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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. My freakin god.  My mum's cat is freakishly identical to your friends @Serebii.  Extremely sorry for your loss.  Another friend of mine lost theirs to the same way, its horribly sad.  

    I'm not saying its right, but sometimes it is actually unavoidable, cats can and do dart onto the road very quickly and just don't give you the time to react. I don't think anyone *really* wants to run over a cat, even if they don't like them, because they can damage your car.  My mum hit a cat once, it darted from under a fence (possibly being chased or chasing) but thankfully where it was it wasn't at great speed and it got away.  A week later we saw that the house it darted from blocked off the bottom of the fence, so it must have been their cat.  My Mum lives with that guilt to this day, but it really is just one of those things... thankfully she wasn't speeding! 

    Its why, even if I had healthy cats, they'll all be in an inside arrangement.  Windowboxes and catios aren't too difficult to put together and its really not as "cruel" as people would think.  Cats are very adaptable.

  2. @Animal I hear you. I am built very big asides being overweight, and when i've been slimmer, I've still been "large" (my dads a big thicc military man and my mum is tall and wide, so cursed genes) and having to accept that had been difficult.  Especially being a female, the ideal body presented in the media being these ridiculously small feminine frames, thigh gaps and tiny waists, you're either born with that or not.

    I spent most of my 20s being unhappy, and not caring enough to try hard enough to lose weight.  On top of having undiagnosed adhd, which has a strong connection to a lot of eating disorders (emotional disregulation, overthinking, obsessive tendancies, boredom eating) I was pretty much a disaster. Any time I got anywhere near being slim I was just as unhappy as i ever was so it all slipped again.

    I'm getting to a stage in my life where diagnosis is within reach, and I am accepting of my physical shape - which is giving me a lot more control over my eating. Its still an uphill battle but i'm getting there step by step. 


    I'm also getting to a stage where i'm nearly at the weight I was before I started the diet rollercoaster, I'm just into the 17stones - I haven't seen 17st anything since i was 21 (now 31)

    • Like 2
  3. leangains.com 

    Dr Michael Moseley did a Horizon documentary that's very interesting, goes into the science of it.


    from my perspective: 

    You can do IF whatever way you want, usually i fast from 9-5, every weekday.. you can also do entire day fasts.  (this obviously depends on job, lifestyle, and gym routine)

    I used to do Mon-Wed-Fri every week, an entire 3 days of fasting, but this is not for the weak minded (and possibly not for gym performance at least on those days)

    i've also done 5pm to 5pm, IE sunday have breakfast & lunch, fast, then have dinner on monday (this was 3x a week as well). I actually used to go to the gym after my sunday lunch, workout, have my protein shake, then fast from then til monday night, for some reason it was mentally the easiest, and when I made the most gym gains.  But its finding your own groove.

    I read a book called the Alternate Day Diet, long before fasting became a thing and before LG became well known. and I just played around with it.  You can't really go wrong, just make corrections as you go if its not working as well as you'd like. 


    edit: see it became SUPER popular and now everyone has an opinion on it.  And I fear the ketogenic diet is going the same way tbh!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Still doing StrongLift. Took a week off from training, so I had to de-load.

    Working my way back up to 80kg squats. :)

    Squats are at 75kg
    Bench Press - 42.5kg
    Barbell Row - 37.5kg
    Overhead Press - 30kg
    Deadlift - 60kg


    I intend to start eating less soon and try to lose some fat. Not sure if I'll give keto another go or simply cut down on the calories.

    You may find you take a fitness stall if you try keto, in the first month or so before you become fat adapted your performance can be affected.  Not everyone gets it but a lot do. Just worth thinking about if you are weighing up the options.  A lot of gym rats I know would couple lifting and IF if thats up your street :)

    • Thanks 1
  5. My dear, dear friend runs a sanctuary for old, sick, & stray cats.  She has had 5 die in the past month.

    One was 20 and in severe renal failure.  Two white cats with no ears (both cancer) one was 8 and one was ~18.  One was a trauma case, was stuck in between rafters in a house fire, at the age of 16, she survived for a few weeks but between her age, the injuries and the emotional trauma she just didn't get through it. One was a lovely little 16 year old who had a massive tumour on his liver. 

    They're all like my second family - to say i'm heartbroken doesn't even attempt to cover it.   The last one that died, passed away on my freddy's 6 month anniversary.  We just cried in each others arms on Saturday.  

    Rescuers fatigue is such a real thing :'(


    • Sad 2
  6. I spent about 3 months solid complaining about how shit awful both mine and my vendors solicitor were lol

    They are fucking phone monkeys that check documents, and BARELY follow protocol correctly.... and they want thousands for it n all.


    Swear i'm in the wrong career 


    (don't get me wrong there are gooduns out there but they are few n far between)

    • Like 2
  7. 97 feckin pound a month?  when you say switching on light bulbs, are you sure its not electric heaters or ovens lol.... I didnt even pay that in the depth of irish winter, in an eco7 heating system on prepaid electric.....!!

    Estimates are estimates and they are ultimately fixed when you send in readings, so you'll pay more now and less later if you are found to be using less than they've estimated, they won't actually TAKE more money in the long run, its just a faff to sort out. 

    I moved into my house and was paying £30 a month on electric, as a standard cost for a new customer.  I submitted readings and i was using nowhere near that, so i've been paying £11 a month until my credit reduces.  I use between £16 and £18 a month.


    Also re the view and bid, i think when you know you know.... You'll almost certainly know straight away.  My house was the 3rd i viewed, 2nd i bidded on.  1st one I got into a bidding war, and it got over the amount I wanted to pay (i think their sale fell through in the end) 2nd was an orlit house, and unable to be mortgaged. 3rd was the one i live in. 

  8. cant see why a taxi wouldn't transport you and a cat secured in a carrier......


    I had fun with all 3 of mine in my car this week.  Clementine managed to get out and decided it would be a good idea to sit on my dashboard in front of my view of the road... lol


    this was her on the way back:


    • Like 5
  9. awk @shorty if i can do it a man of your calibre can.  I ripped off all my doorframes and refitted new smaller ones.  you just need a saw and one of those angle mitre boxes.  (for doorframes and skirting boards).  Half decent long nails with the small heads.  A LOT of measuring and a lot of patience. 

  10. get two at the same time, 100%.  It's a million times easier especially if you've not had before.  And you really should have 2 unless theyre special needs cats that don't like other cats... because generally speaking cats like to socialise, and its a lot of work to get two cats to tolerate each other #beenthere

    Generally litter rule is number of cats + 1, and ensure theres one on every floor.  Though I generally just have number of cats = number of litters and it works ok for me.  If you had 2 kittens from a litter they may share but bear in mind (especially when they are fully grown) it will involve poop scooping more often... if they litter tray is full kitty WILL go on the floor.

    In terms of litter type, i recommend clumping, you save a shitload of money because the pee "clumps" and you just scoop it and poo out, and i only change it when its looking really manky... maybe once every few months or so i'll do a complete empty and refill.  non clumping has to be emptied out every week completely as the pee doesnt clump so cant be lifted out.  See what the sanctuary they come from is using and try to buy similar type (ie wood pellets clay etc)

    Give me a shout if you need any help with anything else - i've a lot of experience having had 4 FIVs and volunteering in a rescue :)


    I'm currently working with a cat with behaviour problems, a needy girl cat, and a semi feral, all of which have FIV and their own seperate health problems...... its fun..... but i wouldnt have it any other way tbh!


    • Like 2
  11. I'm going to post this here, its not really good or bad (or maybe just a mix of both) but I'm going to be positive. 

    I have been going to therapy for a while, and myself and my therapist are piecing together a referral to the ASD service, in relation to a suspected adhd diagnosis. 

    So that's a thing I guess....?  I'm really not sure how to feel about it but it would confirm a lot of things in my entire life up to now... I kinda wonder how it was missed for all these years.... (i have the attention span of a goldfish) but I guess its one of those things being female its not as typically seen.  And the whole chronic psoriasis/physical ailments/significant bullying thing kinda overshadowed a lot of it.  It feels like it might be a battle but its never too late to get a diagnosis!

    • Like 1
  12. ripptoe is pretty up there with useful information. I believe I watched a squat vid of his and it opened my eyes to so much.


    I'm doing shit all exercise because im having a ROTTEN flare up of all the pains... my hip in particular is crippling. 


    Being in your 30s is fucking great, that juvenile arthritis is really setting in now -_-

  13. On 8/3/2017 at 6:16 PM, dan-likes-trees said:

    Speaking of - have been in our new flat for a month now - whole process was utterly seamless! Can't believe what a cash drain getting all the 'essentials' for a liveable house came to tho. Cleared me right out!

    Yeah definitely the first year, maybe 2 are the ones you're worst off financially speaking.  Even if a house is "ready to move into", like mine was, you can still find a million and one jobs to do and they all cost money, and add up!  Even stupid shit like curtain poles, curtains, maybe a new carpet here or there, (if you're like me a tank of oil for ofch) and before you know it you're into the thousands.  And that's after handing over many thousands on a deposit, fees, and other bits and pieces in the legal course of getting a home. Living on beans and toast for a while lol 

    • Like 1
  14. @nightwolf i'm so sorry to hear about all that shit, you really couldn't make it up.  While I love the NHS for what it is, it has a LOT of failings.  

    I recommend you make an official complaint. The relevant trust needs to own up to their mistakes, and like you say its not the "coal face" staff that are at fault.

    Love you loads, hope you get through this ok my dear xx


    I'm going through a bunch of shit too but my chronic pain kinda dims in comparison to you......!  I'm also being ignored by pretty much everyone, which is extremely frustrating.  

  15. On 7/23/2017 at 0:14 PM, Charlie said:

    A bank still won’t lend more money than the valuation of the property. 

    bit late to the party but yea, i'm pretty sure this is applicable in every country of the UK (it certainly is in northern ireland). 


    The banks have to be sure that they are not running a risk of losing the money they've given you, in a nutshell

    • Like 1
  16. Wooooooooow one to avoid then lol.  Dating is frikkin awful.  I either get shit like this or no replies. 

    I'm having an interesting dalliance with a previous FWB and his new girlfriend. 


    Also what really irritates the crap out of me, people who don't fill in their about me bit, even if its just SOMETHING.  I'm going in blind here!! And then they have the cheek to message and ask me things that ARE CLEARLY ON MY PROFILE.  PLEASE GO AWAY NOW.

    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Kav said:

    Solicitors take forever doing anything it seems... constantly having to chase them.

    Should be getting confirmation of completion date & the contract pack through this week we've been advised (last week), so far this week we've heard nothing... well, it is only Tuesday, but I want to know damn it! Haha

    Keep ringing them.  I was never off the phone to mine, don't care if it annoyed them because they all had their fingers up their arses instead of actually sorting out my issues!!!

    • Like 1
  18. I have all but one side of one door replaced now, down to painting.  Which is going to take forever.  I am sore & my living room is covered in sawdust... lol 

    It can be a helpful thing that I have adhd, but otoh, jobs general get done to 95% completion.  Real life example, the edges of my living room walls are the white from the ceiling and not the yellow they should be.....I am however determined to get this job done, and will do the living room when im painting around the door. 

    I am just hurting all over today, and have a metric ton of pebbles arriving tomorrow which i have to move from front of house to back as there is no back garden vehicle access... i am a sad han..... :-( 

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