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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. White does have more exclusive Pokémon than Black, if that is of interest to you.
  2. If you are at all interested in Pokémon, then yes, yes you should.
  3. 3DS Get! Without a game though, I still have enough normal DS games to finish until a game I really want comes out.
  4. 3DS Get! ahem, anyway, my friend code is: 2878-9613-5546 I have added every single one of you, so please add me too
  5. Yep, since that new banner I haven't been able to go to the forums with that button.
  6. Nooooo anything but Digimon!
  7. How very bizarre, I've never heard of something like that happening before.
  8. How can an item disappear Did you accidentally trade it or something?
  9. Ok, so I didn't get one today, but tomorrow, tomorrow!
  10. I had the same surprise with Cobalion. With a catch rate of 3 I thought it would take a while, but one Dusk Ball, and he was mine.
  11. Well it's decided. I will try to get one tomorrow, along with Pilotwings. Thank you all for the reviews and feedback, you should work for the Nintendo marketing department
  12. My offer to help applies for everybody, if you are willing to let me do it for you. I have actively been trying to best my high-score, although it has stagnated around 120,000 unfortunately. I have to say, it's quite a fun little game, especially considering the free Pokémon you can get
  13. Well you are getting an illegitimate Pokémon through illegitimate means, so yes, I would consider it hacking. Unless you use it for online battles or something, and you are prepared that in a very unlucky case it could mess up your game, then I suppose it's up to you to decide. I still think it's bad form though, just as I don't like the idea of cloning, but that's just my opinion.
  14. I don't know what everybody is talking about. Firefox 4 on OS X works perfectly for me.
  15. Also I'm hearing a worrying amount of bad news about the build quality. Although that may be just a few unlucky singular cases.
  16. If you need help, you could change your password, PM me your Username and new password, then I'd get the evolution you want, and you could change your password back to whatever you want. Of course I can understand if you don't want to do that
  17. Just out of curiosity, how much replay value is there in this game? From what I have read in this thread, it seems that it will take a long time to complete everything, which I like the sound of. I just hope that it doesn't get boring after a while. It's certainly looks like my favorite of the launch titles, so I'm just wondering if it's worth the 45 Pounds that it costs here. Thanks
  18. Looks like my local store has the Black 3DS back in stock. Now I just wonder if Pilotwings is worth it. It really sounds like half the people say that it is short and boring, and the other half say that it is great for just flying around and having fun. As someone who spent probably hours flying around as a seagull in Wind Waker I probably belong in the latter though. I suppose it would make sense to get at least one 3DS game with the actual device, however the game costs a converted 45 Pounds over here
  19. Or, if anyone needs a Zorua, I still have plenty to share
  20. I'm pretty sure the score doesn't matter, you just have to finish. The last level can get a bit tricky though, although it looks like it isn't always the same. If you try again you may get an easier one.
  21. Yes, I beat them all with a score of 101,000 and got a free Jolteon :awesome:
  22. Umm, slightly off-topic, but what's up with your join date ReZourceman?
  23. Light Screen decreases the damage the users team's takes from Special Attacks. It doesn't do anything to the other team.
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