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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. How did you punch me out after you did the punch?! Great set of games guys!! Edit: okay one more..
  2. One final round for me before dinner. Might be on later though. This is so much fun!
  3. Jesus, I didn't think that would work! Not a good map for Falcon
  4. Goddammit will you let me open my assist trophy!!! Edit: you're really good! Im usually on top, but I just can't seem to beat you!
  5. Jesus, I'm struggeling with beating Rayman in WoL. Just keep on getting absolutely demolished by Sonic and that assist throphy. I really, really enjoy the mode though, and gathering spirits is as involving, if not more, as collecting thropies was.
  6. Awesome! I'll order one as soon as I get my salary :D.
  7. Oh nice! Tell me, how is the PowerA Gamecube controller? Can you recommend it for smash?
  8. So, anyone playing online now and have a room open? Or are we waiting until tomorrow?
  9. Great set of games guys! Except for one bad lag, it went really smooth, and I was screaming with laughter more than once
  10. I keep winning with that gun xD Okay, final round for me.
  11. I'm going to have nightmares about Kirby's Up+B tonight...
  12. Know your place! Seriously, we need a replay feature
  13. Aw man, that sudden death xD
  14. Okay, I've made an arena. Room ID: 6HLGM Password: 4254
  15. So, anyone want to play some online?
  16. Do we have any chat for online play? Or is this the place? I'm gonna play some BF V with some buddies of mine in an hour, but I'll be ready for some smash after that.
  17. @Sméagol @Ike Yes, Whisky and Smash tonlight, I'm definitely down for that. Now for the more imoprtant question: Smokey or smooth...?
  18. Yeah, they really need to activate the video feature in a future update. This is the most important game for video capture. Imagine how many funny moments you want to save when playing this game. To leave it out is just stupid.
  19. Well, that's about time! I've been holding off getting this on PC, and it's about time we got an update/release date.
  20. Played for one and a half hour now. It's so good.but how do we play with friends??
  21. @bob, I combined it and compressed into a more manageable 30MB PDF-file. You can download it here https://we.tl/t-jKJZJtLIUQ
  22. - Just a bit over 13 hours remain -
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