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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Nerrel has a video out, comparing all the games from Super Mario 3D All-Stars on the Switch, with what is technically possible on the PC. It's an interesting video, because while it highlights the collection as being a decent way to play these three 3D Mario games, it also shows several areas where alternative versions, seem to be vastly superior, on a technical level, which makes me wonder, what could have been, with this collection.
  2. I can remember watching Sean Connery in all of the James Bond films he acted in, the Highlander films, Indiana Jones and the Last crusade, and Dragonheart. Each of those films, watchable and enjoyable, mainly because of his presence in them. It has been a while since I watched any of these, now might be a good time to rewatch Highlander and Highlander II: The Quickening. He always came across as being a nice guy, and I think his retirement in 2003* was respectable, he could have acted in so many more films is he had chosen to do so, but he had become disappointed with what a lot of films had become, even then... indeed, he only came out of retirement to voice the videogame version of From Russia with Love in 2005 because that was his favourite of the Bond films, and because his grandchildren loved playing videogames at the time. *technically, his last film is Sir Billi (2012) as he produced voicework for it... Sad news indeed. Rest in Peace, Sean Connery.
  3. Thanks for the games, everyone. I really liked your Bomberman stage @RedShell that's the first time I've seen it, I believe, as I think there was an issue with custom stages a couple of weeks ago (Steve night) and I didn't play last week, but I really liked the detail you'd put into it with the classic Bomberman logo and the waving arms, really cool and it brought back some great memories. It makes me wish that we'd have gotten Bomberman instead though as a playable fighter he could have had a really cool moveset as well.
  4. N-E Café Episode 50 now available! Now up on the main page. - - - - - What a truly fantastic fiftieth episode, thanks to @Londragon @Nicktendo and @nekunando for all the work which goes into the podcast in general and for conducting those interviews. I thought that each of the interviews offered something unique, when it comes to Mario memories, and with each title being so different that each of us picked, I think it made for a great look back overall, and it brought a lot to the format. Thank you for interviewing me, and thank you to @Jonnas @WackerJr @Will and @Vileplume2000 for being interviewed, each one was really enjoyable in its own right, I really liked hearing about all of your memories and passion for games from within the Mario series, it brought back some good memories for me as well. All of the sections about Mario through the ages, gave a good insight into the series, while putting questions from the questionnaire at different parts throughout was a great idea, as the general format of the podcast flowed really well, then having the Quiz at the end was a great way to round it off, some really tricky questions in there as well. Great music selection as well, I know wer'e not doing traditional transition tunes this week, but I did recognise a fair few of those tracks. As much as I enjoy the podcast, I am glad to hear that you'll all be taking a break for a couple of weeks, I'm aware that it does take a lot to organise a weekly podcast, what with all the news etc... indeed, the podcast is most of our news now on the N-Europe main site, this is why I mostly just cover the Directs and most of the bigger game announcements when they happen, as there's just too much to keep up with otherwise; I'm grateful that you cover most of the news and I've been ensuring that I get the promotion article for the podcast up in a more timely manner, as of late, in addition to keeping all of those video links updated. Then there's all the editing... it's all really well produced, I can hear that a lot of thought goes into it all, as it shows in the final episode. I think it would be a good thing, to have more interviews as part of the podcast in the future, potentially, maybe not all the time, but it certainly adds something to the format. I'll gladly help and do whatever I can to assist with the show, if required, and in general, I'm pleased to be able to promote it on the main page each week, I know the write-ups do follow a set structure, but I'll change it up when I can, just as I have done with this special episode; the content is excellent though and speaks for itself. Here's to many more episodes.
  5. Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase October 2020 Roundup All up on the main site, N-Europe's Roundup of the mini presentation. Full press release and video presentation embed. A brand new game from HAL? I'll be checking that out for sure.
  6. eBay voucher code... POPUPOCT20 20% off, £15 minimum spend, max £75 discount, ends on Oct 29th, selected sellers only. Can be used on PS5 games, which I noticed when selecting the videogame category, I thought this would be worth posting here, in case anyone is buying games/accesories.
  7. eBay voucher code... POPUPOCT20 20% off, £15 minimum spend, max £75 discount, ends on Oct 29th, selected sellers only. Can be used on Switch games, including pre-orders. I wasn't going to pre-order on the Nintendo Store UK, but around £100 for Cadence of Hyrule, Pikmin 3 Deluxe and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity seemed like a good deal.
  8. Seems like an obvious move, to me, especially as I said as much when the game was announced... At least now, there's a good chance that people will probably play the game, especially if they haven't had to pay much, or anything for it.
  9. Well... I got the hang of Carrom in the end, 2-1 to me. But I crashed out of Billiards in spectacular fashion, 2-0 to @Glen-i Thanks for the games though, they were fun.
  10. @Londragon if you're still after last minute Mario Questionnaire answers... All the best, for the fiftieth episode, I'm looking forward to listening to it.
  11. @Glen-i did you want to play this weeks games tonight at 7pm? If not, let me know when you can play.
  12. Because you originally posted the thread, it should be possible for you to change the title, I believe. Click on 'edit' just as you might, if you were editing a post, and you should be able to change the title as well.
  13. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light is coming to the Nintendo Switch All up on the main page. Full press release, and video embed. - - - - - This is great news, the original Fire Emblem title, released officially, fully localised, albeit a time-limited release, available digitally on the Nintendo Switch eShop. The collector's edition looks nice as well, if it's not too expensive, I'd consider picking it up, being that the digital game is around £6, the set shouldn't cost more than £35... ...that probably means it'll be £49.99. Anyway, it's still cool, but I'll probably just pick up the digital version to support the release of the game.
  14. A chance to interact with and ask questions about the Strike series of videogames, namely Desert Stirke / Jungle Stirke / Urban Stirke as industry veteran Tony Barnes is being interviewed tonight at 9pm over on RetroFaithKnuckles Twitch channel. Faith will be playing the Strike games on the Mega Drive, while Tony will be on hand to answer any questions anyone might have about the games, the stream is expected to last around an hour and a half, it might continue for longer, but that very much depends on how the stream goes. Even if you can't join the Twitch channel, if anyone has any Desert/Jungle/Urban Stirke questions, I'd be happy to pass them on, to potentially be answered. Tony is probably more famous for working on the Strike series as those were the first games he worked on for EA back in the Nineties. He's worked on other games, namely Medal of Honor (2010), some licensed games including, Buffy the Vampie Slayer, Star Trek and The X-Files, plus the remake of Strider. These days, he has his own studio Retro Ninja which is well worth checking out, it turns out, I've played a few games which Tony worked on, without really knowing, the Strider 2014 remake was a highlight at the time, a game which I really remember enjoying, as I'd only played the Mega Drive version of the original game before it at the time, though I've since played the Arcade conversion of Strider and Strider 2 in more recent times; but from memory, Strider 2014 was a solid game. Anyway, it'd be great to see anyone from the forum on the Twitch stream later, if it's something they are interested in, I thought that with the amount of us on here who probably remember playing Desert Strike etc back when it was released, it'd be worth mentioning.
  15. N-E Café Episode 49 now available! Now up on the main page. - - - - - Another excellent episode, I enjoyed hearing Lee talk about A Short Hike as it sounds like a charming title, listening to Nick's playthrough of Super Mario Sunshine talk makes me want to revisit the game, and it was really great to hear about Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 as it's good to hear Greg talking about a game which he's enjoyed playing. A really good main topic brought up this week as well, Falling out of Love with videogames, or Nintendo games in general, it's something I can relate to, especially recently, as I have games to play, but I find myself going back to the same titles which I always return to, as beyond playing a few hours of these familiar titles, I haven't really played much at all this week, though this is something I'll be aiming to change soon; but if you're not feeling like playing games, sometimes it's just best not to, for a bit.
  16. Just played Streets of Kamurocho for the first time, I got through three rounds, unlocked the extra character, it was pretty fun. I like the detail which has been put into it, some decent sprites, and some cool touches, like the automatic doors opening and closing depending on where you are on the stage. The fact that it's one stage, which loops, makes it a nice Time Attack style game, leaderboards will keep players coming back for a few goes I reckon. Golden Axed is now available too by the way, I'll probably check that out in a bit.
  17. I just got this, read the reviews, it's one stage from Streets of Rage II, I don't know why I thought it would be the full game. With that said, the level of sprite work still looks pretty good from the video, and it is free. Every character in it plays like Axel, apparently, the music loops and it takes 20 minutes to complete, but this is still a cool free game. Though, I'm now more excited to check out Golden Axed tomorrow, Strets of Kamurocho should be available for the next... seven hours or so, get it while you can.
  18. Good games @viceview51 I won the Golf, Vice won the Bowling. That was a close game of Bowling too... until Vice got a Turkey at the end, well played. I can post the exact scores in a bit as I took screenshots.
  19. 7pm is fine. I'll host at around that time, give or take a minute or two.
  20. Thanks for the games, everyone. Steve is... easily the worst dlc character so far, but I appreciate the effort which has been made, in order to 'integrate' Minecraft into Smash. Not a character I'd choose to play as much, but it certainly adds something new to the game. If anything, it just makes me more curious as to who the next dlc character will be.
  21. N-E Café Episode 48 now available! Now up on the main page. - - - - - I enjoyed listening to the talk about Super Mario Sunshine as there's a lot from that game which I'd forgotten about, I'm looking forward to going back to that game soon. It was interesting hearing about how Pikmin 3 Deluxe plays from the demo, it sounds like Nintendo have done their best with the controls, but it might take some getting used to. I'm liking the music used this week, some great tracks in that title. All of the previous episodes should now have a YouTube embed instead of the Soundcloud embed, aside from maybe one or two episodes, but most of them are there now.
  22. Thanks for the games @drahkon They were... as random as they were expected to be. Games played out like this... D 2-1 S D 2-1 S D 1-2 S That's another win for drahkon. I look forward to seeing what games will be played next week.
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