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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I like liquorice allsorts.... some own brand dolly mixtures aren't bad either (though the big brand one I agree... disgusting). Mario kart 8 deluxe I'm just not getting as things stand. They would need to offer me a significant discount (basically battle mode dlc price range) and I don't see that happening. Would be nice if Deluxe and Wii U players were able to play against each other though, a bit like we could on mk8 with the dlc... again don't see it happening though. Splatoon 2.. I need to know how things stand with online subs. And the console itself.. if it had the Wii U browser I'd have gotten it as a tablet and then bought games when I felt like it. As it stands it needs a solid library of games. I'm trying to complete the fit meter challenges on wii fit u before getting a switch... we'll see how that goes (I'm a few thousand kilometers off still... I think I need to average like 30 km a day to be able to by a switch in a years time )
  2. Zelda, MK8, Splatoon 2 and Mario odyssey are probably the gum drops for switch right now. Agree there aren't enough yet though.
  3. Oops! It would be a challenge.... but if hand washed clothes dry ok you would be sure machine washed ones would be!
  4. I had one at uni, it was really good. It was 8 years ago now though, not a clue what it was called. But yeah, they eat electricity, bills were included in the rent so I had no problem with abundantly using the electricity in that place, but normally I would steer clear of them. Maybe see what drying is like in the new house before making a final decision though!
  5. I think it would be worth while waiting till more information comes out about the switch... rather than getting ratty because speculative suggestion A doesn't match speculative suggestion B. What kind of games would people most want on switch, given what they know about it? How would they like to see the games make use of the systems features? Personally I'd be interested in a few PC games. Constructor is already coming out, a game like monkey island, worms 3, age of empires, total annihilation, command and conquer red alert... in handheld mode I imagine it would be straight forward, touch where the mouse would have clicked. But in docked mode I wonder if the joycon motion control would be able to work much as a mouse would for a PC? could be interesting. I guess that's good news... although after the wii u situation I would strongly discourage people having multiple NNID's linked to a single piece of hardware. Or at least don't then expect to be able to use those NNID's on multiple switch's without Nintendo punishing you for it
  6. Because it is reasonable to assume online is free on a Nintendo system. If they are going to charge they need to be upfront about it. And maybe they were vague and quiet so they could see what exactly we do and don't want. We can at least hope.
  7. I won't be home and haven't a clue where I would find one. I won't be in the US, EU or Japan, so I imagine not having a pre-order means I haven't got a chance It is a shame because the plane journey would have been a good opportunity to use it. Actually one of the biggest system seller for me (currently) is a port of a 1997 PC game, if more of those come out I'm not sure I'll be able to resist for too long. I always felt the Wii U was a missed opportunity for games like constructor. Zelda being on both switch and Wii U is probably going to have the same effect on me as twilight princess... I'll not decide which to get and end up skipping the game altogether. I want to get the game for Wii U, but the actual portability of the switch version has me torn Fact is I have a few upcoming expenses, so buying a Switch isn't really something I want to commit to this year. I know £500 isn't that big a sum of money, but at the same time it is enough to make a difference. It's basically the cost of me going to visit my fiancee, and I'm happier putting the cash towards that for now. In a year or so.... we'll see
  8. I'm in a plane most of March 2nd, so pretty much 100% unable to pick up a switch. I think that is a good thing for my self control!
  9. The game would upload to miiverse directly. Just like we can access miiverse from our PC's, but don't need our Wii U's to wirelessly send the photo to the PC to post onto miiverse... I personally hope they have just changed the name of miiverse, but suspect they are pushing onto facebook twitter etc. so there is publicity and free advertising for the console. Miiverse on the app would essentially be fb/twitter with a filter so only "#switch" tagged posts and images show up?
  10. I had a quick look on google and everything I found was speculation, generally linked to the assumption many made (myself included) that the switch wouldn't have a touch screen as it would be inaccessible in docked mode.
  11. That's a shame.... even the 3ds browser can be useful at times (though it works with very little these days) but I'd have thought after the 3ds and wii U it was quite likely I hope you are wrong on that though!
  12. doesn't the central actual console portion need to be white for that though?
  13. Talking of online.... If the Switch has online akin to the Wii U, I may get it as a tablet (assuming the browser wouldn't require payment of the subscription fee ) I love the net access on the Wii U, far superior to my phone, lighter than my laptop, superior (imo) to a tablet access (I despise mobile variants of websites) and portable unlike my PC. The only issue is it isn't AS portable as I would like, some rooms it won't work in or it cuts out in specific areas. Switch no having to communicate with a base console wouldn't have the issue so.... I guess we won't know about that till a lot closer to the launch date though
  14. I want the central console to be a matching colour I'm hoping that they will do that by the time I'm interested in getting one
  15. it's speed class U3, which is about as good as it gets currently (what speed can switch reach??) it's 3 times faster than a regular class 10 card, so quite nice I found this for a 256Gb microsd... https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Memory-Cards/256GB-Micro-memory-card-free-adapter-FREE/B01LWRPBDB/ref=sr_1_34?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1484590142&sr=1-34&keywords=256Gb+micro+sd For those wanting HICH speeds and HICH quality and also to be double sure it is water proof (though apparently not so resistant to knocks and bumps....) also good for transferring data "rqpidement" But yeah, that 128Gb card looks ok.
  16. That's MUCH more like it. I'm hoping they'll introduce games from other consoles a bit more quickly than with the Wii U though. We had up to Wii on the Wii U... but it looks like all the worth while Wii U games will already be sold as full switch games anyway so... probably just up to the Wii again
  17. Burnout on the gamecube. And I loved it. the precision control is fantastic. I can see the switch having pressure sensitive shoulder pads rather than regular analogue shoulder pads because as a portable it's something that sticks out less so is less vulnerable to damage etc. a bit like 3ds analogue stick vs the Wii U ones. So I am hopeful, although pressure sensitive < analogue shoulders. with analogue shoulders you can feel how far you have pushed them in, it's a more natural control method for me than pressure... you know when you are at 100%, with pressure you could be at 500% of what they will read and be no wiser.
  18. Good on you. I think with the price scalping won't be AS big of an issue anyway. I hope so, hate seeing unscrupulous people taking advantage of people with more money than sense. It's legal thievery. I don't really like the red and blue combo... not sure why exactly. For me the choice would be simple, the grey one. However, having two distinct colours would be useful in multiplayer situations. One advantage of missing out on launch is the hope of different colours
  19. The dark side would sell the other 4 to pay for the next 5 years of Switch gaming. I am quite disappointed on a few fronts with this, but you know, honestly, I'm glad, because rationally I need to wait at least a year I'm stuck on a plane for most of March the 2nd, I don't know that central America will be getting any units in, so there's no point in me pre-ordering anyway. I hope they don't have any units in... if I see one in the wild I may just break :s
  20. I agree about the handheld. They could release a stronger home console though. Switch is 720-1080. So if they make a home console that is 1080-4k power... developers have a choice to make it compatible with both the handheld switch and new home console, or push the software further and focus solely on the home console. Releasing a home console that is on par with Sony's machine (and if Microsoft stay in them too) would be something of a surprise, especially if they manage some how to sway activision, ubisoft, Square enix to give proper support. And who knows, if they want to shake the very foundations of reality, get EA to release something other than a butchered game as well... Maybe a VR system if VR has started to take off. Looking at the switch, a handheld, it doesn't seem THAT far off from the current generation of home consoles. Look at the gap between the 3DS and Wii U. If Nintendo achieve that with the next (real) home console.... And before people get upset by that "real" I genuinely believe the switch is the handheld successor to the 3ds.
  21. to be fair, giving the 3ds 5 years, it's successor was due March last year. Giving the Wii U 5 years, it's successor is due November this year. the 3ds successor was pushed back 1 year, called the Wii U successor. I suspect the 3ds will be asked to last out till November 2018/9.... so with Nintendo's track record, maybe 1 or two games out next year for the 3ds
  22. they aren't ditching the 3ds.... The Wii U is dead. The 3ds is laying in it's death bed, but it still has a weak pulse. They are buying time for the next handheld console. The alternative is ditch the 3ds that IS making money and keep the Wii U that isn't making money.... Basically Nintendo have 2 handhelds, and quite likely the pricing for the switch games is to leave the 3ds a space in the market, though perhaps at the expense of the switch. basically the 3ds is half the price, a quarter (or less?) the power and 4 times the battery life....and titles cost half as much.
  23. I think from what was said officially it is monthly. They may have an annual pass as well. Whether I get this is in the balance, they need to offer a compelling system for me to pick it up, even then I will likely sit it out. I entered a couple of competitions to win one... if I do win one then cool, I'm all in. otherwise.... the wii u is dead, the 3ds has very little to offer now, if they don't hook me in within the first few months I can see myself sitting out from gaming altogether.
  24. in a car racer, when you get bumped feel the metal give? In a fps, feel which side you're getting shot from? again a racer actually, the steering wheel using the joy cons as your left and right hand on the steering wheel... don't know if the HD rumble could give the impression of a steering wheel pushing to the right/left when you get bumped from the side/hit uneven terrain?? not sure how feasible that would be though. in a graffiti game, shaking the aerosol you could feel the mixer pinging about inside the can? mario party, a dice shaker I'm sure it would be able to give more feed back in say starfox, the difference between being hit by a lazy, or hitting a tree, or hitting a solid rock, or being blow up, hitting water etc. Hopefully Nintendo will give us an answer soon.
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