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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I know 'The Touch' means alot to all you Transformers fans, but I have to say I hate it! It seems SO out of place in the film whenever I hear it... as though they're trying to take everything to seriously. It just doesn't seem to fit to me, just the wrong type of music.
  2. Interesting, so I'm guessing this film will be far too cramed with story elements he's envisioned, because [as with everything these days!!] three films were planned weren't they? They'll be a third no doubt... might be good to see someone elses take on it.
  3. Not as far as I know, it would be a bit wierd to have the group reffered to as Plesiosaurs, but then actually name one of them a Plesiosaurus... it would be a bit like calling one breed of dog a doggie! Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought Plesiosaur was an individual species.
  4. Just Plesiosaur, no 'us' [/being picky], but good knowledge about the aquatic reptiles not being dinos!
  5. I WANT THIS GAME... gonna have to wait a few more weeks.
  6. Potato, Potarto...?
  7. Damn! The FIA seem to have relaxed their stance... I think FOTA will be happy enough about this, especially the 100 million, then reduced to 45 million budget cap.Just when we were starting to get excited about the possibilities of 'FOTA F1'!
  8. Is this different to Valkarie?
  9. IGN UK Review - 8.5 http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/995/995192p1.html Wasn't expecting that!
  10. Yeah it's stupid! But I don't like that advert either... she sounds AWEFUL on it, really bad!
  11. ^ It's only 4 players online, so no.
  12. Can't say I mind it much either...I just think it suffers being grouped next to Malaysia [and China] because there are some very similar aspects between these tracks, similar grand architecture, and the surrounding landscapes at all these three are pretty bland. Plus we get a very hot race with Malaysia and then it's on to another hot race in Bahrain, so everything starts to become a bit samey. I think it's quite fun to be racing in the desert! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dammit FOTA!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numerous websites are launching polls and petitions to gage fans feelings on the FIA - FOTA issue, and publishing the results... I just voted YES to the poll on the front page of http://www.pitpass.com/ And they are also directing visitors to two petitions you can sign in support of FOTA, both of which I thought I'd sign... http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/wesupportfota/ [5011 signatures] http://www.gopetition.com/online/28560.html [735 signatures]
  13. Gametrailers Review With MotionPlus - 9.0 Without MotionPlus - 7.0 Looks REALLY good!
  14. Well it won... Gametrailers - Best Sports Game of E3 Can't wait for this!!
  15. Things is though, they are absolutely going to make a third film either way, with or without Nolan. The films have been to much of a success, and Bale's signed up for three. So I think the most important thing is they give Nolan his time on this one, instead of rushing on with someone else. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a 2013 release date; and would actually be a good thing, being a year after the rush of Marvels movies we've got coming up!
  16. Personally I've never really been into the genre. The only FPS's I've ever bought were Goldeneye and Perfect Dark! A FPS would need to be something very different to grab my interest these days.
  17. He wasn't Batman upon his return, but that's what they did in Batman Begins. He's still needing to fight crime in the city, despite it turning against him, so I can't see why he would have abandoned it. It's predictable yes, but I think they will tackle his redemption in the third. Or at least if Nolan is on board he will want to close out his trilogy in some way [as it would be his last], and then he can flee from Batman all together!
  18. Wonder if they'd be able to use this years cars in their own championship [to save initial time and costs?]?... or are they 'owned by the FIA', as their designs have followed FIA rules and regs... guess they probably are. I REALLY hope FOTA manage to encapsulate the feeling of just pure fun racing in their series. The kind where the best drivers in the world would just turn up at the track, thrash it around for a couple of hours, and then go home! Naturally there'll be a lot more to it than that, but that's the sort of feeling i'd like to get. Formula 1 as it is now is all about the politics, too many rules, and many races themselves are just processions, or all about the pole sitter. Alot of the fun is being sucked out. The drivers have said so often lately that the only part they're enjoying of late is when they're in their car giving it 100%. Heck, stick them in go-karts next year and I'd be happy!... I just want to see some racing!!
  19. I'm getting sick of Nintendo's attitude as well thb! I, like many people on here have been with them for years. The audience who grew up supporting them is getting older and as I've said before, gone are the days of Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 sleepovers, for me at least! Yes they'll be some times when I get to play games with a bunch of people round a TV, or when I'm visiting Eddage we can take part in our traditional rounds of Wii Golf and the like... But ffs Nintendo, stop being so set in your dumbfounded ways and just at least give us an online option... even leaderboards!!... it's not some complicated rocket science! Xbox Live isn't the huge success it has been for now reason! People play games online!! Oh and would they stop with the fucking one game per peripheral bullshit!! You brought out WiiSpeak [against your will no doubt]... so implement it!!
  20. I'm VERY excited about where this might go!! Can't help but feel sorry for some things though... - BBC are now stuck with what's F1 in name, but not in essence. - Williams... good chance of winning, but not in the way they'd like, against the best competition... and will their drivers want to leave? surely Nico will look for a move. - Donnington... spend all this money getting the circuit up to Bernies standards and now they're not even getting true F1!... and FOTA F1 would have probably taken it on as a second british circuit [at least for a few years] in it's existing state! If 'FOTA F1' goes ahead, do we think realistically they'll be racing in 2010, or are we looking at a longer timeframe to get everything sorted out... tracks, new sponsors, tv coverage etc... Also @ Goron... Imola probably would be back, but it was quite a procession!... a beautiful one!... but overtaking was pretty limited. Just looked up a video to remind myself of it's layout... don't the V10 engines sound AWESOME!
  21. First 20 mins: - VERY interested in this again, all round presentation is fantastic!! Great sense of humour in the game! Sucks that the Wii version is so far off; but then I don't mind because I have games to catch up on, a 'still need to buy list', and there are a number of games out over the summer etc... as well!
  22. That Beast outfit is great!... if a little like the Lion from Wizard of Oz! Great how you Vemon head seems to open like a bin lid Rez!
  23. But in which case all current 360 owners would need to buy a new £250 console to play the newer games... can't see Microsoft doing that. A redesign yes maybe, but not a console upgrade surely.
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