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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Eew, Dirty foreigners, actually, I went to Germany, girls there are Hawt!
  2. What happens ? Cmon I can take it...
  3. Dude, those Irish Carbomb things are overhyped. I had 2 and plenty more besides, nothing happened. But I suppose thats because my tolerance is way too high , end up spending close to £50 on alcohol every time I go out. The drink that gives you the worst hangover though, is Jim Beam, man, it's the most vile of whiskeys. But I suppose that could have been cause it was stale. Damn though, never having it again. I never have hangovers the day after though, it usually just wears off in my sleep. Usually it's one of my mates that has to be trolleyed though
  4. Happy Birthday and: Amen.
  5. Yaaay, they brought Jonas back in Fallout today! He has the coolest hair. In fact, he reminds me of this guy, a lot:
  6. Perhaps...looks a bit bloody though...
  7. Holy shit, you managed to get her to carve that into herself. Now thats what I call some serious pussy control .
  8. The red one isn't a reticule, it's a target.
  9. You see, the difference being, that it's Maiden, so it's excusable. Anyway, I didn't buy it, I burned my mates copy, so it doesnt count
  10. Hehe, I prefer bourbon actually. I don't like all these pussy drinks anyway, just like to try new stuff is all. Me: (Dark ale) x 2 + (Kronenburg or Guinness) + (Many ciders) x 6 + (3 quadruple vodkas and a double Bacardi and coke.) = Happy me What do you lot usually have when you go out?
  11. I wanna try an Appletini (3/4 apple schnapps, 1/4 Martini), but my mates'll probably kill me and burn my corpse if it try.
  12. They sell both Bulmera and Magners in Manchester. There's no difference at all. Anyway, I'm sittin here drinking baileys. Nice.
  13. That was rather awesome. You remind me of a young Kirk Hammett. Anyway, just got new Maiden Album! It's ok, some great songs, but TROBB sucks big time. Great singing from you though! You don't get many people who can sing metal well lol. Rock On!
  14. WKD Blue? You're a bit of a chick aint ya? :p. My mates wouldn't leave me alone after I tried it, lol. Too sugary for my liking aswell. Gonna try Quinns soon though...in private, so they don't tear me a new one.
  15. I like Hobgoblin, cause it has a funny drawing on the front.
  16. Could it have anything to do with school and exam results? :/
  17. Psych. It's not finished. Deffo getting it along with Red Steel though.
  18. Dude, you can't just leave! I haven't beaten you on MPH yet?? And whats all this malarky about not liking games anymore?
  19. Good stuff. But I never really got into Goldeneye as much as Perfect Dark.
  20. It's going to be fun when they bring this out on the Wii virtual console. Especially if they take it online.
  21. Aspen lake is so much fun and easier with thunderstorm on, cause it looks bloody amazing, and the water covers up all the rocks so theres less stuff to collide with. Fricking amazing.
  22. More importantly, how did Maiden not? If top of the pops and rap was all there was, I wouldn't be listening to modern music at all.
  23. Aww, I was looking forward to that . Ah well, lets see what ya got .
  24. Another one, I think I've posted this before though...:
  25. Aww, thanks Should I post a few more then? K, here's one I haven't finished yet:
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