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Everything posted by SupaFry

  1. Just so you all know Shenmue Online got cancelled a few weeks ago. Well at least I think it did.
  2. Sounds like a good show. Anyway my tip for the rumble is Randy Orton though I don't want him to win.
  3. i'll watch what i want thank you very much.
  4. There is so much buzz around for this title change. I don't think people have been this excited about a title change in years. It seems this PPV apparently terrible show(I havent seen it) will atleast be remembered for somthing.
  5. Edge is my new hero. From what I here Cena was getting major boos and Angle was getting most cheers. Can anyone who saw the show confirm this.
  6. This is comming along great. And is it just me or do you find it funny readind a serious story with names like EEVILMURRAY and Dukkadukka.
  7. I love cheese on toast especially with ham. Also Vegemite and cheese on toast works well. My current favourite snack is to toast two pieces of bread and thickly spread peanut butter on one and chocolate spread (I use Nutella) on the other, then stick them together and enjoy.
  8. What can a fish do in the wild that it cant do in a tank, apart from get eaten. Are thay missing out on anything in a tank? Oh and tnd the three second memory thing isn't true.
  9. Good stuff so far can't wait for the next chapter.
  10. I want in, I love Saw. Too bad everythings taken. Battle Royal is also a sweet movie.
  11. I'm with you. I can't stand Cena and hope he loses. Although he'll probably win the rumble if he does lose. I think Kurt will finally get the title again but I wouldn't be surprised if it was either Masters or Carlito, they are due for a major push soon.
  12. Man I really need that extra second.
  13. See ads saying is going to be shown next year(in Australia). Look interesting so I think I'll check it out.
  14. I can't vote, i like Simpsons, Futurama, South Park and Family Guy equally. I simply can not one ahead of the others.
  15. I saw this on the news today. Truly a sad day for comedy. RIP
  16. Yeah Australia's got "The Group of death ". You English are lucky. Although isn't Sweden your bad luck team or somthing?
  17. I believe it was this year.
  18. I believe it was this year.
  19. I didn't think much of the original, I think because I was told it was super awsome fantastic!!! and it wasn't. So I'm not too excited.
  20. Yeah whats going on, I demand answers.
  21. It dosen't want to work for me. Anyway I always thought Silent Hill would could be agood movie, but then again I also thought Resident Evil could be a good movie.
  22. Burnout 2 dosent have a bid yet. I'd love to own the rights to that.
  23. I'm in. (now I got 15)
  24. Similar to what was written before but: Shenmue Walk up to random person and say "I'm looking for a place where sailors hang out." And in Shemnue 2 playing against the rapping Jamaican/Japanese guy with the terrible but hilarious music in the background.
  25. Man that really sucks. I lost all my games eairler this year from a break in also, so I know how you feel but you have much more and harder to replace stuff than me. Luckly for my insurance really payed out, hope thay do for you.
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