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Posts posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Yeah, thinking about it there aren't many kicking about these days. It was a genre that really took off during the PS2 era and carried on with the 360/PS3 but now it seems to have died a death. Xbox has Forza and Sony has GT but there's not much else kicking about that is high profile. Sony should never have killed Driveclub or the studio that made it. Amazing game.

    Oh man, I was one of the 6 people that bought DriveClub. I loved it!

    Not sure why there aren't so many these days, as it felt like we were inundated with them in the past. They also seem to have gotten super serious. I keep getting tempted by GT, but keep hearing stuff about how much of a commitment it is, and how it requires a lot of serious hours to get good at it. Not sure if I can be arsed with that.

    DriveClub had exactly the right sort of thing I was looking for. It was quite lowkey, but you could chuck it on, have a few fun races, then do something else. Pretty as hell to look at, too. :love:

  2. 4 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

    Storage is always the issue isn't it. I've got a relatively nice Hotas for my PC but nowhere easily accessible to store it so it goes in the wardrobe and never comes back out again.

    There's that, and there's also the laziness factor. Most of the time, I just want to sit back with a controller and enjoy something with my feet up. Or, at the very worst, sat upright and leaning forward. No point complicating it. :laughing:

    • Like 1
  3. Always surprised me that Predator 2 got a very mixed reaction. I thought it was pretty good! It was different enough compared to the first film, but built on the lore and the ideas of the Predator, and had some very memorable moments. Thought the story was pretty interesting enough, too. I don't think it felt too ridiculous.

    The first AvP is very frustrating, because it's got some neat ideas and set pieces. But...the run-time is frustratingly short and it is very tame, considering the other films that take place in the series. 

    Saying that, the second AvP is truly fucking awful. I went to watch this with a mate (we were both hungover after a heavy night out) and he feel asleep, and I was internally shouting at the screen the entire time. It's so bad. 

  4. I've been tempted over the years to get a steering wheel to play a racing sim, but I always think that the idea of it will be better than the reality. There's that, and I don't really think that there are that many appealing racing games at the moment, or at least ones that instantly stand out. GT being the exception.

    I bought a racing wheel for cheap during the N64 days and...it was alright. I remember that feeling of...ok, now where the fuck am I going to store this?!

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

    I had a chance to buy that controller a few years ago and still regret not doing it.

    I've wanted to try it and just...hold it. Just to see what it feels like. Maybe pretend it's an accordion.

    This, and that Steel Battalion controller, which had about 3 million buttons. :laughing: 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


    It's pretty much why a few of us have resorted to using the PM feature rather than talking on the actual forums. Sad that it had to come to this but it's the only way to have a decent conversation, especially when it comes to anything PS related. Come join us. :D 


    Use the threads! And then, like, sidestep the posts you don't want to read. 

    From visiting other larger forums over the years, that's what tends to happen anyway. You just reply to comments that you want to reply to.

    Also, here's a paddle.

    Carbon Fibre Split Kayak Paddle 

  7. On 21/08/2022 at 2:38 PM, Happenstance said:

    Finally got around to watching this yesterday with @Goafer and I enjoyed it. Mostly just a fun Predator movie with maybe a slightly by the numbers story. Only real issue that stood out to both of us was the dialogue choices. A lot of it felt very modern for 1719.

    Glad you liked it. I had a wicked time with it and it far surpassed my expectations.

    Regarding the dialogue, there is an option for a Comache dub, which does sound interesting. I do wonder if this was the creators not trying to alienate too much of the audience and to get the balance right between authenticity and accessibility for such a wide audience. I'd say that they got the balance right overall.

    I do agree that the story was simple, but I liked that. It didn't get too convoluted and ridiculous. Sometimes action films can throw in ridiculous twists or the story can go in a weird direction just for the sake of trying to keep the film exciting. I like that it's kept simple and straightforward, but I feel they executed it well.

    Only thing annoying for me is that they didn't give this a wide cinema release. Would've loved to have seen this on the big screen.

  8. Blows my mind a little that we don't have multiple size options for controllers, or at least a bit more variation in this area. Seems like this would be a sensible thing to have, since you have a huge variety of users using the same system, e.g. younger children, teenagers, adults, people with gigantic hands, T-Rexes, etc. A standard size, which is the one shipped, and then the option to buy additional smaller or larger controllers.

    I mean, nothing like this size:Suta OPEN commissions on Twitter: "PS4 players be like: I can finally chat  in game! :) https://t.co/LIfl7oZaIx" / Twitter

    Also, everything should come with additional paddles. EVERYTHING.

    • Haha 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    I think part of the problem with Marvel films (and i appreciate it's not really their fault) is there success has led to Hollywood becoming very bland. As an industry it's quick to follow whatever trend they can (so again, not Marvel's fault) and unfortunately that has led to more 'perfectly fine' moves that don't really move the dial at all. And there's an absolutely a place for that, just not the majority of films. I think there's a reason something like Everything Everywhere All At Once was so talked about; because it was a breath of fresh air. I think ultimately they were supposed to fill a niche and now they've become the standard it's a drain. 

    The movie industry in general seems to be finding lots of safety in/with sequels. I don't know whether these big studios are finding it risky to take chances with new IPs or standalone films, especially if they want to do big numbers. It's good that there's the likes of Jordan Peele making films like Nope, which is AMAZING, and gives the audience something a bit different. Everything Everywhere All At Once is a brilliant film, and I'd throw The Northman into that category, too. So, it can be done. 

    I don't particularly blame Marvel for anything really. Their films do well, they're liked by people, but I wouldn't say that they're loved on the same level that something like The Dark Knight or The Batman were loved. Joker is another example where they've tried to do something a bit different with the film and go beyond those typical conventions. You can get films in the genre that go beyond and tell stories about the human condition. Black Panther is a good example where they've either achieved that or come close, and they've given the audience a different experience there. That's a good example of a film trying to go beyond, and they could do with doing a bit more of that, imo.

    I guess part of the issue with Marvel is that they are trying to tell an overarching story split into multiple segments, which is how it worked with the Infinity Saga. Tonally, you can't go too wild with it from film to film, otherwise the saga becomes disjointed. Unfortunately, that's happened with the new Star Wars films, and it's an utter mess, so I respect Marvel for aiming to go for some sort of consistency there. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Eddage said:

    At least with VAR and the line drawing it is (theoretically) the same for everyone, even if the offside law itself could do with some tweaking!

    Somebody on Match of the Day (think it might have been Danny Murphy or Gary Lineker) said that they should judge offside by the feet and use that as a marker. Kinda makes sense. It's nonsense the way it all currently works. 

    "Ohhhh, his arse is playing him on!"

    Martinez has been unreal! Love him already.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Eddage said:

    I still fully expect Liverpool to win this game but that first half was the best I've seen United play for such a long time! Amazing what a bit of energy and enthusiasm gets you!

    I like playing with both Eriksen and Fernandes, supported by a holding midfielder. Once Casemiro replaces McTominay we might have something resembling a competent midfield. 

    I predicted a 1-1 initially, which I'm tempted to stick with. I don't think we've got the energy/fitness levels to do what we did in the first 30 for the entirety of the game. We dropped off towards the end of the first half, which was quite noticeable, I thought. 

  12. Oooof, that moment when Fernandes twatted it into Martinez. No idea what he was doing there! I love the guy, but he seems to lose all footballing ability the closer he gets to our goal. :shakehead

    Martinez has been our best player. Varane and Malacia have looked great, too. Liverpool are probably going to score a goal in the second half, so it's down to us to get another. I don't see this staying 1-0.

  13. 2 hours ago, bob said:

    You've specifically mentioned the 2 (generally agreed upon) worst films there are, which doesn't help your argument. I love the MCU films, but i've not seen Thor 2 since I saw it at the cinema when it came out.

    Ok, then let's look at all of them and rate them.


    (it goes without saying this is all my opinion and how I view the films, so you may think different)


    Iron Man - I thought this was pretty bland, tbh. It's alright, but nothing hugely special. 

    The Incredible Hulk - It's listed as a film in the Infinity Saga, but it's completely forgettable. Should've been better than it was. Maybe gets hated on a bit too much, but it's nowt special.

    Iron Man 2 - Again, works better as part of a saga. Individually, I thought this film was the best out of the three Iron Man films, but it's not genre-defining as something like The Dark Knight, nor is it as great cinema as The Batman. It's alright.

    Thor - It's fun, brainless, without ever going beyond that. Proper bubblegum cinema that sets up the character for future films.

    Captain America: The First Avenger - I liked this a lot more than the Thor and Iron Man films, and he's generally the more likeable character out of that trinity of Thor, Iron Man and Captain America. Enjoyed the villain.

    The Avengers - This is pretty shit, tbh. It only gets remembered for bringing the gang together, but it's typical Joss Whedon in the sense of lots of pointless, throw-away lines that sound great at first, but don't really make too much sense later on. Individually, it's bettered by the last two Avengers films, by far. Not even close.

    Iron Man 3 - This isn't great. It's another film to keep the Tony Stark story moving along, which is about all that can be said for it.

    Thor: The Dark World - Strong contender for the worst film in the entire Infinity Saga. It's boring, it's bland, and it's a chore to watch. Not even sure if it adds anything other than Thor and Loki have a complicated relationship.

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier - This was a good film, and it's part of the strongest run of films in the series.

    Guardians of the Galaxy - FUN. Really enjoyed this and it's memorable, it's spawned memes, the characters are likeable, the action is great and fun to watch. It's just an all-round good film that stands up on repeated watches.

    Avengers: Age of Ultron - Unfortunately, the idea behind it is far better than the execution. It starts off quite interesting but seems to get worse and worse as it goes. It did, however, give us an amazing trailer and great use of the Pinocchio soundtrack. It also gave us Vision, which is pretty much one of the only redeeming things about the film. You could take it out of the saga and nobody would really a shit, tbh.

    Ant-Man - I really liked this. The character is fun, the premise is interesting, it's a little bit different to the other films and it's just an enjoyable watch. One of the films that you could easily take out of the Saga and Marvelverse and it would stand out by itself for its own merits.

    Captain America: Civil War - Let's be real, this is a borderline Avengers story - and I use the term 'borderline' in a very liberal way. I enjoyed it, although that airport fight scene is overrated as hell. It's a superlong sequence that doesn't hold up on repeated viewings and...is a pretty dull sequence, tbh. The general premise of the film is good and it's a great continuation of the Captain America films. I like it and it's one of the stronger films in the series for the Captain America vs. Iron Man development. However, my point still stands...it works as part of a continuation of a saga, rather than on its own merits.

    Doctor Strange - Quite enjoyed this for its quirkyness. It's fun and the character is interesting. A nice introduction of the character to many.

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Perhaps not as good as the first, but still very enjoyable. 

    Spider-Man: Homecoming - I'm going to go against the grain and say that I didn't enjoy the Tom Holland Spider-Man films. The best Spider-Man film is Into The Spider-Verse, in my personal opinion. Thought Homecoming was just average and not that impressive. It's the type of film you watch with a beer or with the kids, and then you finish it, shrug, and do something else.

    Thor: Ragnarok - Easily EASILY the best in the Thor series and strong contender for best in the series. It's fun, it's colourful, it's silly, and it's wacky. It's out there and so it stands out.

    Black Panther - Really liked this. Although, they did Killmonger dirty when they suddenly realised his ideas made too much sense and we can't be siding with a villain. Great film and it's a landmark in terms of representation for black people/people of colour. 

    Avengers: Infinity War - Loved this. However, it's loved because it is a continuation of many films leading up to a point, as well as the iconic ending with The Snappening. 

    Ant-Man and the Wasp - Not seen it, can't comment.

    Captain Marvel - Not seen it, can't comment.

    Avengers: Endgame - Loved this, and it serves as a great ending for that entire saga. 

    Spider-man Far From Home - Thought it was better than Homecoming, but the villain was ehhh and it's a bit too out there at times, especially the final third. I watched this for the second time with @Eenuh's sister's husband, and we basically just drank lots of beer and played Mario Kart afterwards. It's that sort of film.

    I haven't bothered to see anything post-Infinity Saga, because that's enough for me.


    If anything, looking at the films individually actually has reinforced my idea. The films 'work' as part of a series or continuum. They're about as average as they come when you look at them individually. Very non-threatening, very easy to watch, with a few nice ideas here and there. They follow somewhat consistent storytelling, tone, ideas, character development and so forth. I do think that the 'cookie cutter' terms that get used to describe the Marvel films is spot on, although it perhaps shouldn't be as derogatory as it sounds. They serve a purpose in the same way that Saturday morning cartoons did. You watch them, you enjoy them, then you carry on with your day. They're not ones to dwell on. In 30 years time, nobody is going to be talking about the cinematography or scriptwork of, say, Ant-Man and will be using that as inspiration for their own moviemaking, or at least not to the scale of films such as The Empire Strikes Back, or Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and those classics. They are absolute fine and I enjoy them, some much more than others. But, I'm under no illusions that they're earth-shattering, amazing films individually. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

    Yeah I'm really not sure how its gonna go. Usually I would have said we'd easily win but the start of this season has been so rocky that I just don't know.

    That's part of the reason I feel like we could get something. We're awful at the moment, but it also looks like a semi-decent time to play Liverpool.

    Ask me in an hour, and the prediction will change again. Both teams need the win tbh, a draw doesn't really help either.

  15. Nervous for tonight's game. I really can't call it. I've changed my prediction on this about 8 times. On the one hand, we are godawful to watch at the moment and can barely string passes together. On the other, form can sometimes go out of the window in these types of games. But then again, we don't really look like we've got enough players right now who can raise their game and turn it on to make it a feisty encounter. But also, Liverpool are still feeling their way into this season, too.
    Tempted to say it'll be a draw. We badly need to get a goal and create good chances of our own. It'll look a bit rubbish if we go three games with our only goal being an own goal.

    1-1, I think. There's even a small part of me that thinks that we can even narrowly sneak this 1-0 or 2-1. I really can't call it. I'm also being overly optimistic...There's also a major part of me that thinks we'll get thumped 4 or 5-0 again.

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