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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. That’s why I haven’t bought turnips this week. Putting them on my island drops my rating which was stopping the flower spawning. I could have dumped them in my house, but meh.
  2. Finally found my Lily of the Valley!
  3. Marshal crafting a Gold Screen Wall. I know most have this now but if anyone needs it let me know.
  4. 94 bells this morning on Cinnabar. If anyone wants to buy I can open.
  5. @RedShell has Sprinkle! I had a chat to her tonight. Very cute!
  6. Kabuki making an infused-water dispenser tonight. Needs all the fruits to craft it. It’s basically a glass jar filled with fruit water. if anyone wants the DIY I can open up.
  7. Count me in. Even if to just repay the favour of watering the flowers.
  8. It’s my actually birthday today, and to be greeted with a celebration from my favourite islander Bill as soon as I loaded the game this morning was amazing! Bill just asked me to follow him and that it was a surprise haha. Really really cute. Made me smile the whole way through the celebrations. This is why I love this game. And the fact Bill dressed up in his tuxedo jacket and glasses was the icing on the cake haha. Seaprate note, I got an actual Switch cake too which is very cool!
  9. Oh that’s interesting that it’s dockable. It’s such a snug fit without a case it amazes me that can happen. Might look into that too then although I generally never play my main Switch handheld. That’s the Lites job.
  10. It’s crazy how quick you can progress early on in this game. I only started playing the same copy on my Lite on Wed night and I have the shop, the museum will be built tomorrow, I have reactions just now and Wisp has been on my island once already. I’ve also used the Nook Mile ticket to fly to an island where I’ve invited Cookie the dog to live, so she will be in soon. And no, I haven’t time travelled lol. I think it helps I know what i need to do. It’s so much fun playing from the start again. It helps that I can visit my original island and give myself a TRUCK of money to progress the house along quickly. I’ve already had two upgrades and the other two peasants who moved in are still in tents. It’s a bloody shame.
  11. Nice. They do a Lite grip case with changeable handles. Was thinking about getting one as they look really good quality. I love the feel of the Lite on its own though which is all that’s holding me back!
  12. Windflower fan being made by Raddle this evening if anyone interested.
  13. Sorry - my islander is crafting a bamboo STOOL not lamp. Oops. Gates open anyway.
  14. Mint is making a bamboo lamp. I’m opening my gates for @Mike1988uk so feel free to come by and get the recipe. I’m currently working so am AFK but you can leg it round to your hearts content.
  15. So as I have got my 5 star on Eternia, and decorated the island as much as I can, I’ve decided to start a new game on my Lite (using the same download copy!) so hasn’t cost me a penny! I therefore have a second island which I’ve just started so will add you all. I am “Aneres2” (original) and my island is Cinnabar. I have some strange ol’ opening islanders lol. One is French! I will be playing on my original island daily though for recipes and fossil collection (still not complete) so I’ll still be opening up for guests each day, I just will have a second one in the mix . So if you get a friend request from Aneres2, it’s just me!
  16. Absolutely must be! It prob wont be if you check now as you've got turnips placed out like me, which Isabelle doesn't like lol. So whenever I buy turnips I drop down to 4 stars with the feedback of 'too much clutter on the island' :D.
  17. I kept some back so would love to come over to sell too if possible?
  18. @Ronnie I noticed when I was wandering off on my own that you had a Lily of the Valley on your island. Is your island 5 star? They only spawn randomly when you have that rating, so I read, and yours was up near the tourist telescope on a cliff?
  19. I think Saharah is more of a crook than Redd. Keeps giving me the worst wall and floor patterns. A misty vine wallpaper and swamp flooring today. Cheers!
  20. Yuka on my island is making a palm tree lamp which is something I’ve wanted ages so I’m happy! I am around all day if anyone wants to nab the DIY.
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