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Everything posted by Burny

  1. There might just be a certain fan base, that's giving them a good run for their money. You know, color's eeevil, 'cause our click-three-gazillion-monsters-to-death-and-then-do-it-again-on-a-higher-difficulty-game is soooo mature. :P (I would link to certain mockups of Diablo III screenshots, but apparently I'm not allowed yet)
  2. Am I the only one, who couldn't care any less for a comprehensive Zelda time line and takes each new game as a time line of its own?
  3. Yes, such ordinary and real things as bathrooms somehow clash with a game world, where, until now, every other wall had an exactly morph ball-sized ventilation shaft to the enemy's headquarters. How are they going to explain bathrooms?
  4. o.O Ok, why would I use the video chat again, if I'm sitting right next to the other players? ^^ Anyway, might be my first Pokémon game since the red edition.
  5. Finished the game a couple of weeks ago. Personally, I loved it. I even managed to convince a fellow student to get it, when he asked me for good overlooked Wii games you can get for cheap. He enjoyed it, too. ^^ Some bosses really were a bit of a pain. Especially those, who had instant kill moves. :P Couldn't be bothered to get all collectibles, but thats the case with every game for me. How can I take Verde to the last battle? I can't remember having the option. My only technical complains are the lack of pointer control, clumsy group management and the lack of 480p. Neither killed it for me and the game controlled well enough, but seriously, what were they thinking when they decided not to include the pointer functionality? Some "shake the mote for sending all minions with the same class as the first one at once" command wouldn't have hurt either. It uses real world art and themes, that you could describe as mature (at least as mature, as the 1001. whack-a-mole WWIII shooter, anyway), and packs it into a... well, that would be a spoiler. I'd describe it as an extended playable fable. There's lots of subtle irony in it and if you are so inclined, you can well call it art. Plus, the game's mechanics may have elements of Pikmin, but they're really quite unique. Looking back, I can see why the game is so overlooked. When the creators deliberately chose an art style like a child's fantasy, they practically asked for it. I'm just happy the game came into being and sad, that only so few people will look past the visuals and enjoy the game they hide...
  6. Action in a JRPG. Interesting. Ok seriously, I'm enjoying the gameplay mechanics of western RPGs far more than those of JRPGs. But Xenoblade an Last Story have me really excited, because they both seem to bring something new to the table. Especially the combat seems unusually dynamic for JRPGs. However, I really don't get why everyone seems to be jizzing in their pants so much lately, especially on joystiq.com's comment section. Even if the trailer really rocks. The music gives the trailer a very epic touch. I'm surprised it's so dark and so grayish/brownish. Gears of Fantasy? ^^
  7. Because there's no use in options, once motion controls have been fully embraced in the game's design. It's not a matter of just mapping a certain motion to a button press. When the exact angle at which a motion is executed matters, there are already problems translating it to buttons and analog sticks. It might work well enough for horizontal and vertical strikes, as seen in the SS demo, but for anything in between they'd have to implement a special system that does not exists so far. Problem is: He is absolutely right. Also he doesn't bash Zelda fans in general, but the general kind of fan that always knows better than everybody else, including the creators, what a sequel to their favorite game has to look like (preferably dark and err.. "mature"!).
  8. If that's everything we had to do in order to play the games from a hard drive, I wouldn't mind. Seems a small "price" to pay for the comfort of having all games on a hard drive. As long as the installation remains optional everything should be fine. But how would an activation for existing games work, if such a system was to be implemented for the regular user? It's only natural that Nintendo would want to prevent excessive sharing of games, but is there any way to recognize a certain disc of a game, so it could be "locked" after installation?
  9. I'm actually really impressed by GT's choice. Seems they acknowledged that high-definition graphics doesn't automatically equal high-quality graphics (although the other nominees don't lack the quality). Reading the comments on there is really funny, too. So many people trying to reason, that only the most real looking games deserves a graphics award, as they represent the highest technical achievement. A pity, that we won't be able to tell shooter game A from shooter game B, if that trend on the high-def machine continues. Not that I have something against all those gritty games in their epic browns and grays. ^^
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