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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I still stand by Transformers 1 being amazing! :p Transformers 2 disappointed... I haven't bothered with 3 yet.
  2. Kinda has that likable Will Smith'ness about him... or at least gives that impression.
  3. That's what I bought @Ashley quite a few years back now, a set from Argos... 1.5kg, 3kg, 5kg maybe. Only really use the 5kg one now, but were a decent starter set at the time. But I'd now follow @Fierce_LiNks advice and get a set of dumbbells can add your own weights too now. Also FLink, what bench did you buy?
  4. To me it just looks a little bit clunky, and I kind of wish they'd gone with a slightly more unique comic art style than the very gritty MK look.
  5. 8.2 from IGN better than I was expecting tbh
  6. Oh the white dots are lights that will be edited out it seems: http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420956_621496547863923_1052198535_n.jpg Just blending in! :p
  7. I'm guessing those white dots around the hoodie are for some post production magic?
  8. Surely Luigi's Mansion would have ripped this off. p.s. You know it doesn't.
  9. That's so 1997!
  10. Mobile network shut down to stop remote detonation.
  11. Fox News are apparently reporting that police have discovered more unexploded bombs in Boston.
  12. Also heard reports of ball bearings being found in the street. This is a seriously fucked up world at times. The people targeted in this were running for charities and the like.
  13. Yeah been watching this too. The aerial images of the aftermath are horrific! (like those you posted) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-22160978 Video shows runners in the street being knocked down by the blast, pray for those watching directly outside the hotel and all involved! 2 dead and 22 injured confirmed so far.
  14. So wait is this just a PS3 exclusive?
  15. After Splash or Crash I was genuinely expecting a game based on a table top and sliding coasters around! :p
  16. So it'll be called MewTwo v.2?... or MewTwoVeeTwo? :p Audio
  17. That's a MewTwo figure isn't it... meaning they haven't changed his design and it is a different Mew evolution right?
  18. Yeah I have no idea either! :p
  19. @dazzybee frankly I don't think you're allowed to complain about anything until you stop posting from your ruddy iPad! Now that's something to complain about!
  20. Retro Sweets?... ... Yes Honey Bee?
  21. @Fierce_LiNk I guess my goal is to just bulk out a bit and gain some muscle definition (and gain a bit of overall fitness). I've always been a skinny guy at 5ft11 and an average of around 10 stone... It's not easy to put on weight at all... but then I see boxers etc... weighing it for a fight at 10 stone and realise that I must at least be able to build some muscle to fill out a bit you know. So arms, shoulders, chest... I just want to fill out and improve my strength.
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