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Posts posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. We had one on the Cube europe forum, and it ran for 19 pages! Before the site got hacked and the thread was lost forever. :sad:


    Although, let's see how far we can take this!


    I am soooooooo dying to get my hands on this game. Today, the Revolution controller had made me realise something: We have not seen everything until we have heard from Nintendo! We can speculate all we want...but they hold the trumph cards.

  2. thets how many people have put you as their "refferer" when they registers


    Why are postcounts visible in the profile? i thaught you had turned them off?


    Cheers. Jordan told me it was how many people had reported "bad posts" about you. I've been beating myself up about it for the last hour cos i thought i was unloved. :sad:


    Um, as far as i know, it wasn't possible to remove the post counts. We've removed them off the forum pages, but you can still see the count in your profile. I think there wasn't a way around that.

  3. Well, first of all, i'd like to welcome you all to the Revolution Europe boards. We are being flooded with members, and we haven't been open for a full day yet! Absolutely incredible.


    Now, we've all seen it, haven't we? The controller i mean. If you haven't seen it...then where have you been? :heh:


    So, i was reading about the controller on this very board, and noticed that there are quite a few similarites between Nintendo's consoles and handhelds. A running theme, if you will.

    It seems to me that the theme is "feeling". Or better still "touching".

    What has made me think this?

    First of all, the touchscreen for the DS. When i first read about this, i was a bit iffy. I didn't know what to expect. However, after reading many impressions and hearing a lot about it, it seems the DS is marvelled upon. Which is excellent.

    So, after hearing about the touchscreen and dual screens, i thought to myself "hmm, how could the Revolution controller be yet more innovative than the DS?It's not possible."


    How wrong i was.


    Just reading about it today, it seems that the television has "become" a touchscreen, in a way. We've heard how the controller is like a mouse in real 3d space. This seems to be following on from Nintendo's theme with the DS. Touching is good.


    Now, there is also the tilt factor. This, combined with the other features, come with the possibility to add more flare to gaming. We are not being restricted to buttons or sticks, which i was worried about. We are moving above that. The PS3 and Xbox360 may be next generation, but the Revolution has the potential to go beyond that.


    So, about the title. Big brother? Well, it seems to me that the Revolution is carrying on from where the DS started. Touching. Interacting. The Revolution is aiming to do better what the DS started. Imo, i actually believe it can do better. I must admit, i am excited. And i hope all of you are, as well.

  4. Well, i wouldn't say that "we are allowed to swear", because you can definitely post without the need to swear. Although, i won't be banning anyone if they swear once or twice. If they just spam and use swear words far too much, then i will be on their case.


    Personally tho, i don't think anyone has got anything to worry about on that front. The language is mostly clean, so far. :)

  5. I haven't got generals, but i have always wanted to try it out. Also, Renegade. Wanted to try that out as well. Just never got around to it.


    Shmotz, have you seen the firing range for an artillery unit? Compare that to a wolverine or even a titan. The Artillery has a massive advantage over it.

  6. Alright, admit it. Who can't get enough of this game? (:p)


    Sure, it's a bit old now, but it's a damn good game.


    Here's what i think:


    Favourite side: Nod

    Favourite Map: Tunnel Training

    Favourite infantry: Cyborg commando.

    Favourite vehicle: Artillery

    Favourite building: Has to be a construction yard. You'd be buggered without one. :wink:

  7. Colouring + Digital Effects (sigs)(Photo Shop)



    http://www.tutorialized.com/ -thanks to BB



























    http://www.acidfonts.com/ -thanks to FEF



    http://www.flashkit.com -thanks to statt0



    http://www.deviantart.com -good place to store your art and see others *does not allow remote linking*


    http://www.lycos.co.uk -go to tripod,create your own quick website,this will alow you to upload pics and then remote link them here.Good sig host! *Allows remote linking





    http://www.fineart.sk/ =warning,contains naked people.




    This list was compiled by forum member "Ryu" on the Gamecube-Europe forum. He deserves this credit, where-ever he is now.

  8. I see so many adverts here that really dont give half the information that I would want if I were to consider buying somethign from one of you.


    make sure you give all the info about what you are selling: condition, region (if applicable), acessories, things you meed that arent included in the item.


    Let every one know how much you actually want for the item! so many adverts are placed with out a price, or a vary vague price.


    Find out in advance what the shipping costs would be and state them in the post. Make sure you let people know what country it will be shipped from, as people need to know if they can expect to be charged duty or other charges.


    If you are selling several items make it clear if you will only accpet offers for the whole lot, or if you would be willing to split the group up. try to give prices for the individual items.


    Provide feedback! no one is going to buy from you if they have no idea who you are. If you can provide any, explain why and try to come to a arrangemtn with the buyer, possibly include a third person who can supervise the deal impartially.


    Include a photo, preferably one that you have made clear that it isnt pulled from google. write your name on a piece of paper next to it or something. just make sure people can trust you.


    As Cube Chris has recently suggested i would appreciate it af the following headlines are used in thew thread title to make it clear what the thread is about.

    [GS] = Game Sale

    [GT] = Game Trade

    [NS] = Non Gaming Sale

    [NT] = Non Gaming Trade

    [WS] = Website Sale (or Bargain)

    many thanks to chris!



    For example:

    Black PAL Gamecube for sale.

    Unboxed, but in good condition with no obvious scratches.

    Comes with 2 control pads, one black one purple. Both in vgc. Also includes all official power cables and AV cables.

    Will ship from UK, and shipping costs are included in final price to UK. If outside UK shipping is ...

    50 pounds ono

    my feedback http://www.myebayfeedback.com


    As with the other thread, all credit goes to Tom. This post was made on the Gamecube-Europe forums by forum member Tom. All credit goes to him for this post.

  9. To save everyone time I have collated all the feedback from the feedback thread so you can see at a glance if someone is safe to deal with. I will try and update this reguarly.


    Remember. even if someone has good feedback and you are still unsure you dont have to go through with the trade, only do what you feel safe to do. it is also usefull to remeber that you are safer dealing with staff members, or long established memebers than those with very few posts.


    note - where someones username differs drastically from their screen name I have put both.


    New ranking! if you have 5 or more, all positive trades, your name is now bold! how about that for uber status ;)

    If you have 10 or more, all positive, your name is now in red green!


    June '11 update: Good is now green, red is now bad (just makes sense!)


    However, if you are using firefox you wont be able to see the colour for some reason, so the special peoples names are also double spaced. (the Firefox of 2005 maybe! ~Shorty)


    Achnisch - +2

    Adrian DX - +1

    Aimless - +7

    Amzaroth (Gohan1239) - +2

    Andross (najammer) - +2

    Auscuber - -1

    Bard - +1

    Bencalis - +8

    BlueJay - +2

    Bluey - +6

    Bowse57 - +4

    Bren - +12 (skunky)

    Bryanee - +1

    Caris - +13

    Charlie (Moria) - +9

    Christhegreat - +1

    Chirzkerr2 - +10

    Chuck - +7

    Colin (rappy_cubed) - +9

    Columnar - +3

    Coolfunkman - +1

    Coolness Bears - +2

    Coointhezoo - +2

    CubeChris (Christopherh) - +18

    Cube - +5

    Custard80 - +2

    CVD - +1

    Daftada - +16

    Dant - +2

    Darthbane2K - +1

    DarkSnowman - +2

    David.Dakota - +4

    David redge - +2

    Dazzel - +1

    Dazzybee - +37

    DB2K - +1

    dB_Daz - +2

    DBSE_SnakeXE - +1

    Dcubed - +9

    Deltari3 - +11

    DeathJam - +3

    Diemetrix - +1

    DoctorGonzo23 - +1

    dwarf gourami - +2

    Dunamo - +1

    Dyson - +10

    Eddage (Twilight_Link) - +8

    Eel - +1

    Eenuh - +2


    Ellmeister - +4

    Esequiel - +10

    Evad_lhorg - +3

    Faz99 - +1

    Fex - +2

    Fieldsofanfieldroad (M2KTHREE) +1

    Fierce_Link - +1

    Flameboy - +4

    Fragmaster - +4

    Funktion - +5

    Fubar - +2

    Fuzpoy - +5

    Ganepark32 - +3

    Gekko - +4

    Gentleben - +5

    Gizmo - +2

    Gj15987 - +5

    Goafer - +3

    GothicPlague - +1

    grantjames - +3

    Grazza - +2

    Hellfire - +5

    Haden - +5

    Haggis - +3

    Harper - +2

    Harribo - +5

    Hero-Of-Time - +6

    Ian1969UK - +13

    iLLiterate - +1

    Indie James - +1

    Indigo - +5

    Iun - +4

    Jamba - +7

    JaySeven - +2

    Jay - +1

    Jav_NE - +2.5

    JGonspy - +1

    Jhaqen - +1

    Jimbob - +2

    Johelian - +3

    JonSt - +8

    Jordan - +2

    Jordan88 - +3

    Kahn - +1

    Katie - +24

    Kaxxx - +12

    Kov - +1

    lankster - +1

    Letty - +1

    Link 83 - +1

    Livebythecoin - +1

    Liquid_Vegata (Liquid_Snakehips) - +4

    Locky - +9

    Lost Mario - +20

    MadDog91uk - +1

    madeinbeats - +1

    MATtheHat - +5

    Masaki86 - +2 - DO NOT TRADE

    MARKofCHRIS - +3

    MarshMellow_7 - +1

    McPhee - +5

    MedalofHonour - DO NOT TRADE

    Meik - +1

    MF Luder - +1

    Mikey - +1

    Moogleviper - +1

    Moohawk - +7

    Moorek - +6

    Mr.Bananagrabber - +1

    Mr_Bogus - +9

    Mr_Odwin - +1

    My buttons are Magic - +2

    Munch - +2

    Murr - +2

    MWA - +2

    /Nando/ - +13

    Nightwolf - +1

    Nicktendo - +4

    Nintendohnut +2

    Nintybloke - +2

    Noodleman - +3

    Oli1983uk - +4

    Ollie - +4

    Optical - +1

    Owen - +3

    Oxigen_Waste - +1

    Peej - +3

    Pookiablo - +6

    Portlett - +2

    Pratty - +1

    Rapunzel - +3

    Red Shift - +13

    Retro_Link - +12

    Rezourceman - +3

    Rokhed00 - +46

    Rummy - +8

    RyaN - +5

    Sabu (vXv_GFX_Wizard_vXv) - +1

    Sanchez - +27

    Sarka (Ball Monkey) - +13

    Sayn117 +1

    Schpickles - +1

    S.C.G - +40

    ShadowV7 - +4

    Sheikah - +2

    Shorty - +2

    Siimmon - +1

    Sniper - -1

    Soag - +1

    Sol_ie - +8

    Statto - +1

    Stefkov - +1

    Stranger (Pistolmonkey_CE) - +4

    Strider - +10

    TakeoMiyazaki - +4

    Tapedeak - +3

    Tellyn - +7

    Ten10 - +1

    ThePigMarcher - +2

    The Bard - +1

    Thebeetle - +1

    ThongyDonk (Cheeseboard) - +3

    The Fish - +2

    Thunderer - +1

    Toki - +1

    Tom - +5

    Tomma1000 - +4

    Triforce keeper - +9

    Twozzok (limkayo) - +6

    TyrianCubed - +2

    Uka100 - +2

    Warandchoas - +4

    Welsh_Gamer - +26

    Wes - +1

    Wii - +2

    Will' - +2

    XtremeCube - +1

    Y2cplan - +11

    Yesteryeargames - +1

    Zell - +1

    Zygo Ape - +1

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