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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Now THIS is tennis!! Hewitt and Roddick are producing easily the best tennis of the tournament so far!! LOVE IT!! EDIT: Roddick wins.... I'm GUTTED!! Shame there had to be a loser, that had the quality of a final. I like Roddick so it's a shame they had to face each other for me, but what a match!! Sod the boring likes of Federer and Murray... Hewitt and Roddick just put the heart, passion and character back into tennis!... you won't see a better match all tournament!!
  2. Too true!..
  3. Can't watch! Even if Hewitt does go out, thank god for him in the tournament! Once again he's been a total breath of fresh air for the sport. EDIT: OMFG!! What a legend!! "COME ON" Hewitt!!
  4. Well I'm still playing the original to this day, and with the sequel having more than double the sports I can't see longevity being a problem in the slightest [for me at least!].
  5. OMG!! Hewitt and Roddicks 2nd Set, contender for 'Set of the tournament' so far!... What an awesome tie-break!! And Hewitt levels the match! COME ON!!!
  6. Yeah, the T-shirt would never get worn [not a very good design], the art work is very limited and just stuff you can unlock in the game anyway, and the posters a bit lame really. Still, freebies are freebies!
  7. Man Federer's games are boring to watch!... don't think I've ever been able to watch one of his games the whole way through without changing match... thankfully the Djokovic v. Hass game is proving quite entertaining! Is it just me or is Djokovic practically the wouldbe love child of Jake Gyllenhaal and Milo Ventimiglia (perhaps not the best comparison photo's)? have a watch... + = Physique was the wrong word. They are big girls, bigged boned... that's not something their opponents can do anything about.There are plenty of strong girls out their in the womens game (just look at Henin in the past and compared to her size!), but when they have to face one of the Williams sisters, who lets face it, build wise would not look out of place in the mens game, on grass with the slower game... seems there's not much many of their opponents can do! Thankfully others seem to get their chance on other surfaces.
  8. Safina's probably just feeling under a lot of pressure to win, because being world number 1 yet having won no grand slams is a bit embaressing. Hopefully she'll cheer up if she wins a title (though hopefully not this one as i'd like Dementieva to win). But then again, maybe she does just look miserable.
  9. The writing scattered throughout that video refers to the game as Speedway Alpha, so it's presumably an Alpha build of what will be a full Wii game. Looks very uninspired at the moment though in terms of offering up anything new, and with the tracks etc... also looks pretty slow; so they'll need to do a lot of work on this imo.
  10. In the US that is. Not fussed about any of that if I'm honest.
  11. FROGGY!!! Absolutely LOVE this game. The Intro, the music, fantastic Sonic levels, the story was good enough, the hub overworld and the bit of exploration it added, the chao garden... all of it was great. It was a winning formula, and yet somehow Sonic Team has managed to make each subsequent game progressively worse!... Go Sonic Team!!
  12. Definately!
  13. They annoy me because they've got such a different physique to pretty much all the other female players [well there is Mauresmo] and it does give them a powerhouse advantage. Sorry but womens tennis really is pretty boring... Just watching the Serena v. Azarenko game and its just so slow and awkward looking. And when Serena's game dropped slightly in the 2nd set the commentator says... 'well her standard of tennis was so good in the first it would be impossible to keep that up'... it's like... they've played ONE bloody set! the guys play to five, they should at least be able to hold a standard past one set!... AND that set took them almost an hour! EDIT: Dementieva ftw! She's one of the women I like, and she's also comes across as such a lovely person in her interviews! Anyone see her getting all shy in her interview yesterday when asked how she always managed to look so glamorous!
  14. ^ agreed! Also, how come the Williams sisters never seem to meet each other early on? It always seems to be the semi's or final!
  15. I know these rumours keep circulating, but I honestly can't see either Kimi or Massa being replaced next season. Especially Kimi, as despite it being almost a continuous rumour about him going on to do other things, both he and Stefano have said numerous times this season that Kimi will be one of their drivers next year; and the fact that if there was a breakaway series, Kimi was going to be following the team into whatever they did next, same with Massa. They've both been doing great this year with a car that's been pretty poor at times, Kimi with a 3rd place podium at Monaco, and Massa with his 4th place at Silverstone. If one of them were to leave I think you're right Goron it could be Massa, because I believe Luca Di Montezemola personally really likes Kimi, and I'm not sure but Kimi may have a 2010 race contract, and Massa a drive contract, but not sure. However, I think it's fine to look ar 2011 for Alonso or Vettel or both, as both drivers contracts are up, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Alonso never got his Ferrari drive. Whilst Kimi and Alonso could be an exciting prospect for 2010, I'm not sure I could ever see Alonso working long term in a team alongside Vettel. Alonso and Kimi respect one another strongly and it could work great for a year; but then surely introducing Vettel into the team would be Hamilton all over again for Alonso. If Alonso doesn't get his own way he's going to throw a strop and it would seem Vettel's extremely strong minded too, wanting Red Bull to back him pretty much since the start of the season. I think it may have to be one or the other for Ferrari, and surely Vettel is the better long term prospect. end rant!
  16. Hope there's a way of watching this somewhere. Are the 1hr Rally highlights you get on 'Dave' from the World Rally?... think they are.
  17. I thought it sounded like a forced response from Murray when they asked him about the roof last night, seems he wasn't too keen... I can understand he would have liked to have been told he was definately going to be playing under the roof... However, had it not been, his match would have been stopped probably around 9.00 because of the lack of visibility. So really he should be counting himself lucky that he didn't have to come back and finish off today, as he night not have won, or it would have left him less time to recover. I don't really understand it either, when they held the roof closing ceremony matches a month or so ago, everyone said it was fantastic!... sure it wasn't as hot outside the court as it was last night, but then the air temperature/conditions inside are regulated anyway and so it shouldn't make a difference. Plus it was the same for both him and Wawrinka last night. The women seemed to enjoy it: EDIT: Just saw a pre-match interview with Sabine Lisicki [who's playing Safina on centre court today], wow... what an overall lovely girl.
  18. Ooooh... what happens to Mark?? apologies
  19. They are all on during the rest of this week. Looking forward to and yet dissapointed by the Hewitt-Roddick quarter final. The are probably my two favourite players, so it's a shame one of them wont get any further. But Hewitt's my favourite, so Hewitt ftw!!
  20. Wow MBAM good job!... you look hot! [congratulates /nando/!]
  21. haha, still a miserable git to the end! Great job by Wawrinka!
  22. @ DomJcg, Wawrinka's good! h's been in the top 10 and he practices a lot with Murray, so they know each others games, which is partly why it's so tight. Murray's in trouble as far as I see it. His services games keep running into multiple deuce's, where as more often than not Wawrinka manages to close his out at 40. Meaning it's more likely Murrays gonna drop his serve and that's whats happening atm.
  23. Looks like he's picked his game up. urgh, anyone else finding the Murray super-slow-mo's annoying? And wtf at him throwing strops about slipping on the grass?... it's grass you fool!!... oh but when it's clay it's fine?!
  24. OMG what an EPIC win!! Hewitt you absolute legend!! Best game of the tournament so far!! COME ON!!!!
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