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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I did a similar-ish thing. I was given a SNES for Christmas and initially loved it, but then also received a MegaDrive further down the line and spent loads of time on that. I grew up with the MegaDrive and then only went back to the SNES years later, and only really properly got into it after playing the N64. I grew up with Super Mario AllStars and Starwing. But, I owned loads more MegaDrive games. The N64 was the first Nintendo console I well and truly loved. Lylat Wars and then Goldeneye were my two earliest experiences. Words can describe how gutted and disappointed I am that Nintendo hasn't made a good Starfox title in years. Can't believe the Wii got nothing.
  2. I get the feeling that if there were more sets that Lisicki could have gained some momentum. 3 sets really hinders the women's game. You're pretty much fucked if you go one set down and lose a break or something. In the men's game, you can be 2 sets down and still go on to win the match. It's over too quickly in the women's game.
  3. You are the worst Nintendo fan in the world. It's funny that you mention the wrestling games. No Mercy was one of my favourite experiences and is probably one of my favourite games of all time. Oh my god, the moveset for each wrestler. Very fleshed out. My only gripe with it is that there weren't as many modes or match types as Smachdown, but what was there was really fleshed out. I loved it. The N64 also introduced me to F Zero X which floored me. I loved it. GX then came along on the Cube and blew me away.
  4. Felt sorry for Lisicki. She didn't get going until the end of the second set, but it was far too late by that point. Her serving was dreadful.
  5. I agree with Jon here, it was more to do with the timing of the roof coming on, plus the fact that Janowicz seemed to be pushing it for quite some time, so it looked like the umpire had just given in to him. It's an outdoor tournament, and imo the weather conditions were acceptable for the match to be carried on. If they had wanted to close the roof, it should have been done either earlier when the match was equal, or it should have been done where some kind of instrument could measure whether play is acceptable in those conditions. I understand that cricket has some kind of instrument that measures this, why not have that in tennis? Still, the match was great and I thought Murray did well to dig deep and pull off the win. Wouldn't surprise me if Janowicz went on to become a Grand Slam winner in the future, he has a quality serve and he'll only get better with age and maturity. A dangerous player for the future. Bartoli gave one hell of a performance against Flipkens. I'm neutral with this and will enjoy whoever wins. No preference.
  6. Like Blade just said, it's very hot at the moment in certain areas. I'm sat in the garden with very little clothing and am roasting. I can't imagine running in this weather and enjoying it. Heal up and maybe take a bit of extra time out just to make sure. It'll benefit you in the long run, as the last thing you want is something bad to happen because you didn't take the extra time. It's annoying, as most people would rather be doing something, but it's best to be safe where the body is concerned.
  7. Yeah, I can understand why some wouldn't like it, as it is different and new ideas take some time with getting used to. Personally, I think the motion control hate was too overblown and the majority of quality games that used them (not counting shovelware, which exists on all systems) were using them in the right way. I'll always look back on games like Silent Hill, ExciteTruck, Dead Space and Sonic Colours fondly. Silent Hill in particular used the controls in the right way and it didn't detract from the gameplay, it added to it. Still, Nintendo did something different and I'm grateful for it. For me, it was one hell of a system and it was the console that was with me when I was at uni, when I left uni and spent ages looking for a job, and when I eventually found one and moved to Bournemouth. I often think that you see consoles in a more favourable light if you've had some kind of journey with them. That's why a lot of people love the N64, as they were probably teenagers at the time and you often look back on those years fondly.
  8. But then you have tons of games which didn't heavily rely on the controls or even didn't use them altogether. Xenoblade didn't use them, neither did Smash Bros and Galaxy used them to a minimum. For the most part, I thought the usage of the controls was awesome and it seemed to get better and better during the console's life. So much so that I am not looking forward to using dual analogue again after playing games like Goldeneye.
  9. I wonder if the Wii will get almost "Dreamcast Status" in the future and gets looked back on as a great console. It's my favourite Nintendo console. I'm still loving it. I also agree with your last post, the Wii U will have to raise its game if it wants to get anywhere near it.
  10. That's good going, dude. How long are you not allowed to exercise for?
  11. God, I hate going to the toilet after leg day. Hardest task of the day. It's fine, though. Your legs just aren't used to lifting such heavy weight. It does get better over time, the more you do it. As this was my first workout in a while, it's going to ache more than if I were 5 weeks in, for example.
  12. I've had lots of interruptions, as it's been a bit of busy time. I had sickness, then I had reports that needed writing, then Glastonbury, but I'm back on it now. Starting again. Yesterday was leg day. Kill me. Today has been hilariously bad. Getting off the sofa or chair to do something takes effort. My hamstrings were fully activated yesterday and they ache, along with my quads and calves. My arse! Fuck, you don't realise how much the glutes are used during squats. Today was push day. So, I'm going to be hurting in my chest, shoulders and tris tomorrow. Basically, I'm not going to be able to do anything. Hurray! I've strangely missed these feels, though.
  13. You've posted in the wrong thread, bro. Edit: Shit, sorry, I misread. I thought you said that THEY were all wearing vests and shorts. That would be better. As you were.
  14. Another great match, but having to close the roof now will halt Murray's momentum somewhat. Pain in the arse. Don't think Janowicz will mind too much, as he seemed to be quite keen on the roof being closed earlier on in the match.
  15. Guys, these games take years to make. So, secretly Konami could still be working on this. We know how slow those guys are. We should expect a reveal any minute now.
  16. ur a liar m8! Kojeema is my uncle and I asked him on Sunday during our weekly roast dinner and he said that MGS is now a Nintendo exclusive. He also said that Tekken and Resident Evil are now WiiU exclusive games, even though he has nothing to do with those ones. Hashtag I be leaf in Canand.
  17. Mindblown that bstmte is Josh64. Was this common knowledge? Happy Birthday, Bus Timetable.
  18. How the fuck did he manage that?! I can definitely fap to this. What a match.
  19. Don't try to take the credit for the work that your team have done. I can't believe your arrogance. Those players have done well despite having you as manager. You're a lower league manager at best. lololololol Scotland have a midfield? I thought they play 10-0-0? I swear I saw them use three keepers once.
  20. This semi-final is magnificent. Del Petro is brilliant, and although he's almost certainly not going to be in the final, he has played fantastically well.
  21. 3 strikers is the way forward, brah. Unless you regularly play 4-3-3 or 3-4-3 or 5-2-3 or something. 1-4-5 would be hilarious. Defensive rating: -1. I wish that there was a 4-6-0, like Spain and Barcelona sometimes play.
  22. I'm going to go 4-2-4 very offensive. I only have 3 strikers. Daan Wielink as emergency striker. DRAGOOOOO's hero! He will answer the call. Simply put, I hope I fuck you up in that final game, brah.
  23. You can only beat what's in front of you. Federer and Nadal went out to supposedly easier opponents, it doesn't mean that they're suddenly not world beaters. Murray is a class act and considering that he's consistently making it to semi-finals and finals of major tournaments, he must be doing something right. Jonowicz's serve will get tangled in my heeeeeeeeadwiiiiires.
  24. Gutted that I didn't at least get a draw today. My and Aqui1a put out identical tactics and formations. Think we did the same thing earlier in the season. DRAGOOOOOO's going down, DRAGOOOOO DRAGOOOO's Going Down. We're going down, down, down.
  25. Trolololo. I predict and hope that your arms fall off, rendering you unable to type ever again. It'll be a close match. Wouldn't be surprised at all if Janowicz wins it. His serve is obscene.
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