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Posts posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Crazy day for football, and a very interesting start to this season. It's a hard to predict the results. I would've had Chelsea and City down to win their games and maybe for West Ham to get something, too.

    West Ham are going under the radar a little, but they're looking pretty bad. Similar story with Leicester, too. Watching Wolves' game yesterday, I thought they generally played well, but lacked a striker or somebody up front to put the chances away. The running theme with the bottom 5 of Everton, Wolves, Leicester, United, and West Ham is that all of these teams look like they find it very difficult to score goals. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Emerald Emblem said:

    Since Arteta has taken the reigns, and been backed in the transfer market, buying young and exciting younger talents and re-establishing a mentality, an exciting attacking brand of football and reconnecting the fans with the club, I'm filled with a new found sense of optimism with our future prospects, Post Wenger things haven't gone well for us since but it's finally looking like there is light at the end of the tunnel. United post Ferguson feel like they are caught in a vicious cycle that may once in a few seasons result in a distant second place finish. The amount of Money United have pissed away on big name players and managers that just haven't worked out, with a transfer strategy that is all over the place. You can't honestly say you have enjoyed seeing this?

    You're saying all this now and Arsenal fans are loving Arteta. Let's see how this season goes for you and what they think of him if he gets another 5th-8th place finish. Arsenal fans will love him if they think it's all going somewhere. Ironically, these were the fans who got on Wenger's back for 'just' achieving top 4. Things look good for you at the moment, with the Jesus signing and Saliba particularly looking great. But, the jury is still very much out. I still wouldn't put it past United to end up finishing above Arsenal this season.

    United fans are pissed and tired of how the last decade has largely gone. But, we've finally got the right type of manager in place in Ten Hag, who wants to play progressive, attacking football. The players are a huge problem and there are so many that need replacing, because the recruitment and strategy has been shoddy. There are still too many gaps that need filling over the team and we are nowhere close to challenging for the league yet, but there is optimism that things are reaching a point where they have to change, especially with talk of the Glazers finally selling up and fucking off. But, despite all of this, the vast majority of fans are definitely not looking at Arsenal and wishing we could trade places with them and their situation. Arsenal may be improving gradually with their situation, but they're still very far away, too.

  3. 1 hour ago, Emerald Emblem said:

    I honestly think United need to go the Arsenal route, promote youth and long-term gains for a better future, they've thrown obscene amounts of money at players and most of them have flopped.

    Most people question why so much money on a 30-year-old. But it's a signal of the desperate situation Manchester United find themselves in. Having to overspend to put a band aid over a severed limb (potentially, he might not flop).

    I completely disagree with that second part. United badly need a quality defensive midfielder, and they've bought arguably the best one on the planet. Fernandinho was about 28 when he signed for City. Makele was 30. Thiago Alcantara was 29 (I think). Nothing wrong with paying for a well established player, especially in a position that's crucial. This is a brilliant signing and nobody will turn away from the possibility of having Casemiro in their team. If Arsenal were signing him, we'd be calling them a top 4 certainty. 

    United have definitely had flops, but Arsenal's 'route' hasn't really led them to the success that you think it has. You've still blown £72million on Pepe, who isn't even getting games these days. Your team isn't largely made up of academy or youth products. Saka qualifies in that regard, maybe Saliba and Martinelli (not sure you can count them), but all of the rest have been bought over the last few years. It's actually not that dissimilar to United's situation, as McTominay and Rashford have regularly been getting games and are from our academy system. Elanga, too. So, yes, United have spent much more, but the reality is that both approaches aren't as wildly different as you think. Let's look at Arsenal's league finishes.

    2021-22: 5th

    2020-21: 8th

    2019-20: 8th

    2018-19: 5th

    2017-18: 6th

    2016-17: 5th

    2015-16: 2nd

    2014-15: 3rd

    One could easily look at those league finishes and suggest that Arsenal's strategy has taken them backwards. They've done well with the FA Cup wins, but have largely been on the fringes. I don't really see how you can say that United should adopt a similar strategy to Arsenal's, because they've done fuck all too, bar the FA Cups. Even that 2nd place finish, they were largely out of the race as that was between Leicester and Spurs.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Welcome to the Rogue genre, @Fierce_LiNk. Some games do well and others have too big of a barrier. For me, Returnal falls somewhere in the middle.

    Like Shiekah, I also said the game didn't need to be a Rogue type game. It had all the elements of something great but was let down by the genre Housemarque picked. Combat, graphics, art style and sound design were top notch but the genre hinders the gameplay and the narrative.

    I tend to find that I enjoy games in the Rogue genre when you are rewarded even for a little progress.  I'm not a huge fan of the genre but this year I've played and platted Dead Cells, Hades and Children of Morta, all 3 were fantastic experiences. I think each of these games respect the players time and also help struggling players by being able to level up certain things in each run. This makes it feel like no run is ever a waste, even if you make very little progress.

    As I mentioned after I finished the game, I think it's Housemarque's weakest game but I do appreciate them wanting to try something different. 

    Did we ever get sales numbers for the game? I'm curious to how well it sold compared to their other games. I imagine it done a lot better as it had a more mainstream appeal than say Alienation or Nex Machina, which is by far their greatest achievement and one of my favourite games of the PS4 generation. Funnily enough, I was just listening to the soundtrack for that game today whilst at work. Amazing OST.

    Anyway, shame it didn't land for you, Flinky but at least you gave it a fair shake.

    Completely agree that the genre choice is not necessarily one I'd pick. It's very off-putting. There's more they could have done to at least balance the game and make it a bit more rewarding every time you die. There's too much punishment and very little going the other way.

    You've summed up my thoughts with your second paragraph. I made several runs today and gained absolutely nothing. There's too much potential for wasted runs in this game and the gameplay loop encourages players to give far too much time towards each loop. It gets repetitive too quickly. Dying over and over isn't fun unless it's leading up to something or it has some sort of worth, like you unlock a path or get to a new area. But, this game doesn't have that. I would totally keep the 'world changing after every death' element, but more has to carry over in between each run, thus leading to shorter runs.

    It's an utter shame, because I want to get to the next areas and find out where the story goes. I love everything about the game bar this one element, which unfortunately is turning out to be too big to ignore. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    And that's why I, personally, always make the distinction between a rogue-like and a rogue-lite, the latter being a game where you can unlock upgrades/equipment/etc. that persist throughout runs.
    And that's why I'd call Returnal a rogue-lite. :p 

    Anyways, not going to try and make you feel different about the game. It seems you really dislike rogue-lites/likes. I gotta ask, though: Didn't you know this was a game from that genre? If you knew beforehand, you probably would've known that this one isn't for you.

    (the gods of Wikipedia call it a roguelike)

    I don't necessarily dislike those games and will never outright choose not to play a game because it belongs to a certain genre or style. I played this because the sci-fi elements seemed interesting and I loved the premise behind it. I'd rather give it a go and give it a chance, rather than dismissing it outright. The first few hours I spent with the game were fantastic and I had a blast with the gunplay and soaking in the atmosphere. But...there's only a certain amount of times you can keep dying repeatedly without progress being made before some of the nicer elements lose its sparkle. 

    It's a shame, because I think it's totally the wrong choice and hinders its accessibility to a wider audience. At least scale it up and make the initial first area a bit more forgiving, to ease players into it gently or at least allow 'some' progress to be made. 

    Ultimately, I think time is precious. If I'm going to have x amount of hours available to me, I'm using that time for something useful. The game just feels quite insulting to that, because you could spend hours and hours and get nowhere, due to how the game is designed. Can't be fucked with that. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Right, so...I've played a few more sessions with this and I've got a lot to say.

    Firstly, this game gets top marks for its atmosphere, gunplay, music, sound, graphics, and for having an interesting premise. It's brilliant science fiction and it makes me think that this is sort of what Ridley Scott should have been aiming for with Prometheus instead of attaching the Alien 'lore' to it. There's a great idea here. It feels very next level in many ways and futuristic, especially with the adaptive triggers on the controller. Genuinely blown away by all of those aspects.

    Unfortunately, I've given up on the game as the gameplay 'loop' is too big a barrier for me to see past or work beyond. It's just too damn demoralising to play. I've seen posts from @Sheikah saying that this shouldn't have been a roguelike and he is 100% spot on with that. This is the only reason why I am putting the game down and won't revisit it.

    It's probably one of the most frustrating games I've played for a very long time...because I actually really like it. When I'm playing it, and in the midst of a fight, it's all rather fun. Then, you die...and you have to do it all over again, from the beginning. It's a shit design choice. In lots of ways, it's rather insulting to a person's time. In theory, you could spend 3 or 4 hours playing this game, dying repeatedly, without actually making further progress with the narrative or progressing through the game toward its final conclusion. That doesn't sit right with me morally. 

    When you also look further into that roguelike design, it actually doesn't stand up to scrutiny either. One example is that I picked up the Atropian Blade and died shortly afterwards. Initially, I was quite annoyed, thinking that I would have to start from scratch and work my way back to the blade in order to then make further progress, as these are the rules established so far in the game. You die, you lose everything, you start over. But, for some unknown reason, you get to keep that weapon. You get to keep some of those suit upgrades, but not others...which either isn't explained at the early stage of the game or is never explained. It's a tedious thing that unfortunately pulls one out of the experience and just reminds you that it's a game. If the game really wants to stick to its core roguelike principle of "you die, you lose everything", then you truly should lose everything. But you don't, you get to keep the blade and some of the upgrades. Just not any of the other stuff that could be useful to you at the early stages to keep you playing the game, but hey ho. If I can keep the blade, why can't I keep all of it?! Why can't I keep that weapon that I died with, but I get to keep the blade?

    I've mentioned earlier about the game being insulting to a person's time and I'm going to revisit that part one more time. The game forces you to start from scratch and busily avoid not dying. You shoot lots of shit to stay alive to get stronger so that you can stay alive for longer. But, unfortunately, you have to play for a significant amount of time for that to really benefit you when making progress through the game. You can't sit down for 10, 20 or even 30 minutes after work or before going out somewhere, because the game doesn't work that way. The game wants you to sit for hours and hours, doing the same thing over and over, so you can make tiny baby steps. If you make one mistake or get to a really difficult section, it's just too bad, you've got to do it all over again, with the added bonus of the entire map changing. Unfortunately, it's a terrible design choice and has completely put me off the game. Ironically, for all of the talk of the SoulsBorne games being 'difficult', at least the game design there seems fair. You die, but every time you play the game, you make progress of some kind, whether that's the ability to upgrade your weapon, or collect souls or echoes to help you become a stronger character. It's an infinitely more rewarding game than Returnal and is far, far more respectful to your time. 

    Gutted that they've attached such a terrible design choice to what is an excellent game. Or rather, the individual components are excellent, wrapped up in a very demoralising, frustrating, and painful loop. Meh. Huge disappointment.

  7. Yeah, it's a fun show to watch. I really enjoyed Season 4 and it's probably my favourite season along the first one. The show has assembled a nice collection of side characters, rather than just relying on Eleven. I'd even go as far as to say that she's one of my lesser favourite characters, overall. 

    I'm a big fan of how they organised season 4 with the longer episodes. It did feel like we were watching a collection of shorter films. The fourth episode is a highlight and is most likely my personal favourite of the entire show. It's a masterpiece. 

    • Like 2
  8. Got a few days until the next round of fixtures.



    Tottenham Hotspur vs. Wolverhampton Wanderers (probably 2-0 Spurs)

    Crystal Palace vs. Aston Villa (Maybe 1-1 in this game)

    Everton vs. Nottingham Forest (0-0)

    Fulham vs. Brentford (2-1 Fulham)

    Leicester City vs. Southampton (1-1)

    AFC Bournemouth vs. Arsenal (1-2 to Arsenal)



    Leeds United vs. Chelsea (Think Leeds will win this 1-0)

    West Ham United vs. Brighton & Hove Albion (2-1 West Ham)

    Newcastle United vs. Manchester City (0-3 to City)



    Manchester United vs. Liverpool (Think we'll lose this 0-2)

  9. Speaking of points, don't forget to sign up to the Fantasy Football everyone. League code is in the opening post.

    I was sure Liverpool were going to win that game, but the sending off played a huge part. You look at Liverpool's bench and there doesn't seem to be too many attacking options. I do think that more teams will fancy being able to get something now and the games were generally be tighter. For those front three options, they've got Salah, Diaz, Jota, Nunez, and Firmino, so I guess it's pretty good when they're all fit and available. Could probably do with getting one more in for cover, or promoting one from youth.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Julius said:

    Yeah, I'll happily take the draw, any point from Conte is a point I'll gladly take :D

    Loved seeing the heat between Conte and Tuchel, just the cherry on top! Mou vs Wenger vibes, post-match interviews should be fun...

    Oh man, the refs properly did Chelsea over in that game. 100% should've been a red card for the hair pulling at the end. Also, questionable offside for the first Spurs goal.

    The fight scenes between Tuchel and Conte were magnificent. :love:


  11. 5 minutes ago, Julius said:

    Defenders FC returns, what a volley that was by Koulibaly. Just in time too considering Lukaku and Timo got on the score sheet yesterday...

    Yeah, I'd be surprised if the score stays as it is now, that's for sure, I think Spurs are a seriously scary proposition for this season (I'd say this about any team Conte takes on and is actually supported to have success with), but fingers crossed we score another and can nip it in the bud. 

    We haven't really had a game plan to commit to all summer - hell, I have no idea what our target for this season is meant to be, and I don't think Tuchel does yet either other than to qualify for the UCL again - meanwhile Spurs got their business finished before most clubs even started talking about their summer plans and Conte is a deadly serious coach when it comes to training, they're going to run laps - in a very literal sense - around most teams this season. 

    Hopefully that works in our favour come the World Cup in November :p

    What a finish. It was incredible.

    I've misjudged this one. Chelsea are all over Spurs like ketchup on my chips. Plastered all over the place. Be surprised if they lose this one now. Spurs just can't get the ball off them.

  12. 3 hours ago, Mokong said:

    At least half the team should have been gutted and replaced by the new manager. I'm still shocked we've bought so few. Thought it was supposed to be a rebuild but only 3 new signings ?

    Is it the bloody Glazers not oroviding the money, Ten Hag not going for anyone or is Man Utd just no longer attractive to players to join anymore?

    The transfer window has been all over the place. Whilst I see why we've gone for the signings that we've had, it's madness how we've not got in more players for that central midfield position, and also up front. I think it's a case of the club giving too many chances to the same players, hoping that a new manager will come in and improve them. The truth is that there are too many players in the squad with limited footballing ability, many who would struggle to get into other Premier League sides. We've become a club who either stop, hinder, or slow down players' development. I look at someone like Sancho, who was a very exciting prospect in the Bundesliga, but hasn't got going at United. Shaw gives the same tired act over and over again and is very limited. Rashford had an abysmal season last year and hasn't turned up. You can say the same thing about the rest of the team. We've sunk to the level of the least able members of the squad, rather than bringing them up to the level of a team going for the top 4. Too many poor footballers.

    Too many players underperformed last year and expected to be shipped out, only to still be here, still waiting to be sold or moved on. It's a deadly mix of lack of hunger, lack of ability, an unwillingness or inability to learn new training methods, all whilst picking up tons of money in huge wages.

    Need at least 4 other players and we could do with having a serious look at some of the younger players. If you were to look at the entire first 11 who have started both games, they're all replaceable. 

  13. That performance....fucking hell. The first half was brutal. De Gea was a -1/10, an absolute liability. I have no idea what he was doing for the first goal and he was pure thick as shit for the second. Really, really idiotic things to do. As a team, we completely gave up after the first goal.

    Awful performance. Terrible way to follow up the loss at Brighton with an even worse performance. Just...shit. Only redeeming quality was Malacia looked quite handy when he came on in the second half.

    Need to bring in new players urgently. We're giving the same players chance after chance and with nothing to show for it. Luke Shaw is one example. We've accepted shit for far too long.

    Brentford were unlucky not to score more. They pissed all over us. Well done to them, but fuck our lot.

  14. 2 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Play Astro's Playroom as soon as possible.
    Best platformer in ages and the DualSense is showcased marvelously.

    Yeah, I've been told to play this, but just haven't done it yet.

    Will give it a blast this weekend. :heh:

    • Like 2
  15. Started this the other night. What a game. It's wicked. Looks great, sounds terrific, and feels so awesome to play.

    We haven't had the PS5 for too long, and I've only really been playing PS4 games on it thus far. Booted up Returnal and thought that the shoulder buttons of the controller felt weird. The L2 trigger felt stuck or stiff. Either that, or the R2 trigger felt loose. I hadn't felt it on the other games I had been playing recently (Miles Morales, hnggggg), so had a bit of concern that we had broken the controller already.

    Ladies and gentleman, this guy has only just discovered the adaptive triggers. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

    Feels like I'm playing a game in 3022.

    • Like 1
  16. Could potentially be a high scoring weekend, with some great games lined up.



    Aston Villa vs. Everton

    Arsenal vs. Leicester City

    Brighton & Hove Albion vs. Newcastle United

    Manchester City vs. AFC Bournemouth

    Southampton vs. Leeds United

    Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Fulham

    Brentford vs. Manchester United



    Nottingham Forest vs. West Ham United

    Chelsea vs. Tottenham Hotspur



    Liverpool vs. Crystal Palace


    I'm expecting us to get a win against Brentford. Think we'll put in a better shift this week and win 0-2.

  17. 17 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    Yuck, now there's a corner of the Internet I hope I never end up in. :D 

    Ronaldo thought he was returning like the prodigal son to cement his place in Man U folklore and fire you from second back to the top of the tree.

    Even his powers have limits! 

    As far as die-hard forums go, it's pretty balanced. You get a few idiots who take things too far, but the majority are quite sensible and think things through. I'd imagine most of the big football forums would be similar. 

    To be fair to Ronaldo, he scored 18 league goals in one of the worst United teams that I can remember. Not quite sure how managed that. He did his part and the best he could do. Prime Messi would've struggled in that team too, for sure.

    11 minutes ago, Emerald Emblem said:

    Looks as though United have a broad agreement in place for Rabiot and expecting to launch an improved bid for Arnautovic. Definitely seem to be panic buying right now. If these were actual targets why wait until now to make them?

    The Rabiot signing isn't too bad if he's one of many. If he's 'it', then it's a poor signing. Really, he should be one of about 8 or more.

    The Arnautovic one is just craaaaap. We need to steer well away from that one. Club needs to sort itself out instead of looking at him.

    6 minutes ago, Julius said:

    It's been nearly a decade and they're still giving off the same energy they were when Moyes took over, which is barmy to me. 

    Remember when they spent a window targeting every world class midfielder under the sun, missed out on even challenging for players like Thiago because they were too busy twiddling their thumbs, and ended up with Fellaini? It's exactly that all over again! 

    United did challenge for Thiago and Fabregas in that window. Thiago was reportedly coming to us, before Guardiola went to Bayern and declared that the only player he wanted was Thiago. Think he was one of the only players they signed that window. Once Guardiola came in for him, due to the Barcelona link, nobody else stood a chance. We also had a deal for Kroos lined up, which Sir Alex himself organised before he left, which reportedly Moyes decided to move away from. Moyes really set us back with some of the decisions he made during the time he was there.

    The de Jong deal is just...very, very messy. We've had the bid actually accepted by Barcelona, but there's some really messed up shit going on at Barcelona with the money they owe de Jong, who isn't budging or leaving without what he's owed (17million, which is a significant sum of money). We've really chosen a bad Summer to get involved with Barcelona as they're in a mess, but a different sort of mess compared to us.

    I don't blame United for going after de Jong, because Barcelona accepted the deal. But, we really should have been looking at additional midfielders anyway. Neves is one I'd love, Tielemans is available, so there are options out there. Tbh, we need about 3 or 4 new faces in that midfield.

  18. 6 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    Guess I've been conditioned by the footy news I absorb where Man U is always the hot topic, win lose or draw. :( I'd love a good look at what Brighton did rather than "credit Brighton [or insert opposition team here], but United..." or some good early analysis on how Spurs are looking after Conte knackering them in pre-season vs this time last year with Nuno, or how are Newcastle looking and what's realistic for Newcastle this term? Are Everton as good as gone? Are Leicester going to be in freefall unless they get bodies in? Second season syndrome for Brentford?

    These kinds of things get paid lip service at best then it's back to United. Like last year after the Liverpool and City games at Old Trafford, there was no in-depth look at the attacking prowess of those teams--that was brushed aside to get onto United... :zzz: 

    Haven't plucked up the courage to check in on the fantasy footy as I know they were a bunch of duds. :shakehead 

    I'm only taking the piss, don't worry. :laughing:

    We're having a meltdown on the RedCafé forums at the moment. It's an utter mess. Wasted another transfer window.

    1 minute ago, Julius said:

    It's hard to look away from a trainwreck :p


    More seriously, as a United fan, I'm curious: where do you stand on Ronaldo's goings-on? 

    I'm seeing a lot of fans use his situation as a black hole for all of the other issues at the club (such as the lack of signings this transfer window - apparently you're now getting Rabiot?), and from the outside looking in, I couldn't blame him for wanting to leave for UCL football if that's he wants.

    I've also seen some suggest he knew this would be the case at the end of last season, but I could easily imagine he was planning on staying if there was enough activity this summer to show that United wanted to get back to the top the same way he does, but there simply hasn't been.

    Then there's also the matter of him losing a child, I could understand him not being in the right headspace for that reason alone, and also potentially wanting to return to Portugal because of that (such as a potential return to Sporting) to be closer to family. 

    It's crazy seeing some fans and the occasional pundit act like he's the issue, especially considering how many goals he scored last season, which was probably the best season anyone's had in a United shirt outside of goal since Ibra left ::shrug: 

    I've gone back and forth on the Ronaldo one. When he came in, it was a decent window with the Varane and Sancho signings alongside him, so I can't blame him for thinking that we were going to be stepping things up. Unfortunately, this window has been really poor and we've wasted it. We knew that we needed additional cm options, and we didn't do that. We knew that we needed more attacking options, and we didn't do that either. Generally, fans are pleased with the three signings that we've made so far, but there's just not enough of them. 9 out of the starting 11 were the same as last season, and many of them had very, very underwhelming seasons. 

    At the same time, he is 37 and should not be our starting striker in the league, nor should he be our main attacking outlet. He's at that stage in his career where, despite his frankly immense physical condition, he probably hasn't got that many years left at the very top, and he wants to win more whilst he still has a chance. I can't fault him for having ambition. We are winning nothing right now. We're also fucked because we can't let him go as we haven't got enough squad depth to do so. Martial is now injured, Rashford isn't doing anything at all on the field, and Sancho is...I guess 'there'. We need goals.

    Some of the names that we're being linked with right now is a joke. Rabiot is a hmmm signing. We're linked with Arnautovic?! It reeks of piss, tbh.

    • Like 1
  19. 17 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    Yeah, I heard an interview with one of the Brighton players on Friday and they said Old Trafford is always daunting. That much hasn't changed. Unfortunately for United, that twelfth man effect can only do so much before the XI on the pitch starts crumbling.

    I would have had Brighton down as a team that was getting some joy on away days at Man U in recent years so there you are. Oh well, looks like that's yet another source of points gone for the red devils. :D 

    I'm finding your attention for our lot rather flattering. :love:

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  20. Finished this yesterday. Loved it. It's cute, it's got some nice moments littered throughout, and it just feels pretty chill to play. Enjoyed the ending and the bits leading up to it. Overall, had a great time playing through it. Will definitely go for a second playthrough at some point.

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