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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I quite like Armenia. The chorus is catchy as hell. Hnnggggg at the blonde Lithuanian.
  2. We-we didn't send a shit song this year. I don't know dis feel. Think we'll finish in the top half. It's very Eurovision, but a bit odd. British odd-ness. Country meets Swing sorta thing.
  3. It's taken ages, aye. It's still going! It has a feel-good factor, though.
  4. Showtime, bitches. Cider is at the ready.
  5. 'Mirin. I would be watching it with the woman, but she's in Belgium!
  6. I just keep hnnnnnnggggging at this game. Made it to Velen and there was rain. Lightning. I thought I'd just ride around for a bit and there just seemed to be tons and tons of stuff. There really is a sense of this containing a real living-in world. Really enjoying the combat. Think I'm getting the hang of how the game works now, just crafted myself a new sword.
  7. Mijn Nederlands is slecht. But eventually it'll get better. @Eenuh is still teaching me. Did the Netherlands qualify? Think they missed out?
  8. Ah, dank u wel. De muziek was erg mooi. Ik hou van Queen.
  9. 8PM tonight, people. Going to get myself some cider and watch eet. Anyone else going to be online in here? Think it could be hilarious.
  10. A bit rare that I agree with you, but this game surprised me. I've never quite gone off a game so quickly before. The first third of the game is great and quite how it manages to turn bad is strange. The fact that it's a Nintendo game, a Zelda no less, just makes it even more bizarre. The controls were good, but the music, lack of a proper overworld, NO NIGHT SYSTEM in the "sky", no decent boss battles and poor dungeon design really threw me. Quite how some websites and publications ranked this as the best Zelda to date is beyond me. It's easily the worst of the 3D ones. Easily.
  11. Lost it at "Wildling" and the Theon-Ramsay moment.
  12. It makes a huuuuge difference having a character who talks. Also, voice acting just improves things so much more. Xenoblade wouldn't have had it's humourous moments without the British voices or voice acting. I'm taking the secondary quests more seriously in this, partly because they feel more real...telling the herbalist that if you give the girl the swallow potion, she might live but also might die horrifically, it sounds much more serious when you actually hear the words rather than seeing them.
  13. I cracked up at this. I don't know how long I spent playing this yesterday, but it was a lot. I'm going to be on this all day and I'll only turn it off to watch Eurovision. I was playing this yesterday thinking, "Fuck, I wonder if Zelda will ever be this good" as in the size of the world, the quantity of things to do and graphically.
  14. That band (The Common Linnets) are genuinely really good. I'm checking out some of their other stuff. That Latvian song (a capella) brings back memories of me and my flatmates at uni watching Eurovision. We became Latvian fans overnight.
  15. Lena says "toe nates" in that video. Ine and I refer to toenails as toe nates. "I'm going to paint my toenates today." "Ok, Jim." Wait-wat Also, that Polish song... The song is annoyingly catchy. Plus, tits. Hnnnnggggg. I think last year was pretty good actually. I loved this: and this, the one that should have won last year and much better than the winning song: My favourite all-time Eurovision song. It's actually really, really good! I love this song, too:
  16. I'm guessing smaller hdd to keep the cost down? The 8gb version is just lunacy.
  17. I think you're being very harsh on this game, tbh. It's not like the developers have conned us and released a half-finished game. What they've done is create a game that pushes hardware (both console and PC) to the absolute limits. When you create a world such as this with the way it looks and what it sets out to do, there will inevitably be something that doesn't work quite as it should. Judging from what I've played of it so far, this is the new benchmark for open world/RPG games.
  18. There will no doubt be a patch to sort this stuff out. Even then, this game is beautiful and many are considering it to be the best RPG in a long time. I've not encountered any issues yet, at least nothing that makes me concerned.
  19. I'm playing a bit more right now and I'm simultaneously finding it welcoming and also overwhelming in a shitttt there's so much to do kind of thing. Alchemy. Is it too early in the game for me to be thinking about that? I've come across a dying woman who needs the Swallow potion but I don't know how you find out what materials you need for that.
  20. Riiiight, I started this up yesterday evening/night and gave this a go for the first time. Fuaaaark, it feels huge. Everything also looks beautiful, the vegetation, the sun/sky, the creatures/horses, everything. I got overwhelmed after the first objective and got seriously lost. I was just horsing about from field to field and couldn't tell where the fuck I was. I quickly found out where the objective markers are and am back on track. Loving it, although I was very tired yesterday after work and couldn't really take it all in. Excited to play more later.
  21. I have played Super Mario Kart but it was a looooong time after its release. It wouldn't be fair to include it as I'd already played the likes of MKDS by that point, so I can't really appreciate it in the preferred context. :p Looking at that list, there's more MK games I dislike than there are that I do like. Strange when you see it written down, as I always considered myself a fan of the series.
  22. Scarlett Johansson could run past my window naked whilst playing the accordion using her super thighs and I wouldn't give a shit right now. The Witcher is the only reason I exist at the moment. Edit: Oh and Eenuh.
  23. I'm not trying to cause a stir or anything, but... Mario Kart 8. If that counts as critically acclaimed. It's strange, my timeline of Mario Kart love goes a little something like this: MK64: LOVED IT Super Circuit: Hated it. Double Dash: Ok, didn't love it as much as 64. MKDS: LOVED IT, FAVOURITE ONE MKWii: Hated it... MK7: Couldn't be arsed to even play it after Wii. MK8: Bought it at a time when I getting bored with Nintendo and it didn't do anything to excite me. I just find the game itself a bit barebones in places. There's not really much of a single player besides what has been seen before. The battle mode is shite. The online options are ok, I guess...but it feels incomplete without the feature that should not be named. I remember being really excited after playing MKDS and expecting the home console games to be out of this world with tooooons of options and shit. So, there we are. On the other hand, it's quite rare that I find a game that I don't get on with. I'm on a roll at the moment and haven't come across a game for a while which has had me hate its guts. Bloodborne came close to being THAT game which I loathed, but it somehow ended up being one of my favourites eveeerrr. Work that one out.
  24. I've got it. It's currently on my table and hasn't been put into the PS4 just yet for two reasons: 1. I've had school reports to write, although I should finally be done with them tonight. 2. I've also come down with a fucking chest infection. I shouldn't have gone into work Tuesday, Wednesday or Today but I did it because I'm a bluddy idiot. Haven't even lifted all week, so that gives you some indication of how bad it's been. It's breaking mah fahking haaart seeing it on the table. I think tonight I'm just going to put it in and say I deserve it after that week I've had.
  25. I've not heard anybody today say anything. (United fans or other) I don't think they care, tbh.
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