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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. 19 hours ago, MindFreak said:

    So - an update is due. They finally finished analysing on Wednesday and they found three things: One line of cells with totally normal chromosomes (for a boy, XY). One with another X chromosome (Klinefelter, XXY). And one line with another Y chromosome (XYY). When they see this combination of cells, they know from research that 87 % of the fetuses that have this are completely normal. So the case was that the placenta has some chromosomes and cells different from the fetus itself (and the mother, which is seen in 1-2 % of the cases they analyse). On Wednesday, the doctors will take a sample directly from the fetus (or rather, the amniotic fluid it swims in) and hopefully, we are in the 87 % with a normal baby. 

    While this wasn't quite the answer we hoped or expected, it was a relief. 87 % is quite a lot so our hopes are rather high. It will hurt if we fall into the 13 % and we shall see to what extent the condition amounts to (i.e. Klinefelter or double Y syndrome or just a small mosaic which doesn't mean much).

    We'll get the final answer to that in about 3 weeks - meaning that my wife will be halfway through her pregnancy at that point.

    I am crossing my fingers for you Mindfreak.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 15/08/2020 at 11:21 AM, will' said:

    This sounds like madness, surely you shouldn’t be in work at all right now?

    Shielding is paused in NI, any shielders in high risk areas like wards are temporarily redeployed, but since my job is not "high risk" I'm expected back.  Even my line manager isn't happy about it, but his line manager will not facilitate me WFH. (even though ALL of my job can be done at home, and all of the highers are wfh). But the mortgage has to be paid. 


    22 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    That's a right pickle to be in. Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time. @Happenstance's idea about the visor sounds like it could be a good solution. I'm a bit surprised that I'm not seeing as many of those in shops as I thought I would. They seem much more comfortable and manageable than a mask. 


    22 hours ago, bob said:

    They apparently are less effective than a standard face mask, but a lot of shop workers don't wear anything, so I guess they would be better than that...

    I just need a hazmat suit at this point LOL.  I'm basically structuring my day so that i'm out as little as possible in public spaces, and I am not wearing the mask in the office (which is a risk in itself but i just have to be vigilant).  I think the heat might have been a factor on that particular day, i'm just gonna have to be a lot more careful

    Most of the frustration i'm having is due to the fact that if I was diagnosed properly with what i'm suffering there's every chance a treatment would drastically improve everything that's wrong.  I was actually looking into my options for private care in march (id been waiting a year and a half at that point) but with covid happening no appointments are going on.  

  3. Our work staff policy only includes "indoor public spaces where 2m distance cannot always be achieved".... which is ambiguous at best. And that only came out YESTERDAY. (NHS!!!!!)

    I struggle with the masks and probably fall under the "medical exemption" as i have very weak throat muscles.  Its really a difficult quandry I'm in.... I struggle wearing them as its tough for me to breathe at all... but then I am exactly the sort of person that needs to wear one... I walked into the office and got winded today and i got into the lift alone and pulled the mask off, i was seeing stars and about to collapse.... and since I've had pain in my chest, throat and i'm struggling to breathe more than normal.  

    I'm so sad, so fed up with life in general, and ready for this shit to be done.  Sign me up for a fucking vaccine plz. :cry:

  4. 4 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    Unpopular opinion: It all probably goes to landfill anyway. (or most of it, at least)

    It varies from council to council, but with in house recycling i would tend to agree!  Most of NI is outsourced to a private company which i suspect do recycle since they want the money back.  They actually sort the stuff at the source and fire back things they cant recycle.  Cardboard, glass & tin are very easy to recycle so I try to stick to buying as much stuff in those as possible.  Plastic can be recycled but only a few times before it degrades and has to be binned.   

    Its really disgusting how much food is unnecessarily in plastic :( 

  5. 36 minutes ago, Cube said:

    I had a letter though my door telling us off for improper recycling, turned out our downstairs neighbour was chucking loads of rubbish into our recycling bin. 

    Pouring it all into their empty general waste bin right after it had been emptied and taping my recycling bin ended up stopping that.

    daaaaaaaaannnng you hit them hard !!!!  Its a pet peeve of mine when people use my bin.  I had my garden waste bin half filled with what looked like soil.  It made me so angry. The council had to come out specially to get it since it was too heavy for me to move or use.  I can't contemplate how people (even a large family) can overfill a typical wheelie bin in 2 weeks.  They're either not recycling AT ALL or downright wasteful/lazy.

    I am downsizing how much plastic I buy (with the mind of completely stopping).  Its a momentous task.  When I need something on the shopping list I am looking for alternatives.  There are things i maaaay have to give up or seriously reduce consumption of.  Its also really really tough on a budget to completely remove all your plastic consumption since there's a huge markup on zero waste stores.  I put my bin out last fortnight with nothing bar some cat poop and one single bag from my kitchen.

  6. The R rate is rising here again, they estimate it between 0.8 and 1.8. 40 something new cases in a day.  for a small island with 1.8m people, not particularly dense population, that's pretty bad.  I've been back to work for a week and theres a fair possibility i might end up shielding again if it spikes much more.  A spike was inevitable with more things opening just hope it stays steady and people recover OK.  We've not had a death in a week or so I believe. But with all the shielders allowed out that could be a matter of time! masks are being made compulsory on Monday instead of later on in the month with the spike coming so soon.  Looks like we're prob gonna have to wear them in work all the time.  I've been wearing mine going in and out since my space is well away from everyone else... but i am the only one except for clinical staff that ive seen wearing any

  7. 2 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

    My wife is pregnant. Now, why am I posting this here?

    Some might recall that three years ago, I got a son with a disease that he got from me, without me knowing about my having it. It's called Hirschsprung's disorder and affects the colon, making it unable to pass through shit to speak bluntly. He was operated thrice and is now a happy toddler, three years old and doing very well. He will live a life with a bit more visits to the loo than a usual human but we're speaking 5-6 times a day if today's standard is something to go by. 

    However, I didn't wish for this kind of situation for another child, so my wife and I went through genetic diagnostics to find the genes responsible for the disease. It went well - albeit a bit slow - and in May, my wife was declared pregnant. We were offered a genetic screening of the fetus to check that the gene was not there and we accepted that. The day after, we got went for a scan (in Denmark, pregnant women are offered a scan of the fetus at week 12 and again at week 20 to check that everything is alright) and here we were told that there was a relatively high risk of Down syndrome - 1:163. So they would check for that as well with the sample they got from the screening the day before.

    As it turns out, the fetus does not have Down syndrome. However, it has an X chromosome too much. That's not good. If it's a girl it is called Triple X and for boys it's called Klinefelter syndrome. It's worse for boys, making them infertile or completely sterile, giving them boobs, and generally feminine looks because of a lack of testosterone - and lower than average IQ. For girls, it's better but they may also have a lower than average IQ and some other, less clear problems.

    On paper, it doesn't sound that bad but well, reading up on it it's really not without problems and it's just... frustrating. Here we are, trying to rid the world of one disease only to get another? Why can't we just like.. have a normal pregnancy without all those worries? We got worried with out son because he lacks one of his kidneys which we found out during the pregnancy. This time, we just wanted everything to be OK but no... 

    Now, we need to wait for another analysis - there is the possibility that the genetic samples have been contaninated with some of my wife's tissue (https://www.mayocliniclabs.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/35479) and thus, nothing to worry about, the baby is fine. But I just don't believe in it as it's just the less likely scenario, I've been hit so many times and have been trying to be optimistic about all of this. If I weren't an atheist, I would have sworn that we were being bullied by some higher powers.

    Gosh that is really heavy stuff dude. Crossing my fingers for you that it isn't too serious.

    I don't know if this helps - but as someone with a LOT of chronic illnesses its often much harder for your loved ones to deal with than for the "sufferer" themselves.  We have our moments of why me, but generally you do just get on with it as best you can.  And you never forget what your parents went through for you <3  Keep us updated and i really really hope for the best possible outcome for you and your wife! 

    • Like 1
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  8. 7 hours ago, Happenstance said:

    Anyone else as devastated as I am that Argos will no longer be releasing the Argos catalogue? How am I supposed to figure out what toys I want for Christmas now??? 

    all the 80s kids are devastated!!! I'm glad for the environment but its definitely the end of a big chapter for a lot of people!

    • Like 1
  9. On 22/07/2020 at 10:30 AM, Mr_Odwin said:

    I stood on a slug, and it squished under my foot. Horrendous.

    I can honestly say reading this was the LOWEST point of my day today...... I would burn that place to the ground AWFUL


    I've lived in a lot of places...

    born - Inverness, scotland.
    1 y/o - moved to germany, had a few different homes there in different bases (RAF)
    approx 3 - moved back to Inverness - we had at least 2 different homes there (again still RAF)
    10 - moved to Ballymena, Northern Ireland - (Parents bought a house a couple of miles out of town. Dad retired from service. they still live there.)
    28 - rented a flat right in our local town, lived by myself
    30 - bought a house 5 miles out of town, live by myself

    I had a FT job from 18, never went to uni.  Took a while for me to get my adult shit together.  I had a very good relationship with my parents so it wasn't difficult for me to stay.  They were pretty surprised when i told them i was moving out lol

    • Like 1
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  10. On 18/07/2020 at 11:40 AM, Eddage said:

    I also remember there being a reasonably active IRC chat, would have been around 2009. @Raining_again and @nightwolf were definitely involved among others so it's nice to see you both popping back up again :)

    @nightwolf and I are always up to mischief :grin: 

    I remember your username well @Eddage, its honestly a big of a head melt seeing all these usernames and being taken back to such a cool time in my life. 

    • Like 1
  11. 45 minutes ago, Mr_Odwin said:

    In 2018 I started having knee pain, and after going down the physio/GP/x-ray route it turned out I'd worn away a lot of cartilage in my knees (essentially osteoarthritis) so running is gone forever. I was super sad at the time. For a good few years I was hammering out 20-40 miles per week, so it's partly my own fault. Mileage coupled with a lot of hilly road running wrecked my knees.

    So then I started going to the gym at work instead of just using it as a changing room for outdoor running, and I've made okay progress for a noob. I've been using Stronglifts 5x5, but without the squats (knees can't handle them), and it was going well, and I've been doing some HIIT stuff cross trainer. So running was off the table but I had a decent gym routine.

    Since lockdown I've not been able to go to the gym, so any small progress I was making with weights is gone. I tried making some home weights but it was not great, as I had to rope my kids/wife into helping me. AND OH MY GOODNESS, how expensive are weights at the moment? I don't wanna pay £300 for a bar and a handful of weights. It's nuts.

    So I've upped my cycling, and I try to do at least 5 miles each lunchtime, and then 10+ on a Saturday morning.

    Still, the corona curves are creeping in.

    If you're going to spend that kind of money you'd be better buying proper olympic bars and weights.  A kettlebell would be a good investment as well (KB swings really don't impact your knees if you are doing them right) and is a real space saver. 

    My mum used to run 10 miles a day when I was growing up and she absolutely trashed her knees, she has steroid injections every now and then and does a lot of pilates which helps.


    My fitness routine is non existent. I'm doing very strict intermittent fasting, basically what the magazines have coined 5:2, but instead of 2 days i do 3 days fasting.

    Caught up with a friend i hadn't spoke to in ages who was as deep as i was in the weightlifting deal, he was telling me all his awesome achievements and while i was feeling happy for him I still desperately miss being so heavily active and strong =(

  12. 21 hours ago, will' said:

    Yeah it definitely is. There’s nowhere near this much activity usually. Good for it to be like this again, makes for a lot of interesting things to chat about.

    i harassed at least half a dozen people to come on lol


    On 15/07/2020 at 10:26 AM, Mr_Odwin said:

    I live in constant regret for what I did previously. No matter what, I think that what I'm currently doing is pretty cool, but then when I reflect on it later I am filled with cringe, and think that past_Odwin is awful.

    Oddddders heyyy!!!

    • Like 2
  13. I use a bullet journal to track my finances but ive been extreeeeeeemely lazy about keeping it up since covid hit.

    I've got just short of 60k in debt (house and car)  Automatic bank transfers to savings accounts, 90% of my banking takes care of itself i just have to not overspend lol

  14. 2 minutes ago, nightwolf said:

    Aye, we were a party of 25. But have just decided to get mum/dads and just get married/meal at the time. 

    We've got our honeymoon for NYC in November. 

    The main thing to remember is that we will get married and he's the best, so it doesn't matter when :)

    I think we're looking at a party of 20, where it was 50 wedding / <200 reception.  All that matters is the person you love at the end of the day :heart: if my sister wanted to run off with 2 random witnesses i'd still support her.  

    Its wild to think she booked this wedding in march 2018 and we didn't have a notion of what was coming

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, nightwolf said:

    I did! 

    We were getting married on 4/4/20 (har har). But everything went to shit. SO we're hoping to get the go ahead on 10/10/20 instead. 

    my sister is supposed to be getting married on the 11th September, but I think shes cancelling/downsizing.  One of her best friends and myself are super high risk (shes had cancer and i've got all sorts lol). I didn't ask her to but she says she'd never forgive herself if we got covid19.  Such a bummer. :(

    • Like 1
  16. The social media cogs turn 24/7 and arguments spin out of control so easily. Admin teams have to exist across timezones and be very active to see shit going down.  I admin a group on FB and i'm not getting paid to sit there and babysit some idiots arguing about nonsense.  

    I also agree with the dislike for super threads.  Definitely sucks in a lot of content that could easily have their own threads. 

  17. -34/female/banana 



    -live in a small village in northern ireland

    -brought up in different countries as a military brat, born in scotland

    -have multiple health problems and disabilities, all auto immune related. 

    -i have voice damage and speak with a very hoarse voice.

    -work for the nhs

    -look after very poorly cats with fiv and mod one of the biggest fiv platforms on facebook.

    -i try to live a reduced environmental impact lifestyle, and i am slowly cutting out as much plastic use in my life, trying to grow food myself etc

    -i'm really not very exciting

    @will' brilliant topic idea :grin:


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  18. 22 minutes ago, nightwolf said:

    Hi lovelies. 

    Like a few of you I got the email about older members. I do still check in from time to time, but life has been so chaotic the last few years! It sounds like most of you are doing well though. :D


    • Like 1
  19. 8 minutes ago, Jimbob said:

    Felt some more normality today since lockdown eased.  Ventured out of Newport for the first time since March 22nd and went to my parents house, but made a visit to a friends house first.  He's been stuck in his parents place since this all started, only seeing the same 2 faces day in day out.  Took a bottle of rum over, we shared a drink (I bought a glass, he had his own too).

    Spent the rest of the afternoon at my parents, sister popped over (say popped over, my Dad went to get her, her baby and her partner).  Had a BBQ and a few beers, the day felt like a piece of normality (at 2m apart in the garden)

    Funny I went to my family's house for a BBQ today too (its a bank holiday weekend in NI so we always do that).  Having that change of scenery was definitely nice!

    • Like 1
  20. 20 minutes ago, soag said:

    I've been reading back through some of my old posts... Honestly old me was a bit of a ass... Don't know how you all put up with me. 

    as one of your closest friends for the better part of 20 years............





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