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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Watched it yesterday, buy hey... Prison Break S4Ep.20 Prison Break at its Best! One of the best ever episodes and a fantastic setup for the show finale. 10/10
  2. Ferrari look serious... LOVE how Mosley's effectively telling Ferrari to just go then if they've got a problem with it, but then Everyone else just basically tells him he can fuck off instead!...
  3. " I DON'T LIKE CRIC KIT.... OH NOES.... " " I..... ...oh no wait, I don't like Cricket!" Throw some Motion+ it's way though and it will make for a great cricketing game!
  4. Yeah what? Sounds like a lame simulator, as you would never break the handbreak like that in a real car.
  5. no they can't start on next years car yet, it's rediculous!
  6. What d'ya mean?
  7. Race Trailer:
  8. Red Bull have said neither of their teams RB or STR will enter a two tier F1 http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/75248 Think it's safe to say the Budget Cap situation is gonna change!
  9. HO LY SHIT!!!! Episode 20 = one the tensest, nerve racking, most exhilerating and bestest episodes of Prison Break EVER!! Holy Shit!!
  10. May 22nd!!
  11. TDK got a 12A.
  12. One word... Hobbit! Spain have two truely AWEFUL tracks in Barca and Valencia, damn Fernando! At least if Jenson wins the title Britain will have two world champions, and then maybe fortunes will change for the British GP?
  13. Agreed, it's awesome!
  14. Well they've managed to make a game that looks worse in every way than Burnout 2 on the GC! Good job!!
  15. ^ Got the feeling that may be Jensons latest?! Nice one Ferrari! VERY pleased for Webber, and lol at him swearing in the waiting room! Bored of Jenson. Felt sorry for Rubens, he was stronger ALL weekend, and you do get the feeling Jenson's favourite in the team. Poor Heikki, Lewis said 'the team come here and do a great job'... yeah on one car obviously! Not fused about Monaco really, roll on Turkey and Silverstone!!
  16. Been thinking of learning to ride a motorbike and then do a bit of travelling on one, should I ever get my own. I haven't seen much of Europe other than going to France, Austria and Amsterdam and I'd LOVE to go to Italy sometime, so I think some sort of road trip is in store, but whether that's anytime soon I don't know! Definate plans for the summer are more uni work *sigh*, going to England games with Eddage *yay!*, possibly Silverstone *awesome* and N-E meet if I can make it! Oh and do/learn more about photography. Oh and learn to play my drumkit well!
  17. So just checked my Euromillions numbers... Can't believe one person won the Euromillions!.......... ONE!! They got £110 Million all to themselves!! which is a new single winnings lottery record, the previous was £81 Million. I got 2 numbers!! show me the money!........ please!
  18. Think you misread! *shhh* I got your back Flink! *awkward!*
  19. haha, it does seem strange!... be flattered! Yeah don't knock it 'til you've tried it!
  20. I think more often than not they do, just in a way perhaps you can't recognise. They're meant to be a way of your subconcious expressing itself.
  21. You can get 9/1 odds on Massa winning the race tomorrow, that's pretty good! I was looking because I'm seeing if any bookies have anything up for Monaco yet. I hardly ever place bets, but after not putting anything on Trulli grabbing pole in Bahrain, I thought I might go for him getting pole in Monaco.
  22. Fuel corrected, Ferrari are now apparently only +0.2 off the front pace! It's a great update, especially considering the DDD is only an interim one like the ones McLaren and Renault fitted to their cars two races ago, so there should be more to come by Turkey/Silverstone.
  23. Oh yeh!...
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