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Everything posted by Burny

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhhhhhhhh...... That's so cheesy, it's cringeworthy, even by video game standards. The rest looks good though. Seems to be very fluent and fast paced. I'm not so cinfident in the control scheme so far.
  2. I love what I see in the trailer. I just don't particularly like the music - as it is the reversed Zelda's lullaby again. So long, as not the whole soundtrack consist of this, it ought to be great though.
  3. It hasn't. People jumped to conclusions (I have dreamed, too )when Iwata hinted at Nintendo turning to another company for online services. But these services were not specified. It could mean no more than youtube apps for the 3DS and the Cafe. That sounds reasonable. Here is some music to prevent you from getting over-hyped: Audio
  4. The Vita is 250€ in Europe and 250$ in the US (Wifi version, 3G one is 50 more). Don't know what Choze is getting at.
  5. We have to consider them as rumors. But if it comes from people who know these details, they're leaks, no matter what we have to assume. :p And if this thing doesn't have some sort of 6'' screen in, on or around the controller, we've been massively and collectively trolled.
  6. Well, it's not the final hour before the conference and it's in the middle of the night over there. But I wouldn't expect it to happen.
  7. Please, let this be true... I'm not even all that excited about the prospect of playing GTA on a Nintendo platform and I don't fool myself into thinking that a 100+Mio. production will be platform exclusive. But the implications and the 3rd party kickstart such a massive game on the next Nintendo platform would mean... Screen in the controller, possibly some details about the hardware (IBM CPU, ATI GPU etc.). That's actually quiet a lot of leaks.
  8. Anything less would've meant they had killed their system as platform for download games before it even got started.
  9. It's incredibly useful for simulations and actually a really cool way to use Kinect if it works well with Forza:
  10. Ever seen head tracking devices for PC simulations? They basically translate very subtle head movements in larger ingame movements. Of course it's not 1:1...
  11. The potential implication of the Fall 2012 release: The game could be on the next Nintendo system, too.
  12. At the very least, headtracking in Forza 4 is an incredibly useful application for Kinect that'd be useful in about every single game where you control vehicles (and by control, I mean with an actual controller ). It just doesn't take the whole conference to show it off. :p
  13. It might be totally off, too. The one thing that it has going against it so far, is the lack of complaints. Maybe it doesn't sound bad or silly enough? When such a shitstorm would be to happen again, it would be a clear sign, that Nintendo's marketing has won again. On the other hand, maybe they'll get along with a less disruptive name this time.
  14. I expect to be disappointed in this regard. They better don't though.
  15. I said you'd need a weird enough and personal definition. If this was a SMG thread, I'd call such a one-liner statement blatant trolling, but it isn't a SMG thread.
  16. You only need a weird enough personal definition of a game vs. a toy. The lines might be blurred, but I'd argue that a sufficient but not necessary condition to qualify anything as a game, is if it can be "won". Mario and Zelda can be won. Looking at another example: Minecraft in it's current, unmodded condition can't be won, hence it's more of a toy than a game. And looking at the Darksiders 2 trailer, I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't chose to shoehorn some convoluted modern storytelling into Zelda and Mario. It's just not a necessary condition for these games to evolve imo. I quiet like Darksider's style though. The "high-definition-comic" look is really refreshing in comparison to the general trend to make everything pseudo realistic. I'm absolutely no fan of hack & slash combat mechanics, but might keep a look out for this. Btw. Darksiders might give a hint at how Nintendo games - specifically Zelda - might look with modern hardware. Color palette, character proportions and environments will of course be different, but I imagine Nintendo will most likely go for a similar stylized look instead of a "realistic" one.
  17. Obviously it hasn't developed. It's been 25 years and Mario still hasn't boinked Peach. :p If it's not someone's taste, there is now way to change it, unless Nintendo decides to overhaul their IPs. I'd rather have them not turn something like Zelda into Darksiders. That's what Darksiders is for, isn't it?
  18. In the long term the name might not matter if you're mostly selling to the enthusiast crowd. PS and XBox have however been established as brands for a long time and can simply be modified with new postfixes every generation. They're also rather ambiguous: Both have practically become the "poor man's"-gaming PCs. But neither was a similar runaway success as the Wii at the start of this generation. And certainly not with the same kind of audience. The N64 and Gamecube which might be considered as having been targeted at the more "hardcore" Nintendo fans, didn't get them very far in comparison. Ultimately, if they're building a new brand, the right name should make the marketing to certain types much easier. If the name sticks in people's memories, marketing has probably already won half the battle for the "casual" crowd. The rest is finding unique standout features that people want and communicating them by means of marketing - ideally with a telling and memorable name. That might be a good name, if they actually did an active tablet, but even then they'd have to somehow communicate that's not a standard tablet like the Galaxy Tab. And depending on how they've designed the controller, it might be far too different from a tablet to name the console like this.
  19. It does and greatly so! It just doesn't need to be completely boring ("GamestationXY-C") any more and can well be odd if it ties in with the marketing. The "Wii"-name in combination with the marketing as an everybody-console was a stroke of pure genius. It's extremely short, very similar to an actual word (no, not that one!) and spelled oddly enough to be remembered at once. As an example of a bad choice for a good name, have a look at the 3DS. The 3DS name ties in very well with the actual console and its heritage, contains a nice pun that hints at the standout feature, but is not unproblematic. Not everybody is exposed to the newest console's media coverage. Especially people without console experience (parents), are likely to mistake it for a new overpriced DS revision that somehow plays DS games in 3D - even if they watch 3DS adds or read some of the Sun's quality coverage. That it looks like a DS and is named like a DS doesn't help. Game boxes that look almost completely like the DS game's boxes don't help either.
  20. It has been discovered a couple of weeks ago and I made a post a couple of pages back. I strongly hope the GDC trailer music is not the Skyward Sword theme. :p Nothing so far indicated it would be except this title some youtuber chose. It's a very cool easter egg for a trailer, but not for a game's soundtrack.
  21. My general bet is that the name will be only one syllable long. Nintendo fared incredibly well with the Wii name. As the Peeps said, "Stream" was rumored and it sounds like a very good one-word-summary of what the new central feature's going to be - complete game/content streaming to the controller. Maybe it's even: "Striim"? Although that looks wrong when you write it, so my bet stays "Stream".
  22. Ah, forgot that this was held in last two years. Assuming it's another round table with Myamoto, then there's probably not much actual news on Wednesday, but at least some nice background information about games and the new console.
  23. And/or Activision cracked their "make-more-money"-whip. In any case, of all current Blizzard games, Diablo seems like the most natural fit for consoles. It's big on cooperative play and the concept can work reasonably well with a controller (unlike SC/WC).
  24. It should be there - Joystiq had an article and apparently the Europe "Welcome back"-stuff is there. I get the error messages, too. Most likely the server is being hammered with requests atm.
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