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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. what about pogs? I just bought 10 packs of new series 1 pogs for the price of ONE!! slammer whammer, yo.
  2. you seen how fat the lead singer guy's gotten?
  3. i joined in 2001 or 2 or something. Back when the forums where white and grey the first time around! My old name was j7wicked, and my first 3 posts were all in a row, and had one word in each. I like to think I actually have a rather interesting forum history, considering my current role as a noob. :'(
  4. damn my university books shelf. I didn't bring any books that I really enjoyed reading so I won't be able to recommend much. I must say, Terry Goodkind's books starting with The Magician are clearly made with some sort of finger-glue. Yer typical 600+ page book that refuses to lay unread. Cloud Atlas and number9Dream by Dave Mitchel are both narratively intriguing books. Erm. Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor is probably my favourite book by him so far.
  5. admittedly, only doing this to see what people think about MY sig... but hey, I'm a fan of borderless sigs that merge with teh background. Wanted to do something like that myself but... well i spent far too long on THIS. Anyway - 6/10.
  6. i pretty much totally agree with you, Wes. Last year, as my girlfriend and I walked through Leeds on valentine's day, she kept pointing out all the people with roses, and all the rose-sellers who were, nearly completely literally, on every goddamn street-corner.. She couldn't see that the two reasons she pointed out as reasons I should get her a rose were two precise reasons why I didn't. If you give your girl a rose any other day of the year, she's going to be grinning at least twice as madly. PLUS she doesn't even like roses, as they remind her of death... Weirdly, later that night we went to buy our 'romantic dinner' at ASDA (chicken fajitas!), and God himself gave her a rose and me a yorkie bar. Well ok, he was a church missionary... but I figure that this was a sign that I needn't have to buy her a rose EVER. I'll probably give her some flowers the weekend before v-day.
  7. feel free to suggest another pair of words when you're done. Golden Virginia and a towel.
  8. lol... Anyway, don't know if anyone's mentioned it yet, but i'm rather a fan of the Discworld philosophy; whatever you think will happen after death will indeed happen. You think a golden chariot with two fat singing ladies carries you to valhallah? It happens. Think there's a period of 20 years worth of walking through a desert finding the oasis of happiness? Bingo. You got it. My Name Is Earl had a nice idea, again don't know if someone already mentioned such light-hearted theories (which clearly aren't real ) - after you die you get to watch your whole life again on tv.
  9. they both seem to be days of the week, here in sheffield... leave your pedanticism at the door plz.
  10. It's fair to say that it used to be, but nowadays I'll feel the urge to revisit, and will pop in fairly frequently for a week or two, then phase the site out of my list of addictions for a few more weeks. The forums move way too fast for me to keep up!
  11. .. So coming up for a title to this game probably deserves more than three seconds of thought, But I don't know how well any title could portray how the game works. Well, maybe "three degrees of separation", but that ignores the crucial element of this version... Basically, the first person suggests two random things, could be pretty much anything; Zebra and Tow-truck. The next poster then has to link them up via characteristics, similarities or however. Zebra - Zebra crossing - traffic - car crash - Tow-Truck. .. then, once the link is complete, the poster can go on to suggest their own pair of randomings! Another example; Bullet-hole and wednesday... Bullet-hole - guns - trigger - trigger happy tv - friday nights - wednesday. So here's the first puzzler; Toothbrush and Sand.
  12. Saw Smokin' Aces at the cinema on wednesday - felt like (and pretty much was) one of those gangster flicks with the ol' Lock, Stock feel. Lots of intense situations involving bullets and blood, and the odd twist here and there. I quite liked it. Not the best film ever but it was pretty fast paced, and kept you entertained enough for your money; enough to not notice your ass rotting on those shitty cinema seats... 7/10.
  13. Chips n' dips my friend. I have a reciept stuck to my wall from tescos that lists what I bring to every partay.. Cider £2.57 Doritos £0.99 Dip £0.99
  14. gotta be Blast Corps for the N64, easily Rare's most overlooked game for teh console. GC, it's gotta be... well I agree with Eternal Darkness, as it's the game I've completed the most. Nintendo DS... Well I only own three games, so it's probably Wario Ware for exemplifying the ideals the console holds. That's it! Two of those consoles I came into this year, too...
  15. would anyone like to help me? the question is "is metaphysical poetry centrally concerned with self-expression or persuasion?" LOLSBYEFACETWICEINTEH...
  16. cider cider ciderrr! Sainsbury's do a nice 8 cans of scrumpy jack for £6, and budgens is doing 8 tins of olde english for £5. Days of white lightning are behind me... but perhaps closing in on me from afar due to money shortages. As for beers... well they're never strong enough for the money you pay. Cheap and potent is the way to go.
  17. well I've 'recently' bought viewtiful joe and pikmin although I've already rented/borrowed and completed both. Also bought splinter cell 2, XIII, 007 nightfire, second sight, beyond good & evil, enter the matrix, billy hatcher and freedom fighters. Want to get resident evil 2 and 3 but they're no cheaper than when they came out. Also on my list; pikmin 2, ikaruga, geist, timesplitters future perfect, hitman 2, killer7, paper mario 2, prince of persia trio, wario ware. Yatta!
  18. *sidesteps the running subject of conversation* ... I thrashed Shorty at smash bros repeatedly. Several times. Again and again. That is all.
  19. I don't remember not getting on with you, cube.. Not up for meeting up in sheffield then!
  20. Liverpool just reminds me of those bees from Conker's Bad Fur Day...
  21. maybe that was his impression of people on this website? I haven't been here enough to do that! No witty response.
  22. .. I think the last film I saw was Peter Pan on VHS at my girlfriend's new house... Well, racist/sexist overtones and outdated storytelling can't fault disney's flair for BEING SHIT! Hah, didn't see that coming. 4/10. I watched Pinocchio on the plane over to australia and hated myself for always watching films to the end. I wish i could think of a decent film i've watched recently...
  23. bah :P I posted about this site so long ago it was practically in another life of mine... It's a moving site! One of my favourite things on the internet. Along with bash.org and cockeyed.com.
  25. argh! yeah Chris (shorty) thrashed me several times. I showed him monkey ball which he HAD NEVER PLAYED. Mostly shock, little awe. Borrowing RE4 off of him - when i rented it I completed teh game but it crashed as the last movie was rolling before i could save, so i've finally completed it :P Playing through again. Red_shift, Cube, we ought to meet up. Today? My msn is [email protected], addit and we'll consider things from there Unlike chris, I've been dragged out a few times to 'socialise', only i can't see or hear in the nightclubs so i don't find it great fun, so next week it'll be working on the gin and my 'cube skillz in my room. Keep meeting people each time i go outside for a cigarette. I got to keep remembering that there's no chance in hell i'll be maintaining this many relationships, but it makes me look popular when people keep stopping to say hello... even if i don't want to actually converse with anyone. Hope people are enjoying being away from their old folks! I am, but feel guilty about not calling/emailing them and my ol' friends more frequently - 'making the effort', i think it's called.
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