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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. New Artwork for Thorn! This game is looking like it could have great potential IMO; the artwork so far is really impressive in terms of atmosphere and location!
  2. This is starting to look like a must buy!! New Screens and Info!! New IGN Interview; http://cube.ign.com/articles/692/692889p1.html
  3. Really!! haha, you can buy Eternal Darkness new for £5-£10 in the UK! Custom Maps (created like those in FarCry) would be AWESOME!!
  4. I've updated the news at the top with more of the IGN - Kuju interview about the sequel and Kuju Entertainments thought on the Revolution!
  5. Yeah 2-4 player Co-op would be AWESOME!! I played 3 player Conflict Desert Storm recently and playing that sort of game multiplayer really makes the game!
  6. So what would everyone like to see in the Batalion Wars sequel? Multi-player, Online, New Vehicles, Sea Battles, Unlockables etc...
  7. Thanks for the preview! So this picture was real after all! That must of taken quite a long time! Do you think they had to build a whole 3D model 'world' out of clay; mind you, it looks pretty basic from that picture! IGN preview; http://cube.ign.com/articles/691/691268p1.html
  8. Chibi Robo Europe launch!!! Great news!!!
  9. This thread is full of opinions on Mario Smash Football; http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3650
  10. Sony have posted a list of possible enemies for Spiderman 3; obviously not wanting to admit that everyone pretty much knows it will be Venom and Sandman! Anyway, it's a great read; especially for getting to know Venom and Sandmans back-story's etc... http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/index.php
  11. Check out this fake Spiderman 3 trailer!! Pretty cool!! http://x11.putfile.com/2/4402592937.gif
  12. OK, that isn't what you've drawn at all!If you look at it as though it is Venom then; Firstly, Venom has plain white eyes, there is no inner-eye as is suggested in that image. Also there is a rediculous amount of space between the eyes and teeth; although there is no nose, there is certainly room for one! I just don't see it! I think it's far too early for there to be anything meaningful in that reflection; this is the very fist image of the film and also the enemy line-up hasn't even been confirmed yet! It's likely Venom will appear in the reflection on a later poster, but when and if he does, it will be a much clearer image in order to give the film poster meaning like this (only a darker image); Sony knows everyone will be looking in the reflection for clues and so they've purposefully left it vague! It's probably just a building or the sky! Yeah would be great! I'd also like Scorpion, Rhino and Black Cat to be in the films at some point! I hope they don't rush the enemy stories too much; The whole thing about Green Goblin mk2 either being at the end of 3 or as the main enemy in 4 makes me think maybe they'll rush the Venom storyline in Spiderman 3, when really the Venom and then Carnage story could span 2 films. I'd much rather them now make the a great Venom story because they can bring back the Green Goblin in any film; I think his return would be great in Spiderman 6! It would be a great way to end the films with the Green Goblin in the first and then in the last! Maybe; 3 - Venom, Sandman (hopefully just a 15 minute or so fight to open the movie, then the rest can be about Venom) 4 - Venom/Carnage, 5 - 2 enemies from Lizard/Shocker/Rhino/Scorpian maybe working for King Pin vs. Spiderman and Black Cat 6 - 1 enemy from Lizard/Shocker/Rhino/Scorpian and Green Goblin
  13. Still can't see it if you compare it with the how Venom looks in the comics! The eyes are completely different!I agree it looks more like the Green Goblin, but even that's hard to see! Their's probably nothing their at this stage of posters! The black suit looks really cool!! It's a more modern version of original suit; just like they did with the Red costume giving it silver detail!
  14. That doesn't look anything like Venom to me!
  15. I won't!! It should be if they are releasing it within a month or two of the console!! Why not make the launch as strong as possible!! It was just about acceptable before (not releasing it for Rev) when it had a Spring 2006 release date, but now it's just rediculous! Upping the graphics and gameplay using the Rev and imputting the Rev control system (optional) would do wonders for it. As would putting the game in a Revolution games case and having it amongst the other games at launch! Zelda is possibly Nintendos best franchise in todays world, and I just hope that it's Gamecube release won't effect its sales; because it has such potential!! If it's launches so close to the Rev and is not put in amongst the Revolution titles on the shelf when the console launches, it has a danger of going un-noticed; not by us lot and everyone else who has been following the game, but by the unknowing public who will buy a Revolution and see the game as a last generation title for a console that didn't have a great image amongst such buyers (the Gamecube)! I honestly can't see what Nintendo are trying to achieve with Twilight Princess; I REALLY don't get it! If they are trying to give Gamecube owners a great last game to thank them, I think they are making a mistake! Considering the majority of Gamecube owners will be loyal Nintendo supporters anyway and likely to buy a Revolution; with Zelda launching around the same time as the console, I'm sure the majority would much rather see one of their favourite franchises delayed 1 months or so longer, but fully upgraded into an even better game and given maximum sales potential on a new console likely to gain MUCH more interest than the Gamecube ever could!
  16. Remember that the shell will effectively be just that! I'd imagine it will be extremely light weight as it wont have to house a rechargable battery pack, rumble pack or any other main controller components. The power and rumble pack etc... will be utilised from the Rev controller when you attach it. And the Rev controller is considerably smaller than a Gamecube controller/Wavebird anyways! I'd expect the Rev controller and shell combined to weigh about the same as the Gamecube controller!
  17. This piece of artwork is fantastic; there are so many great themes/ideas that it suggests! Suggests we could be in for a very dark, action packed, futuristic, intense game!! The character artwork for ORB is also looking MUCH better!!
  18. Another game/developer!! F.E.A.R (2) - Monolith
  19. Yeah! there's an interview over on http://www.ign.com with the Narnia FX team! http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/689/689008p1.html They're right in saying that they need to be careful in deciding how best to portray a larger Aslan! IMO it's better to make Aslan look believable bigger than rediculously bigger, even if it means not quite following the original text! An Elephant sized Lion (in whichever book that reference is made) would look very strange indeed!! Would be pretty cool to go on and make all 7 books!!
  20. Pretty Cool!
  21. Good news!! Another developer!! Maybe we'll see a sequel to Geist; which i'm sure could implement the new controller very well, both for FPS controls and for maniplating objects to scare people by waving them around in the air, throwing them etc... all with controller movements! I'm sure they could also make some other great games!
  22. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4021 It's been talked about in this thread for a while now and I've posted a video of the game there aswell;
  23. I don't think Nintendo will have any game bundles availiable at launch; I think shops and websites will offer bundles though. I can see the Rev being bundled with demo's, like the DS was and maybe some kind of download offer!
  24. Don't really like any of them, but the 4th is probably my favourite! Really don't like that mock Revolution Logo!!
  25. Yep!Though the graphics may lack in a DS version, i'm sure the 2 screens could be put to good use for level design or for special moves etc...
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