total GTA ripoff, major crap! -King Kong on every system, I thought this was Turok allover again... -PSP milking every possible classic game, originality zero!
-Megaman series -Rygar -Metroid -Zelda -Faxanadu -Probotector -Mario's -Life Force -Gun smoke -Burai Fighter Most games from these days are hard as nails, no saving points like we have now. Still, we managed to play them from start to finish, this meant playing for hours straight away!
Best Nintendo Tunes top 10: -Castlevania IV Snes (chills down the spine, played the intro from level 4 myself on our first full album...) -Metroid Prime on Cube (fits so well with the action and mood/fauna...) -Zelda most versions on consoles especially Oot!! -Mazza 64: lovely!! -Resident Evil Remake/Zero especially the saverooms--superchill ambient! -Starwars Rogue Squadron/Rebel Strike for that typical Williams feel... -F Zero GX: action/thrills -Contra 4 -Mario 1-2-3 nostalgia!! -Megaman 1-4 Too bad you can't find much on records, some sites do have tunes from games on mp3 but I'd love to get my hands on real CD's like they made from Majora or Castlevania.
You got an N64? Then you MUST own: -Super mario 64 -Goldeneye!! -Banjo Kazooie/Tooie -Perfect Dark -Castlevania Legacy of darkness -Donkey Kong 64 -Zelda Ocarina of time and...last but not least Conkers BFD if you can find if for under 50 £...
Retro games you've been playing lately
Ted Nindo replied to zatoichi's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Did anyone notice those games are rockhard?! I started gaming on the NES and back then, finishing a game was a real challenge. Just play Isolated Warrior, Rygar or Turtles and you know what I mean... Playing right now: -Castlevania 'Legacy of Darkness' on N64 -Mario allstars/Super Mario world on SNES -Isolated Warrior on NES -
own: -Nes -SNes -N64 -Gamecube -Gameboy -Gameboyplayer have lots of old games, mostly for Nes but I'm working on my N64 collection through ebay... Trades? just mail me ok?!