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Everything posted by Burny

  1. Saw that and am a bit confused. Live blog on Wednesday? Sony's+MS' conferences are on Monday iirc. So there is something live blog worthy from Nintendo on Wednesday? More likely than not, it's nothing to get fired up about, but could it be they're somehow splitting their conference and announcements?
  2. Ah sorry, I read that as "but we have all this kind of stuff"-response.
  3. Yes, yes, that's fine and all and we're probably going to see something like it in every Zelda (think stamps in Spirit Tracks, optional dungeons in TP, fairies in MM's temples etc.), but it's a completely different quality from what that rumor says or the way the guy interprets it. It's all relatively easy to include collectibles or one or two optional mini-dungeons. That's not redoing every dungeon in the game and designing a new boss for it because that means major effort. Though that's not "never ending" either, like the wording of the rumor would suggest.
  4. Together with their the new engine that's designed for PS360/PC/NGP it's one of the final nails in the coffin for 3rd party exclusivity. Can only be a good thing in the future.
  5. I believe the Wii can view other flash videos? If I remember correctly, I could view Gametrailer's videos when the Wii's browser was released. Though this might no longer work with the new player they have. Youtube even have a specifically modified layout for their site for the Wii's browser. But nothing guarantees that a flash application will run smoothly on the Wii and that includes all kind of players, games and sites. Well, nothing guarantees that a flash application runs smoothly on a PC either, but most PCs have an overabundance of power and memory, so they're fine.
  6. In their twitter account they came across as having the mentality of 15-year old angry kids. I'll wait for more news on this, might be they're only bluffing. If they are not however, this is ridiculous. It's not that I have a beef with Sony, but if any company is storing sensitive data like passwords in plain text and uses a system open to SQL injection, that's downright careless and asking for something like this to happen. For a general idea what SQL injection is, see xkcd.
  7. At the very least it looks like the concept of near platform parity with the NGP (Vita?) and the PS3 is technically working very well. But as Debug_Mode says, what they're doing now is downsizing a more recent home console including the types of available games and control method into a handheld. That can be a good thing, because it might be the only way they can get major western third parties, who are completely focused on high def console and PC development, really interested. It can also be a bad thing, because they might have to rely on ports for very high profile third party support. Still, I hope the NGP succeeds where the PSP failed in the west. Putting pressure on Nintendo can only be a good thing in certain areas, where they're not quiet delivering until now. And having two dedicated and distinguishable gaming handheld systems on the market should finally shut up the "OMG - 90c apps are killing gaming handhelds!"-hype, that has been completely blown out of proportions lateley imo.
  8. It's effectively a 400x240 screen + maybe the lower screen. It's a device with less RAM than your average PC browser eats up once you've got several tabs open and it's simply not a powerful device, even by mobile standards. What kind of browsing experience where you expecting? What made you think it'd ever be a comfortable surfing device? @Retro_Link / ShadowV7 Yes, there could be all kinds of reasons why Capcom would put a demo into their retail game in addition to a demo they'd eventually make available over the eshop. The absence of retail game demos from the eShop is one of them and going by Nintendo's history a likely one. I just wouldn't hold my breath for retail game demos, while demos for downloadable games might be a different story. As for releasing E3 demos, I'd say there is no hope whatsoever, no matter what company. Those demos often enough show later parts of the game or parts that might not end up being in the game at all (see Skyward Sword), that a developer wouldn't want to be in a demo.
  9. Why would Capcom have to package a RE:Revelations Demo with RE:Mercenaries, if Nintendo would allow retail game demos anytime soon in their shop? No demos.
  10. Myamoto was asked in an interview which game he would like most to remake in 3d (somthing like that) and he said AlttP, iirc. That's nothing to go by, really.
  11. Who would have to correct that though? Is it Nintendo's/the browser's developer's responsibility or does Adobe have to provide an implementation for the flash plugin? Is it even feasible? The browser has to run while you're playing a game. That means most of the 3DS' RAM is probably in use, even when the game is "frozen" and the 3DS' processing power can be used for browsing. And while not in a game? I don't have any experience with Flash on Android Smartphones, but does flash run properly on them? They all have rather a lot of processing power which the 3DS doesn't have. Why would we need flash support on the 3DS btw.? Any decent site that's got something to say can do so without bombarding you with flash BS and if they do, it's guaranteed to kill your browser on the weak 3DS anyway, supported or not. If it's youtube streaming you want, hoping for a dedicated youtube application running without flash makes far more sense imo.
  12. We saw how well that "just" worked, even with merely emulating PS2 games on the earlier PS3s. Something like the dolphin isn't a measure to go by either, because this requires an absolute beast of a PC and includes lots of work from the emulator team and fine tuning by the user, just to get single games to work. 1:1 backwards compatibility for Wii games is probably the best we can hope for. I'd be totally in for a Windwaker HD-port as downloadable game. Wii games are a bit too recent IMO.
  13. Good! One more question, because I'm not up to scratch with the Plus stuff: Do you keep games you bought with the Plus member discount once the membership expires? I'm eying BG&E of course.
  14. Does that include the 30 days Plus membership?
  15. That sounds incredibly unlikely... I mean, it might completely feasible for the typical (semi-)turn based JRPG to repackage dungeons after the initial ending like that. Give every monster 10 times as much health, change the immunities a bit, throw some stronger enemies from the late game into the fray and you're done. But for a full featured 3D Zelda? Why on earth would they bother to design a completely modified version of every dungeon with a completely new boss for after the game is finished? That'd roughly double the amount of time they need to design the dungeons. And only making it accessible for people who have completed the game means that maybe half of the people buying the game would ever touch these dungeons and areas. Not that I would complain if they bothered to include large amounts of post-game content. I just can't see them letting their team spend a significant amount of time on "free" bonus content when they could use that manpower on other projects.
  16. The problem might be disappointment when this turns out not to be the next best thing. A 25th anniversary project doesn't necessarily mean "new Zelda".
  17. Nintendo provides their own stream on a dedicated site: e3.nintendo.com
  18. Someone at GAF made a GIF, that fits this thread like nothing else.
  19. @Serebii: When/where/how did you learn about the app and can you tell more about it? Going through the screenshots, I noticed that the Pokemon seem to cast shadows on themselves in some of them. Going by the shadow on the tail in the next shot it's even done in real time. I do hope these aren't only static statues though and have some animation, like blinking, breathing, turning their heads etc. I also hope Nintendo will continue to update this and integrate it with newer Pokemon games instead of forgetting it exists after a couple of months.
  20. Free, continuously updated Pokedex 3D App on the 3DS? That's fan service and quiet handy at that, too.
  21. No, he should be forced to listen to the chicken lady begging Link to retrieve her lost chickens all day long, while promising him an empty bottle as reward. That really makes for quality dialogue. :p
  22. Funny, that I think he, unlike you, actually understands what Zelda is.
  23. It's true that story really pushes you through a game and Uncharted's story really delivered. But Uncharted's story was Indiana Croft meets Lara Jones with everything you expect from a summer blockbuster, including mildly witty dialogue. Basically a well written popcorn movie. I can't get hyped for that although I enjoy it. But then, I pretty much can't get hyped for any blockbuster movies either. Just learned that the confirmed composer for Skyward Sword is responsible for this: Audio and this Audio (if Gafers can be believed) That's something I can get hyped over. ^^
  24. Shooting the millionth enemy, clinging to the millionth narrow ledge with one hand in on-rails platforming sections and summer blockbuster production values are as good a reason to get hyped as puzzling your way through the millionth dungeon and kicking Ganon's butt the millionth time I guess.
  25. I'd say the low hype level isn't caused by the point in the Wii's life cycle, but by the way the game was presented so far. If Nintendo had shown a "proper" hype trailer until now ( ), people still caring for it might not give a damn about how old the Wii is. Instead, Nintendo focused almost solely on demonstrating the most basic of game mechanics and how they work with WiiMotion+. How do you throw a bomb? How do you kill a flesh-eating plant? How do you use the bow? What would have been exciting to show, are locations you'll be visiting, bosses you'll be fighting, side characters you'll be interacting with as well as hints at what the plot is (as thin as it is in Zelda games) and - of course - the trailer music has to be . All we got was Link jumping off the cliff as cliffhanger (no pun intended ). Small wonder the first image of Link without sword back to back with the silvery girl created seemingly more hype than last years E3 presentation. Add in, that the juvenile conviction among large parts of the Zelda "fan"base seems to be that every next game in the series should be more gritty, more mature, more open and more hardcore (which inevitably will lead to disappointment and those people eventually giving up on Zelda - fingers crossed :p ) and you get about the hype there is now. The second trailer from GDC was much better imo, although the music didn't sound too epic for known reasons. It seems much better paced and showes a larger variety of game elements and enemies. With exception of showing one potential enemy character though, even that didn't connect everything into a large picture.
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