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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Fauna on my island is building some pretty cool log decorative shelves if anyone wants the DIY. I am prattling round tidying up and have opened the gates if anyone wants a late night visit.
  2. @RedShell just got your posted gift!! Whoa thanks so much! Been after that one for ages!!
  3. Bill making some sandy beach flooring if anyone needs any of that lol.
  4. I don't think I could. I love my island as it is. I just want a second one to work on now with a totally different feel / vibe haha.
  5. Now I got my 5 star rating, I think I'm actually becoming depressed with not having any island design to do. I honestly would love to start the whole experience over again but I don't want to lose my island / save file. Loved playing this game so much!
  6. Picnic blanket might be a cool idea too!
  7. Any idea why these trees aren’t growing? They were planted a week ago and the ones around it have grown no problem but the middle ones haven’t. I didn’t think they were too close together?
  8. Yuka on my island is currently crafting a bamboo tea light holder if anyone is interested. Sahara is also patrolling the island.
  9. I just checked in with Isabelle on my rating and Eternia has gained its 5 star rating! I am very nearly done with my island just need to do some stuff on the beaches and tidy up a couple of flowers that have spawned and look untidy. But after 180 hours of graft I am chuffed! Haven’t even started on my house so that’s my next project!
  10. I’ve just done a wrestling ring out on my island ha. Must be the in thing
  11. Lol it isn’t cheating at all! That’s what those other islands are for. Also time travel is essential. That is all.
  12. Didn't think of that either. My mind is too busy with ideas to finish the last section of my island that I'm clearly not thinking straight lol.
  13. Ooohh that's what they're called. I now feel very silly. Thanks!
  14. Hmm is there a way to plant the darker green trees you get on the higher levels at the start of the game. I got rid of a load, foolishly, but could do with some more now?
  15. Anyone have a basketball? I have a football an American football, and an exercise ball. no basketball though
  16. If no one has one I can send one over once I see what I have left once I craft some myself.
  17. I'm open currently as Ronnie is here just visiting Redd. Give me 5 mins and I'll message to say come as just want to make sure shop has them. Fairly certain they do.
  18. Hmm I'm not sure but I can take your spare DIY for the garden bench for the windflowers?!
  19. I can only make log benches. I really want the recipe for the natural garden benches. They look so cool.
  20. Lol there was no way I was dodging in and out of mannequins for 6 days minimum!!
  21. Thank f*ck that’s done. I’ll be seeing mannequins in my sleep.
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